[[[Krautgate]]] We did it, Sup Forums

>kraut makes some shitty videos with the assistance of chemistry undergrads to debunk race realism by attacking tangential arguments that really have nothing to do with the core issue
>Ryan Faulk, an autodidact, along with JF a PhD BTFO him
>Kraut immediately begins to devolve into trying to personally address Ryan Faulk by strawmanning minute details of his arguments
>starts gearing up to do the same to JF
>JF receives video recordings of his spergy discord server where they are clearly taking themselves too seriously and try to coordinate a simultaneous attack on JF
>turns out Kraut's discord had a plant in it put there by someone Kraut had smeared in the past
>this plant leaked information that the server was essentially being used to dox alt-righters or people they suspected of being alt-right and come up with smears against them
>everyone goes apeshit
>the skeptic community, being made up of proud individualists, immediately atomizes and turns on each other
>kraut's right hand man is now leaking content from other servers to Braving ruin to get revenge for kraut shoving all the blame onto him
>Kraut has now deleted 5 months worth of videos on his channel
>suicide imminent

that's the quick rundown

Other urls found in this thread:


This will be my last post, someone else take over starting new breads

Stupid leaf


JF is top bloke



Fuck you nigger, I need my sleep

Why did Kraut delete his "apology" video?

Did he already stop feeling bad for this after just a single day?

Can't wait for the Jim video