I'm Sorry NatSocs But You Are Terrible On Economics

Why would you purposefully misallocate resources away from the White race? Ethnonationalist libertarianism is the answer.
>The Reich Food Estate, the state-controlled corporation responsible for agricultural production, regularly failed to feed its people. Agricultural output rarely surpassed 1913 levels, in spite of 20 years of technological advancement. Demand outstripped supply by 30 percent in basic foodstuffs like pork, fruit, and fats. That meant that for every ten German workers who stood in line to buy meat from the state-owned supply depots, three went home hungry

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Libertarianism gives too much power to corporations who don't care about anything other than profit. Also enforcing ethnonationalist policies seems like it'd go against libertarianism's whole "small government" philosophy because you'd need the state to enforce that.

>Libertarianism gives too much power to corporations who don't care about anything other than profit. Also enforcing ethnonationalist policies seems like it'd go against libertarianism's whole "small government" philosophy because you'd need the state to enforce that.
Corporations are subject to competition and consumer rejection absent government favoritism. You mistake Crony Capitalism for a normal market interaction. Government is much more of a danger to the people. Sarin Gas anyone? Enforcing the ethnostate is not a problem for any libertarian that isn't an anarchist, which is to say, most of them.

Hence "ethnonational." I'd just go with national. Honestly this has always been my natural inclination. I think it's just real conservatism, as in conserving things, but with an attention to culture. The autistic inability to address culture is a fatal flaw for libertarianism. Economically it's not nearly as corporate friendly as people think. We would need regulations to safeguard against truly reckless practices but the interventionist system is far more corporate-friendly. Just take one example, Amazon in IL gets a full refund of their local taxes, so the employees are paying Amazon a fucking tax to work there. It just adds up like this everywhere, and then libshits throw up their hands in disgust about corporate greed and wonder why there are no competitors.

you are wrong in that its not capitalism, its just crony capitalism, and free market capitalism are different

You make some good points. However, culture is something that takes care of itself absent government interference and manipulation from (((certain people))). Superior values always rise to the top because they make more successful people. I swear, people see gays in the streets and then think its spreading to the rest of the population when they are only like 4% of the population and always will be...

they think that because its successful
in democracy only the worst rise to the top
at least in a monarchy, or fascism, do the most worthy rise to the top
but even in fascism, it tends to be democratic(looking at mussolini)

Free market capitalism IS crony capitalism just with less public sector support. There's no way to encroach on markets occupied by the major players because they simply have the power of capital and no regard for public interest. Corporations exist for the sole purpose of profit and so they need a balance in the form of true public will to keep them in reign. Finding the balance is the hard part

Whats to stop cheap labor flooding our country in a free market? Libertarianism is for the bluepilled who have not yet ascended

Read Hoppe