The cat is me.
The cat is mine.
How would you best describe Kazuma and Aqua's relationship?
>old married couple
>brother and sister
>best bros
>Season 2 ends with no word season 3
>that squeak
better than the kanbaru one
Why is Kazuma so much better at being chuuni than Megumin?
They will do a great cliffhanger
I like KonoSuba and the dynamics between the characters. But the comedy isn't that great. It's good but not super great. I think it's mostly because a lot of the jokes are basically rehashes in some form or completely predictable (which I don't find a problem but it does hold it back from being super great).
Like today's episode, the joke of interpreting Darkness' masochism as heroism. I think that has been done before but it was predictable and more than that it was drawn out. One person making the same joke, sure that's good. But we got four different statements essentially repeating the same joke. It's not bad but again not super great.
Personally I like Prison School's humor more (and Grand Blue's). That's some top-tier comedy. What these three have in common is that they feature a trash main cast who backstab their friends. It's the best kind of starting point for an anime comedy.
as people pointed out the in the previous thread at this point Aqua and Kazuma really do most of the heavy lifting as characters. Just the way they sink into bigger scumbags each episode is perfect
>I like Prison School's humor more
Cavalry battle in Namek was so funneh
Oops, let me elaborate. Prison School anime* because based Mizushima and amazing seiyuu. The manga is trash.
11/10 episode.
goddamn that was so much fun
only 3 episodes left
KonoSuba 3 wen
Darkness is my favorite and I'm going to make her my M slave!
How can Kyoani compare to the beauty of DEEN animation?
The anime was mostly a 1-1 adaptation with downgraded art though.
Has it really gotten that bad? I haven't read it in like a year.
ill make her pussy squeak if you catch my drift.
stop bullying the Yunyun
>will never grope wiz's butt
I would insert my penis in her vagina if you know what i mean.
>cgi horses
I don't know why but I felt really disappointed
I'm surprised there was no "hehe boobies on my back"
>3 episodes left
Would you crash yourself into Lalatina's rock hard muscles?
Because hes older than her and he has all of japanese culture to refer from where as Megumin just has her shitty village.
Eh im also a bit against 3D shit like the wagons but the animation was pretty solid this whole episode so i dont mind.
Man why hasnt Kazuma gotten a girlfriend in Japan if hes such a lady killer in the isekai?
His kind doesn't attract normie girls
Can't do that if you not leave the house
>"hehe boobies on my back"
imagine the dub is like this
"bruh dem tiddies tho had me like :orgasmface: :100%:"
It reminded me of the background characters I saw in episode 1 (presumably the rest of them have the same thing) of Re:Zero. I didn't like it either, doesn't fit the aesthetic.
I want to bathe in the same hot spring as Aqua.
Hope you enjoy regular water then
That's just hot water.
This show has the greatest screeches.
Grand Blue suffers from the same problem of recycled jokes (exaggerated faces, alcoholism and misunderstandings), but it's still really great. There's nothing wrong with reusing a few jokes as long as they are good and executed well. It's actually hard to find a full length comedy series that doesn't do this.
Because the women that like him are weirdos.
If I drank aqua's pee, would it just taste like pure water?
He liked a girl once, he saw her riding on the back of a delinquents motorbike.
Earth is largely populated by normalfags, and anyone with a moderate power level would rather just stay indoors and avoid people.
In isekai Australia, being weird is the norm. Kazuma is among his own people.
Aqua doesn't pee
will they make a 3rd season? i don't think i can handle such a ride ending. it's like a drug. i want to see lalatina finally slay megumi.
Who cares about shit that isn't even on the screen for a full second. Holy autism.
I want to be Aqua's boyfriend so bad.
I bet her sweat smells really good
I just wanna give her bands of cash to see her act like this.
Kazuma was in love with his childhood friend but then he got NTRed when he saw her riding in the back of a delinquent's bike.
That is why he became a NEET.
Kazuma was a Pure Guy who wanted to only Procreate with his Childhood Friend.
The cat is mine.
What a slut.
They are Meguminfags who think Megu can beat Aqua when it comes to understanding Kazuma's heart.
Is Yunyun asking for sex?
in the sense that it's a series that actively goes even further out of its way to make the characters look crude, DEEN could have gotten away with the horses looking retarded
She is asking Kazuma to marry her, and yes, to have sex with her.
>A sitcom married couple
She was asking Kazuma to impregnate her so she'd give birth to a hero that would save the Crimson Demon Clan
He does it right?
Anyone make a webm of vanir turning his nightmare vision on?
When does Lalatina give birth?
She did it infront of the party so the rest of the party stopped him from accepting.
He was willing, but Megumin cockblocked them,
Oh boy you are in for a sour defeat if we get s3
Yeah, season 3 will be Megumin and Iris winning hard
>Rem wearing the clothes of someone who shares Emilia's VA
Why are Remfags so fucking shit?
>You will never sex Wiz
what would wiz' mouth feel like?
Some jokes can still be fairly good even if re-used a lot. Depends on the delivery really.
She's a litch. Cold and dry.
What does Kazuma's finger taste like?
a fish or something, cold and wet
I want to spoil Aqua when she makes those faces!
bags of sand
In some settings litches that still have their flesh are actually still warm, its just a supernatural warm that feels weird.
Eris > Iris > Yunyun > Lalatina > Aqua > Megumin
>This is hot water.
That was honestly the best joke of the episode. The mix of pure bliss and non caring attitude despite Aqua acting like a fucking mongoloid was hilarious.
Megumin = Iris > Arue > rest
What's Vanir planning? Is he going to evict Wiz and take over the shop for himself?
Why can't Aqua purify toad slime?
No, but it's not for a lack of willingness.
I think he's just there to keep her out of the store so she doesn't compulsively buy a piece of shit item to sell and wastes their profits.
He'll keep her doing menial jobs while he runs the shop.
Darkness a shit. Definitely worst girl
I don't think the thought crossed her mind, and anyway it's probably already pure digestive juice anyway.
Any more pics of this semen demon?
Im not really sure why Vanir even keeps Wiz around besides as a good cover for the shop.
>Implying mages are ever not slut.
Because it's her shop.
Does anyone besides Chris and Megumin actually wear panties?
Vanir will make Wiz suffer a lot throughout the volumes, Aqua as well will always put her to near death for the coming episodes. But we will see a serious Wiz at least later.
The two whores who chase after the other cheat-guy
Grand Blue is such overrated garbage
I want to hug Yunyun.
The store is hers, somehow.
I like it because it appeals to the same humour that makes my friends and I get drunk and make dumb ass min max builds like Megumins in DnD and the same sorts of shenanigans ensue. Trying to cover up Darkness' shenanigans is just like trying to look after the dumb rogue or bard and Aqua pulling dumb shit is just like what happens when one of your friends accidentally fucks up the plan, it's all good stuff it's just subjective.