Would you still like madoka if all of the characters were gender-swapped? I wouldn't.
Would you still like madoka if all of the characters were gender-swapped? I wouldn't
It would be fujobait. Men are intellectually superior and therefore would not sexualize the megucas.
13-15 year old girls and boys are fundamentally different. If they had the same interactions all being boys the show would be unrealistic. If they had different interactions it'd be a different show
It'd make Sayaka more realistic.
Wouldn't it just be Kamen Rider Ryuki at that point?
This is extremely cute and erotic. Kyouko always makes my heartpenis go doki doki.
One of the main points of the show was magical girls happen because young teenage girls lead the most emotionally volatile lives.
So that whole part of the narrative doesn't work if it was magical boys.
Homura. Greatest Male Yandere of all Time
Yes, it would become my favorite series of all time.
Do they? Someone like Shinji is a lot more volatile than Mami or a younger Kyoko.
I think it was just a plot convenience to stay true to the genre.
>teenage girls lead the most emotionally volatile lives
That's just a stereotype, most boys are whiny bitches too. I would know.
The concept wouldn't make much sense since an adolescent girl is the main target for meguca.
However I'd still be fine with it if it were.
>Mami lost it
>Kills her friends
>Shinji lost it
>Third Impact
Oh, that's not fair. Sayaka gets a handy but Kyouko gets nothing.
It would be different. I'd still watch it for the sake of watching it. It might be good.
As someone who recently graduated high school and entered into adulthood, I can tell you that teenage girls are far more emotionally unstable than teenage men. Men tend to bottle everything up and trudge on like nothing ever happened. Sure when they snap it's a lot more explosive, but women go off the rails far more often.
Some folks will enjoy it for example would love it because now she ride kyokos cock like there was no tomorrow.
That's just an artifact of different acceptable outlets. Bottling everything up doesn't make it disappear, it just makes it private.
>graduated high school and entered into adulthood
No user, you are the emotional roller coaster
As someone who also fairly recently graduated high school, I can tell you that I don't know shit about how teenage girls really act and if you're here then you probably don't either. I was kind of a bitch back in highschool, but I did hold it in, as you would suspect, although I can't speak for everyone else.
Only if they're Super Sentai.
/y/ KyouSaya could be cute.
I don't like madoka in the first place.
>Girls are more emotional than guys and that's why it has to be girls!
Literally just a plot point to keep magical boys out of the way. Guys are just as emotional as women, they just bottle it up more. Sometimes it passes on and is nothing, other times it destroys them. There's a reason the suicidal rate for men is far above that of women.
Men proven superior once again. Can women recover?
Kyoko's shorts being undone along with Sayaka's obviously worn out index finger seem to imply that she already finished her off earlier
Relax. It is only fanart.
Yes and it's been done.
>There's a reason the suicidal rate for men is far above that of women
Women attempt suicide 3 times as much as men, but men successfully die 3 times as much from an attempt.
Yes. Although it would be less popular without cute girls.
>I think it was just a plot convenience to stay true to the genre.
This. Realistically, teenage boys are just as emotionally volatile and hormonal as girls are. Shinji also had his fair share of homosexual subtext, as did the megucas.
Dumb bitches can't do anything right.
Both genders are miserable in their own special way.
>Men have the pressure of being top alpha dog, carrying the weight of society, and not allowed to express feelings
>Women have the pressure of being sex symbols or pure virgins. You lose either way and no matter what you achieve or accomplish otherwise, it all comes down to your looks. Once you're old, no one wants you and your achievements don't matter.
to be honest I feel Blade's characters fit Madoka better, even if the plot was Ryuki's
>the show would be unrealistic
>mahou shoujo and aliens
Women like that just want attention; if they actually wanted to die they'd shoot themselves in the head.
I would love it. This series is probably the best anime I've ever seen boys or girls alike.
One of the major plot points was that QB and his ilk went after young teen girls because, when they enter puberty, girls become emotionally volitile because of the menstrual cycle and raging hormones. And emotions like that are what power grief seeds.
The show fundementally couldn't work with boys because young teen boys aren't emotional wrecks like their female counterparts.
