Reminder: The final boss of the skeptic community still remains supreme

Reminder: The final boss of the skeptic community still remains supreme.

He has a youtube channel called "The Thinkery." Fucking faggot cringe name for a youtube channel. Typical "anti-SJW but is still a libshit" cuck. Fuck this dink.

only a matter of time? why you think they're trying to make him complacent with doing live shows

So they can kill him

pussy ass fence sitting octaroon grindr using faggot

fuck that smug british cunt. what a lukewarm position, "hurr aren't da feminists so bad guise? heres my 400th video about anita sarkeesian"

Lets put him in a world without white people and see how long he lasts in other collectivist societies. Pro tip he won't last, because his ideas mean nothing to human ooga boogas

Do you think he will be next to fall? He's basically the head of the skeptic community and if he falls I think they will completely crumble.

i don’t buy that he’s an octoroon. Not brown enough. Has to be a lower fraction like 1/8.

much of the autism today is ingrained so hard due to a poor social situation. These retards will always exist in 1 shape or form but their current stack will fall with him most likely.

Whats wrong with Sargon? I don't agree with everything he has to say, but of all the (((skeptics))) he at least makes an effort to be informative and actually reads up on what he's talking about.

Octoroon literally means 1/8.

hes the rachel dolezal of the skeptic community, fuck that wanna be boon.

someone rundown this eceleb shit. Do people base their entire ideology on what these 100k sub youtubers post?

Do "skeptics" like this guy in OP say race doesn't exist or deny intelligence and genetic link?

Meh, Sargon doesn't bother me. He's not exactly with the alt right, but he's not a dick about it.

>burger doesn't know what octo means

What will you do now zat you embarrassed yourself in zee public spaace

Fuck you for misrepresenting my country and its intellect

>My wife's son

He knew to retreat when he saw Kraut pass the point of no return. He knows how to stay out of trouble with us. To get at him, we would need to go into the offense.

No and yes.

And what would you accept as capitulation? If in the case that Sargon *was* found to have knowledge of what Kraut was up to in this so called "Secret" discord.

The thing is, Sargon hasnt tried to fuck people over by forming communist allegiances with precarious individuals in order to dox members deemed to be ((("Alt-Right")))

Sargon is a war hero of Gamergate. Let’s just ignore the fact that he has worn panties into battle.

Stop promoting your favourite e-celeb subhumans. Reported and saged

>wants alt-right to be destroyed by SJWs
>alt-right and SJWs end up trying to destroy him

e-celebs are not politics. fuck, it's like I never left Sup Forums.

Non-Player. Completely based on emotion and non-arguments. His attempt at debate is 'HAHA! GOTCHA HUR HUR" while not being accountable to his own ideology in any way that fathoms a cohesive thought.

Also he is a faggot that talks like a homosexual concerned dad fawning over his wifes son as his black dad stares from space.

Fuck off Mossad

>mfw became an important political figure because women were ruining my vidya