By her uber driver who tried to rape her. Stupid slut should have stayed in the kitchen
By her uber driver who tried to rape her. Stupid slut should have stayed in the kitchen
Allowing non-whites to exist was a mistake.
I'd rape her too desu. Post pic without sunglasses.
She was in a foreign country 'travelling' and looking for 'adventure' Why are you such a white knight?
She is pretty ugly but good enough for a sandperson I guess
Burn the coal pay the toll.
>>hurrr durrr i can go to a nonwhite country and survive
Taking a uber .... in Lebanon. Not the worst middle-eastern shithole but they're still sand people.
Why is it so hard for these women to understand just believing things ought to work a certain way doesn't make it so.
and with the twitter post by the people she worked with they are all "shocked" what a bunch of retards
They are pampered and sheltered from growing comfortably in the West and think they can do whatever they want. I bet the slut was a feminist and was constantly complaining about white male 'rape culture'.
I've lived in Lebanon for 6 years and never thought of stepping outside alone at night. Westerners are so retarded.
You have to go back
To a muslim infested shithole? No thanks.
Put the sunglasses back on
>ah the cognitive dissonance is deafening ,no doubt about it.
Don't blame the natives, if somebody goes into the jungle and is killed by snakes you don't blame the snakes, you blame the idiot who went there
I think the bbc photoshopped this picture I'm pretty sure she had bright blue hair on top when I saw it on the front page of the metro
Maybe they mean shocked how retarded she was driving somewhere alone with stranger mahmood
Uh... I take it back
It's all about the angles
Told you retarded niggers that it wasn't political.
Whore got drunk and got what's expected.
> taking an Uber
> in Lebanon
Lebanese are white. That's what Lebanon literally means.
Feminism, not even once. She was delusional but I'm surprise nobody at the Embassy took her aside to explain to her how things really work in the real world, that there are thinsg you just don't do.
Lebanese are actually boat niggers and hillbillies, not sand niggers.
I've been to nightclubs and casino in lebanon, you just have not to go full autism and entrust your life to a fucking muslim.
Checked. Give Nasrallah a hug for me
>taking an Uber
I'm guessing she forgave him too
I got loads of ubers when I was in South America without any problems
>white woman in the workforce in a foreign country
really ticks my boxes famalamm how could this have happened?!?
She studied Gender Studies, you cannot expect too much of her.
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Beirut tomorrow
but it wasn't a christian lebanese, it was a muslim "lebanese" e,g not actually lebanese
i knew it was a belgian mofo
Sandpeople don't want to rape men unless you are a little boy
Based LebANON bro
Lebanon is a meme.
Greater Syria when?
Most Lebanese around where I am are Maronite. Only Muslims I see are Syrian refugees and gypsies begging for money.
Assad did nothing wrong refers to Bashar. Hafez should have kept his ass out.
Also fuck Israel for expelling the Jordanian refugees and destroying Lebanon.
The war is over. They should go home. Hezbollah sent almost everyone to Syria to make it so those losers could go home and stop bothering nice Lebanese folks.
Feminism is lethal. It tells women they can go home at night all by themselves. It tells them to go act 'fierce', even in non European countries that for the most part completely disregard the way women are treated in the West.
What the fuck is a 30yo woman even doing there in Lebanon? She should be raising children instead of doing a job what a man could probably do better than her.
Yes and Iran is full of Aryans. kys.
What was she did a dumb thing to do in Lebanon? Uber at midnight alone
Aryan means descendants of horse niggers from 3000 BC. It doesn't mean Dolph Lundgren.
Refugees and gypsies are around the popular spots (Hamra etc.)
Nearly everyone else I know is Muslim. I have to go out of my way to meet Christians.
Hafez is a nigger for what he did. But almost everyone in charge during the civil war were war criminals who have killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians in the most brutal fashion. Bashar Al Assad is the fucking lion of the Levant tho.
Not possible. Nations such as Germany are giving us aid to take care of our refugees. Our government pockets the money for itself. So its natural that the government wants to keep the refugees so that nations can keep giving us gibs.
Walking home is safer than taking a taxi in midnight. Not even kidding.
Always take local taxi's so wouldn't know. Didn't even know they had uber here until recently.
dont blame her, bigots! she was just craving some BBC
She wasn' t drunk. She went out with friends that night, but didn' t drink and went off alone, because she wanted to get an early flight to be home for christmas.
Fucking shitskins. I don' t get it. Why do these people have to rape every woman that comes into side? Does their pee pee hurt that much?
