Do you prefer cowtits or DFC?
Do you prefer cowtits or DFC?
I like 'em somewhere in between
my waifu is dfc, but I like cowtits more
I think Mai and Sento have the perfect size. Definitely large in size but not unreasonable. Once you cross a certain line they end up looking silly and not sexy.
DFC of course, since I’ve matured past the breastfeeding stage.
I'm all about big titties. Flat and small breasts just don't do anything for me.
Both. Only faggots choose.
Cow tits, just not to Lucoa's level. She'd look better at 2/3-3/4 the size she is now. Fight me.
it's the most popular show of the season, it's gonna happen
At the same time, around my dick.
>around your dick
my god, are you going to break her shoulders?
>he doesn't know about naizuri
So you're asking me to forgive it? Because it's popular?
That sounds suspicious.
DFC is perfection
This. Give me a gal that can do either on a whim.
>I failed reading comprehension, the post
DFC, obviously.
Great subs.
B for best
What's there to forgive?
I don't what you mean.
>ability to fuck either a mature lady, a loli or anything in between whenever you feel like it
That's the best.
plebbit crossies still thinking this site works like a forum
Flat is fine, but only when it's accompanied by hips and thighs.
I don't really like wash boards or disgusting cow tits. Pretty much everything in between is fine though.
What the fuck is your problem cunt?
>tfw your waifu can become DFC or cowtits so you've got the best of both worlds.
I wish the fetish was more popular.
Yeah I fapped to every dandelion scene with grown up Hikari fanservice.
Both flat and cowtits are shit. Modest a best.
I know you probably don't remember a time before them, but generals were a relatively recent invention. Multiple threads for one show are normal and always have been.
that's what I'm saying, it's the plebbit newfags that think only one thread per show is allowed because that's what they're used to on their normalfag websites
I fucking hate lesbians so god damn much.
The only reason I'm watchin this shit is because I'm literally dying, and Quetzalcoatl is my dude so I gotta see what's up.
For real though, fuck stupid fucking yuri bullshit.
Honestly it depends on the girl, if she looks good DFC k. If she looks good with cowtits k.
But lewdcoa holy shit my dick
>I'm literally dying
I don't think the show would be better with some beta male mc
You got me there. That's like the only thing worse.
Thanks. It's agonizing.
In all honesty as long as her face is pretty her legs/hip/ass ratio is good I'm solid titty wise
B is for Best.
Sadpanda died for this.
Not really, sadpanda died because newfags from reddit are allowed to become moderators now.
will you be my ghost friend?
If I turn into a ghost, sure. Don't watch shit chinese cartoons though though.
This show is too shallow for me to enjoy and it bothers me that I'm in the minority.
good shows = shows that I like
I actually like Kobayashi's navel the most in that image. But if I had to pick from these two I would go for DFC.
Oh, I misunderstood. Sorry, user.
You forgot the cynical green arrow thingy.
Yeah why people ask you to visit devianart
Sexiness is inversely proportional to breast size. The ideal girl is completely flat with no breast growth at all.
Best girl is here.
based big kid
>I fucking hate lesbians so god damn much.
>I'm literally dying
This is your shota for tonight
This show has some of the best frames.
What is she?
>3 kobayshi threads with several hundred postsers
ok we can all stop pretending to like this show now
I agree with this opinion, those fuckers are way too big
CUTE witch girl
>tfw we'll never see her again
Just a little witch, hanging out at comiket with her two favorite monster friends.
Tohru is fine. Could be half of the size in fact, that would be best.
This is perfect.
It pretty much has one, the author just gender-flipped him so that's it's less clichy.
But only people who are so new to anime that they think studios mean anything important enough to warrant blindly hating or loving them, people who hate popular things and prudish Americans hate this show.
asked why.
said why.
How is that asking forgiveness?
DFC. Pic related.
they aren't recent they've been around since strike witches.
Science is a miracle.
I love to have sex
With women with big breasts
I don't have sex with men
'cause if I did that would make me gay
nuff said
11/10 poem would recite publicly
reverse that
Water is wet
Dogs go bark
The majority is retarded.
>This show is too shallow for me to enjoy and it bothers me that I'm in the minority.
I've been watching anime since the mid-eighties. I saw Macross before Robotech finished airing here. I had 4th generation bootleg betamax tapes of Armor Hunter Mellowlink. I watched every Brave series as they aired. I lived in Yokohama for ten years and waited IN QUEUE for the laserdisc release of the original To Terra. I've had lunch with Kunihiko Ikuhara and smoked a cigarette with Watanabe after a Seat Belts show. I've done it all. I've seen it all. I am a qualified expert.
Maid Dragon is THE greatest anime I have ever seen. Bar none. This is where the medium has been going since day one. From the very first cel, it was all leading to Maid Dragon.
A metaphor for the immigrant experience covering humanistic and social themes such as systematic sexism, family, loneliness, individuality and fitting in with society's expectations, this show will go down in history. It will change anime in a way not seen since Shogoki took her first steps in NGE.
It's quite the opposite of shallow. It's probably the only comedy anime of the season that has substance and depth. KonoSuba, Gabdro, Akiba don't have any development and its characters are as one dimensional as they get, Little Witch tries to get deeper but fails most of the time.
So by that logic you're really into cowtits since flat chests are just a small part of larger tits?
Is this pasta that I'm unfamiliar with?
is that some golden ratio shit?
I forgot to respond to the thread
Flat is Justice, but the character can make cow tits great. Lucoa could do literally anything to me and I'd be estatic
Yes. I made that image on a hunch it'd be right. When I finished it, I was like, "huh, that IS perfect."
not too good at drawing but I gave it a shot
Literally me
pointy boob is pointy
DFC is the one for me.
Small tits are also god tier, but a completely flat chest is a huge turn off.
Y e s
why didn't they invite him at the beach
I prefer small to average.
If it ain't DFC, it ain't for me.
That looks like a little boy. I don't even mean just the body but the face too.
>That looks like a little boy. I don't even mean just the body but the face too.