Why aren't you watching anime in 1080p, anons?
Why aren't you watching anime in 1080p, anons?
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Because my monitor is 1366×768.
Because then there wouldn't be enough space for Sup Forums at the side of the screen.
I like to multitask.
if you like to multitask you need a bigger monitor than 1080p
But I do
I have a 1440p monitor. Sup Forums needs more than 360p width.
Because my internet is shit and I'm almost out of space.
I also watch my anime interpolated 60 fps
Because my eyesight is shit and I can't tell the difference from more than a foot away from my screen.
How do you read subs and browse at the same time?
>CR rips in 1080p
Same here.
If it's a scene where I have to pay attention, I either press pause to browse Sup Forums.
But there are plenty of scenes that are relatively slow and that permit a few side glances. You'd still better press pause if you actually want to write a response.
In general, the main advantage of having them next to each other is that I don't forget about the anime like I would if the window were minimized.
Because anime isn't broadcast in 1080p, all you're watching is an upscale.
1080p CR rips often have the highest visual fidelity of any release until the BD rips, especially for shows tagged as "1280+" on anibin.blogspot.ca
Their only real issue is banding which is rendered moot by any competent media player with debanding like MPC-HC with MadVR or mpv.
IIRC even Daiz has used 1080p CR rips for Underwater releases because they were the best video source available until the BDs.
In addition to checking anibin, one should visually compare sources of new shows at the beginning of each season rather than blindly following a dogma of "TV sources are better," "720p is better," "1080p is better," etc.
>Because anime isn't broadcast in 1080p
Actually, it is, these days. Note all the 1080p TV rips on Nyaa these days. Those were broadcast at 1080p. Anime is given to broadcasters (and CR/Funi/etc.) in 1080p by the studios. 720p broadcasts/streams are literally downscales.
The 1080p sources given to broadcasters/streamers can contain upscaled lineart, but sometimes that lineart is upscaled from a >720p resolution. In these cases, a 1080p release will contain greater visual fidelity than a 720p release. That's what checking anibin is for. If anibin tags an anime as "1280+" that means the original lineart was scanned at a resolution greater than 720p. This means the 1080p release of this show will look visually sharper than the 720p release of this show.
A few anime per season these days contain lineart scanned at full 1080p. Maid Dragon is an example of this. Pic related. Note that KyoAni's use of After Effects breaks anibin's resolution estimate methodology, leading them to incorrectly report 955.5 horizontal resolution for KyoAni shows. All KyoAni shows at least as far back as Chuu2 have been full 1080p productions; not upscales.
still makes difference
My vision isn't good enough and I refuse to wear my glasses at my computer.
1080p bang drums actually looks better than 720p
it makes a big difference now but i'm just used to downloading 720p
also im running out of space..
Yes, it freezes a lot. My video card is shit.
Get a second display.
Both pics look horrible tbqh.
The distance isn't big enough. I'd need a larger desk.
Vesa wallmount or arm that clamps to the side of your desk.
No, the distance to my eyes isn't big enough. I'd waste too much time moving my eyes from one end of the screens to the other.
And I don't plan on wasting precious space in my one-room apartment by making the desk deeper.
i can just watch 720p on 1080 HDTV without any noticeable artifacts. If the source is encoded properly with hardware upscale means those 1080p doesn't worth those extra Mb and resolutions. With few exception ofcourse, no need to waste your data it isnt worth it.
also for PC if ur GPU arent up for the task, going 1080p in 1366x768 display is overkill.
>having limited internet data
>storage space being an issue at all for non-archival releases
Sounds like an user who's too embarrassed to admit he can't tell the difference.
Because madVR often does better job upscalling to 1080p than already upscalled 1080p releases.
I have a question. In my case some releases on 1080 freeze constantly in some parts, while other releases don't. Say, I just watched the last Kobayashi episode on 1080 and it did perfectly, while I watched some Nichibros episodes on 1080 too but it had some freezes here and there, specially when showing a panoramic lanscape or something similar. Is it because of the encode or something like that? I don't know about video quality and that kind of shit.
This also, at the 2.5 Yards of distance needed to properly appreciate the whole screen, it's impossible for the human eyes to distinguish the diference in resolution.
What an utterly boring troll-bait thread.
10-bit releases can be slower than standard releases.
>specially when showing a panoramic lanscape or something similar
Does it freeze/drop frames while panning? Are you using MPC-HC? Install xysubfilter and disable "use the built in subtitle renderer" in MPC-HC options.
Glasses prescriptions are pretty cheap in the current year, user.
1 looks better.
How can you live with such a low resolution?
I can't even go below 1440p anymore.
It's a laptop resolution.
