I dont even give a fuck if the government has found real aliens or not

I dont even give a fuck if the government has found real aliens or not.

All this pulp news coming out at this time only means a few things:

1. The government has been sitting on the info long enough to use it as an ace in the hole to make a distraction so desparetly needed they’ve saved it for god knows how long.

2. The MAINSTREAM MEDIA is so desperate for distraction that they are seriously running ayy lmaooo the story. As if it wasn’t common knowledge the govt has been sending out radio signals to try to contact or hear life anyway.

3. The elites/deep state/whatever are so entrenched in their bullshit they are literally using what could be the greatest event in human history as a diversion tactic to make every forget about their satanic kiddy diddling

and if nothing else,

Donald Druoophm will be the first sitting president to have a chat with ayyyys in the oval office, if we aren’t all dead or enslaved.

I hope the aliens kill all the politicians and take over.

have you ever heard of project orion?

Not the nuclear engine, mind you... it was a psyop... leme tell you a story.

Some scientists were brought in on a top secret project, and were shown a movie reel... in the movie was a scientist wearing a belt with various gadgets and dials on it.

He turned the dials and started hovering.. flew around a bit, and smashed into the ground leaving a crater.

The scientists watching were told that "He never told us how it worked, we'd like you to recreate this device", so after years, they finally had a device that, while not as good, sort of worked.

When they were finished, they were introduced to the "Scientist" from the film.. who was still alive. the whole thing had been a ruse to trick the scientists into believing that it was possible, and so they were able to accomplish it.

I don't know how accurate this story is, but the perspective is the important thing.

The movie interstellar is such a thing.... The elite want the secret of a gravity drive.

Because they don't HAVE it.

The whole movie was emotional manipulation, to use FEELS to get people to work on the problem....

This is some next level shit

I was too busy fingering my gf when I watched that movie. I feel like I might have missed out.

The CIA developed mind reading technology in the 60's.... and they now have sattelite constellations capable of the same thing. Reading minds from orbit.

Gifted and talented programs were created to find the smartest children, and turn them into wetware CPU's, wirelessly accessed by this constellation, for the purposes of stealing their ideas.

The constellation can also place thoughts in your head.... and that is used for controlling politicians, media personalities, and the general populous.

The CIA lost control of it.

they aren't interdimensional, they just want you to think they are too big to defeat.

We need electromagnetic shields!

the thing is, it's easier to mind control stupid people, SO, to make the system more effective, it has to breed the population dumber.

IT's goal has also changed... now it tries to maximize "Someones" profit, without limit.

aliens are a meme you idiot, the government has nothing except a whole bunch of rusty nukes and debt.