>young teen boys aren't emotional wrecks
have you been on any board outside of Sup Forums? lol. this is the wrong website to attempt that one
>boys making contract with devil to be magical girl
That show transforms from bland generic mahou shoujo into something that should've been done already.
>draw a girl
>call her a boy
Why is this allowed?
>when they enter puberty, girls become emotionally volitile because of the menstrual cycle and raging hormones.
Wait, wasn't this is a Kill la Kill premise?
It had blood yes but not the subject you are thinking of.
>draw a boy
>an actual boy
>claim it's a """girl"""
the real redpill is hard to swallow, but someday this site will get there.
I would give it a try if madoka, homura and mami were swapped to cute boys.
Why those three?
No reason but I don't want boy sakura or filthy heterosexuals in madoka.
Hey Apple. I saw your post in that archived thread in desuarchives. If you dont mind me suggesting. If you want to practice translating why not start on that kyoko doujinshi?
I'd watch it
>it will become sentai
I am okay with this.
Dont you fucking steal my idea. I am the one who will write a manga about mahou shonen trap magica.
You just implied that you haven't done the manga which means you just stole the idea.
Only if they keep the pretty dresses.
I would be curious to see it but I think the series is best when the characters are girls. The show focuses on the turbulent time in a girl's life when she is becoming an adult. I do not think this could translate very well if the characters are boys.
Tomorrow is your special day, right?
>young teen boys aren't emotional wrecks like their female counterparts.
You cannot be serious.
I think it is different though. Boys and girls are affected differently during that time in their life.
They still go through shit.
Gen actually once mentioned that Madoka's story will fit nicely for cantonese speaking 5 boys in some back alleys in hong kong
So how about that Madoka Magica? Will we get anything new?
No. Her special day is April the 8.
We all would have laughed at how much of an edgelord male Homura would have been.
Then lose it at Rebelion
Not really.
It's closer to 8 times as deadly for men. Mainly because IIRC the main suicide method for men is gun, while for women it's OD(I think?).
EVA is pretty much gender-swapped versions of mecha character archetypes when you think about it.
He would have pulled it off in a cool manner
About time. In April the 8 Kyoko fucked you for the first time in your sleep and you drenched yourself in your juices. Do all women drench themselves through dreaming? Only ever seen it and in one anime.
Marry me
Fuck off Sayaka and or Kevin-kun. Apple-chan is mine!
I didn't watch madoka tho
You fuck off! I proposed myself to her way earlier. But I'll be gentle let us settle this by the sword.
My man.
I would if I had one. Besides I also have to fight Kyoko for Apple-chan.
Too many namefags and not enough magical males.
Well then I can lend you a replica of Glamdring I shall fight with my newly acquired replica of Anduril, no worries they aren't as sharp as my edge.
I dont care what sword you give so long as they are equally sharp. Once I deal with you you are not Kevin-kun is next followed by Kyoko
Do they have to be bishi fujobait? Can't they be manly boys?
Got to admit, some of these designs are impressive.
Mandoka with Homura (female) looks amazing and
Sayaka (male) is just has handsome as Sayaka. (female)
It would just be Kamen Rider Ryuki. Which was a damn good show.
This is as manly as we can go.
Oh, how confident! You think you can defeat me!
I shall stand beside your defeat. Well to be fair they are equally sharp, yet their size differ. One is a longsword while the other one is the size of a a bastard sword.
Either way I will take on the world for Apple-chan heart. Even if that means destroying everything I own.
Can you two shut the fuck up and post megucas of any gender? Please?
>Mandoka with Homura (female) looks amazing and
Yeah, I really like it this way as well. I used to be able to sperge on why I was so into this but its been a cool minuet.
Well you could practice what you preach and dump some images yourself.
I want to post you.
Got anymore?
No, because the show was already shit.
BUT if we are talking about shotas with dresses fighting against female monsters with big tits then I don't know.
Preposterous, you'd stop to a single world.
By your command!
I'm about out of male Madokas.
I will go through many if I have to.
Put yourself in Madoka's frilly skirt and who would you chose? Your childhood best friend whose depressed and on the rebound, a hobo who seems a little murderous, your handsome upperclassmen who has a dark secret or the creepy stalker you just met?
I think the Kyouko (Male) I posted was the only one I had. Fuck.
You could always check pixiv and the booru.