Modern kids don't buy real desktops anymore. Be glad they aren't using their phones.
Not having autism helps.
Only low end laptops use that resolution.
File size is too big and I simply don't notice the difference. I usually go with 720 or 480 depending on my mood.
>having anything but a large 1080p display for an anime-viewing PC
Personally I'd like a desktop for the many advantages it has and being able to play vidya in a good res is amazing, but computer parts over here are expensive as fuck and I'm a poorfag, so is kinda hard.
Gonna try it, and would start checking for 8-bit before getting a show instead of downloading anything. What's the common for the HS releases?
HS releases are usually 8 bit.
Believe it or not I think I recall a 10 bit HS release this season. I think it might have been Kuzu no Honkai. That's not a CR or Funi rip, but an Amazon Prime Video rip. The Commie release has much better video quality, though.
Yep, I remembered correctly. It's funny that Amazon would bother to use 10-bit but still somehow completely fuck up the video quality.
This is the truth.
Too heavy. 720p is good enough and the files are smaller so i can pack a lot more stuff in my external hardisk.
But amazon video is great. HS is using tv rip.
I have a similar issue.
It's pointless to do that if your monitor can't handle it.
And it has been for years, but the anime community has been bafflingly slow with regards to 1080p acceptance.
>HS is using tv rip.
Really? Source? I've never heard of them doing that before. I just assumed they were ripping from Amazon because fansubdb.com
1080p is just cheaply upscaled 720p. It offers no noticeable quality boost, and my automatic grabber for Nyaa just gets HorribleSubs 720p as it is. Plus, faster to download.
I'm poor. My PC is 7 years old.
These days 720p is just cheaply downscaled 1080p. See: Take some time to do some comparisons with your own eyes rather than relying on old dogma.
You're not bringing a single fact or evidence to boost your claim, nor can I find any.
God, square-like monitors are annoying.
>my blog
>Sup Forums icon
But you had to upscale it to tell.
I have bad vision and I can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080 beyond the size it makes the MPC window.
They don't know how to rip from amazon. Commie is ripping from amazon, the difference in quality is huge.
To see a similar result for yourself, go download the same episode of Maid Dragon, the HS 720p version and the HS 1080p version. Watch them both at full screen. The 1080p version will appear visually sharper.
I'm asking for source via an actual, legitimate article.
The bait level of this image is off the charts.
No significant difference, in the majority of cases, when watching normally. I'm using a 60" TV screen as my main monitor.
Oh, I get it now. That's a Fuji Television logo in the HS screenshots. Huh. HS ripping from TV and using 10-bit. That's a first.
They did the same with Kabaneri iirc.
Player used and settings?
Fuck off, obvious troll.
This information is being provided for the education of other anons and not to entertain your bait.
I do when it's worthy.
So, uh, where is HS getting Kuzu no Honkai subs from then? Japanese closed captioning?
You're not helping yourself.
OCRing amazon's subs.
You're the one not providing any real source or links.
How new?
I download 720p releases and downscale them by 50%.
Fight me.
>I sit porn
There must be something wrong with me.
Because my laptop's highest rez is 720p. Also you're a faggot and I don't like you.
Only maidragon and urara are worthy.
Good to know 1080p is still a meme, this thread made me doubt for a second.
OP, are you making this thread again to justify yourself of downloading 1080p releases?
Because it seems like you're desperate for confirmation of others.
Quit it with the terrible oldfag acting, it just makes your newness that much more apparent.
I saw this image when it was posted years ago too, doesn't change the fact that it's still triggering.
Again, how new?
>years ago
>clock says 22/02/17
just admit you're new before you embarrass yourself more
I never claimed I'm an oldfag, I've been here for only 6 years.
>I saw this image when it was posted years ago too, doesn't change the fact that it's still triggering
Consider getting help.
I phrased that poorly, "images similar to it".
My point still stands, if you still get triggered by an old meme you have issues.
Yeah well, this is 4ch.
Who actually posts here who doesn't have issues?
Thanks for killing the thread, faggots.
You may return to your home generals and blogging threads now.
>oh noes you killed the millionth thread about some pretty inconsequential fact everybody knows
If you want to watch something in 1080p just get closer to your screen, fucking dumbass.
This is the first season in which I've started to notice actual higher-def shows.
Kind of a unrelated question, but do any of you anons have a system set up to auto download a show when it's released?
Yes it's called flexget.
I use kissanime and none of you fags can stop me
Wow, that can't get anymore literal for what I'm looking for, thanks desu.
The anime gods weep for your suffering.
Shana Project is quick and easy, but it's basically just an anime-specific flexget
The one below is obviously 720p.
Pics are still horrible, though.
Are anons actually this lazy?