Hey Sup Forums I know this should go on /LGBT/ but I fought
in the great meme war. So I would like some of your opinions too. Recently I've been dating a trap for about two years. He wants to date other boys even know he's dating me we have this master/pet relationship. Should I be worried because he wants to date other boys? He does say things like I'm his only master & bf are different compared to what I am. Everything is telling me this is a red flag but I really don't know how to approach this because I don't want to break up this good relationship.
My traps is wants to date other boys?
Fuck off you already have a thread on lgbt
>Hey Sup Forums I know this should go on /LGBT/
Then go back to your HIV infested board, and never come back disgusting degenerate!
You are not his master if he wants to date other boys. Be a fucking master and say no you cannot. Otherwise your a slave and trap cuck.
Lol fuck off Leaf! I want to chat with my fellow veterans.
Great advice.
you need to beat his bitch ass for daring to suggest such a thing
This is beyond disgusting... nipples protruding... just very disrespectful
Do you think Retene to break up with him will work because I really don't know how to approach your way of thinking.
Gay ,and this isnt your blog faggot, sage. Mods do some work you lazy cunts.
All gays are like that moron, you are an exception. gay aren't monogamous.
It's what I'm here for. If they still are adamant about dating other boys. Tell you slave to fuck off and find another. Never relinquish yourself master role.
You have put a trap on a pedestal. No wonder he screws you over. Show him who's the man. Bitchslap him and let him make you a sandwitch.
Also, kys.
You need to dominate him and restrict him, you pussy, not wonder you a faggot, you can't handle some trap.
hes your fucking slave, you beat his ass into submission, or sell his ass to another master
I will definitely do that
Anything else I can do to reinforce the master role because your advice is great
How you approach it varies with how you it's brought up. You can slave needs to bring it up, then you need to squash it and make her lick your ass or whatever. If she still wants to, put her outside like a dog and get another one. Maybe not exactly that, I don't know the intimate dynamics of your master/slave relationship.