>"Oh you're alt-right, is that like nu-male or something?"
"Oh you're alt-right, is that like nu-male or something?"
Lincoln Morgan
Elijah Adams
That girl belongs with a nu male, they'd compliment each other well.
Charles Gonzalez
>implying a woman with those types of glasses wouldn't immediately try to kill me with a shard of that tea cup after she smashes it
Hudson Thompson
>implying a woman with those types of glasses wouldn't immediately try to kill me with a shard of that tea cup after she smashes itt
Brandon Howard
What the fuck
Liam Cook
>*Roman salutes and goose steps out of Starbucks*
Easton Wood
Michael Diaz
> No news to process
> mods are asleep
Juan Murphy
lol you sound like such a little bitch
Dominic Cruz
u sound mad