They got him to the hospital in time, right?
They got him to the hospital in time, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's dead familia
you don't hospitalize people just for taking a nap, user
bullshit, people have figured out faster than light travel, they can patch up a stab wound
He ``went down'' and ``bang''ed your mum.
all the weight he had to carry was tiring him out, he's just napping
>stab wound
he got shot a couple of times dude. You only got so much blood in you.
50 cent got shot 9 times and lived, Spike'll be fine
>he got shot a couple of times dude.
He got a knife lodged in his shoulder and slashed with a katana. He's toast.
Yeah, because I'm sure those guys who were prepared to shoot him felt the need to rush him off to the hospital.
don't worry, he absorbed Ein's Geass and activated his Code. he'll be back next season
He's probably dead, but my sister's a doctor. When
I get home I'll pop some of my dad's Prozac, re-watch the final episode, compile a list of his injuries, and ask her.
Yes, they got him to a hospital in time, but unfortunately the constantly cash-strapped crew of the Beebop couldn't afford to pay for the surgery so he died in the waiting room.
Anyone got the ancient copy pasta of that?
>Spike was going there to die
>wakes up in the hospital with Jet and Fay next to him calling him stupid
but is this a blessing or a curse?
Don't worry, I saw his parachute. He'll be alright.
>Spike was going there to die
Dumbass, he was going there to see if he was alive.
My father works on Cowboy Bebop and he told me that Spike is alive.
Why would anyone even want him to live? It takes all the power out of the ending.
>They got him to the hospital in time, right?
Most fans like to think he died, but if you think he didn't then you're not wrong since neither is canon. Even Watanabe himself has stated that he doesn't know whether Spike is alive or not.
the power of the ending was never about his actual death, it was about his total surrender to his inner demons even to the point of suicidal revenge
Yes, but if you cop-out and say he was okay in the end all it does is muddy the message in my opinion.
Am I the only one that didn't like the ending?
what was wrong with it?
But can they heal the wound in his heart?
no, that's for the Bebop crew to do
>tfw the bebop crew pretty much disbanded before spike went off.
I didn't expect Ed leaving to hurt as much as it did
He died bro. End of his run. He at least set things right before he passed.
Yea, I felt the repressed anger/sadness of spike and jet as they were stuffing their faces with thise eggs.
He was dead the whole time. He died in the church we only saw in flashbacks.
The other 3 main characters were extensions of his id, ego, and superego.
Stop posting Freud, you're just embarrassing yourself
go to sleep
I hate it as much as most everyone else, but i think its a better story if he doesnt make it to the hospital in time. sorry
>destroys the family that he and the rest of the Bebop were trying to build
>sets things right
no buddy, that was the whole point, he didn't set things right and actually made the wrong choice -- abandoning his present and fucking over his friends' peace/happiness to selfishly chase his past
I'm not saying I think it makes sense. I'm saying Shinichiro Watanabe, who made Cowboy Bebop in the 90's, came up with that idea and left subtly implemented it.
is the sub or dub superior?
captiain bebop didnt die shut the FUCK up you people know nothing
Dub, the voice acting for every character feels a lot more natural and is better acted. I met Steve Blum a while back and got him to sign my Blu-ray collection of the series for me, great guy.
The whole point of Cowboy Bebop is how Faye and Jet tried to go back to their pasts, realized they couldn't, and moved on from them.
Spike doesn't move on. There's not really any point to him living because he invested himself too much into the past. Without Julia, I don't even know if he would want to live anymore.
Kind of sad for Ed, too, if she decided to try and go find her father given what happened to Spike. Or maybe she just went to do her own thing. I cried like a bitch when she and Ein left, though.
They got him to the hospital in time, right?
Dub, if only for the fact that English is a much more believable universal language than Japanese.
Why didn't Spike just shoot Vicious from a safe distance?
>ever watching a dub
The Bebop dub is objectively better, you autist.
You're goddam right
The voices are forced just as much as every other anime dub, the only reason why it's accepted is that many people just didn't know better when they watched it.
>When I get home I'll pop some of my dad's Prozac
user, that's not how Prozac works.
I watched the sub before I ever watched the dub. The dub is better.
how do you deal with chronic boredom
One of the most overrated shows on Sup Forums. Even the ending doesn't redeem this snoozefest. If you want a chill episodic show that's actually good, watch Samurai Shampoo instead.
impregnating my gf
moe is overrated
I would love for this to be the outcome; he lived and just retired and didn't do shit, and Cowboy Bebop was the tale of some dude's interesting life
Not that I'm doubting you but I want to see where you got that from