Oh yeah the civil war was fucked. But I have a little bit of sympathy for Hafez because I think in one way he was thinking "I don't want this mess on my doorstep. I might as well clean it up myself and bring Ba'athism to Lebanon while I'm at it."
And don't the idiots in charge remember what happened with the refugees from the 1967 and 1973 wars?
>Nearly everyone else I know is Muslim. I have to go out of my way to meet Christians.
That's because you're a muzzie, there's a ton of christian schools there.
I live in West Beirut, basically the muslim side. East Beirut is the Christian side, the only popular spot there that I know of is Gemmayzeh, which is degeneracy central(Fag hangout spots).
And I've never been to a Christian school, I heard that they're a ZOG plant from friends who've studied there.
If it's evangelical it's 100% a ZOG plant. But there are legitimate Catholic schools.
It's a muslim thing. A woman can't hang out alone around them, not even in the UK or anywhere.
> UK: Muslim Taxi Driver Brutally Beats Female Passenger
> A young woman told how she was punched by a rogue taxi driver who then left her and a friend stranded and alone.
> sprayed with water and punched in the face after asking the cabbie to take her to a cash point
> Avon and Somerset Police were informed but have closed the investigation due to lack of evidence
Fair enough, most of the Christians I know studied in evangelical schools (Though they're Maronite or Roman). French schools are even worse, heard that they learn about the Holocaust, and on top of that, claim that Holodomor is just a "natural famine".
Based on what I can figure out if the woman doesn't adhere to the standards then she's trash cattle, to be used and killed and dumped near a river.
In the words of that one record agent in the Preacher comic, "fuck them for everything they're worth and run"
>Germany leading the army of white-knights
>German women still have him locked up for hate speech and Islamophobia.
You dumb fucks will never learn, will you?
Pedophiles need to be raped and murdered
whoops, wrong article.
>Female embassy stuff
Even thats ridiculous and especially in the arabic world.
Most Lebanese actually could pass for Greek or Italian
That being said. What the fuck was she thinking. It's always dangerous for a woman to go home alone at night. It's even more dangerous if she's in a foreign country and even more so if there are a lot of muslims in said country. That taxi driver probably thought she was a whore
Part and parcel, nothing to see here.
Are brits gonna do anything? Back in the day they would send a cannon ship and shoot the shit out of random towelheads on the shore. Now what will be their reaction, electing a pajeet for their prime minister or confiscation of all butter knifes?
I'd move but they don't like natives.
Seriously, wtf is happening in the world? Will they be surprised when the silenced voices turn violent?
>Assuming Lebanon is Bongistan
Please, we are not that barbaric.
Good women are property in Islam.
dey don think it be like it is , but it do.
oh nevermind
This brings me to another question actually. What is it with the UK and Muslims? Because all this leads me to think it revolves around making bedfellows with Saudis for oil, or rather the oil magnates in the desert. That's the only logic I can think of aside from "see? We're not like Americans"
> it's not muslims you idiot
>Seriously, wtf is happening in the world?
Women have taken over almost every single Western country.
White-knights, slaves to their biology, are unable to abstract themselves from the situation and figure out what's what. They still believe they are powerful and in control, and that women need their protection. So they make sure to always side with the women, no matter what the situation. This means men cannot compete with women in, say, office environments - despite normally being more qualified and competent. If they were to compete, there are a million white-knights itching to ruin their life for even looking at a woman the wrong way. So they back off, and women rise to the top of all fields.
The white race really has turned into a disappointment. I see a group who have done amazing things in the past, but have turned into a pathetic swarm of betas, salivating at the idea of murdering their fellow men for the chance to even sniff a pussy. Beta whites drag each other down, like craps in a bucket - while chads, who are fuckig the women outside the bucket, couldn't give two shits. The modern day white is pure shit. It really is no wonder we are going extinct.
>"see? We're not like Americans"
How fucking delusional are you, you fat cunt?
Enoch Powell was warning since his Rivers of Blood speech that we were becoming like America. Everything you've ever known on the modern perception of race was born in the US and picked up by other countries.
I'm not getting the point your trying to make teabro...
Why is it ridiculous? Who'll be the secretaries otherwise?
That's really sad to hear. I don't understand why the Latins or the Maronites would cuck to Protestant schools. I guess for money and connections. Fucking Jews.
Muslim Palestinian refugee Arabic rape babies named Tarek are not huwhite.
Jones is a fucking media jew. Opinion discarded.
>seeking adventure basic bitch who spread out like plague in today's society
so literally nothing of value was lost. What a good day.
That still doesn't explain why the British seem to love importing Muslim cock.
no just broad terms think better