Anyone remember this old manga from the 80s called Urusei Yatsura? It was by Takahashi Rumiko and didn't have a very successful run here. Am I just a faggot or does anyone else remember/like it?
Urusei Yatsura
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You're just a faggot. It always gets mentioned whenever the word "old" or "nostalgia" appears.
Damn, for real? No one in my weeb group has ever heard of it. I must be the biggest faggot ever.
From where do you hail, stranger?
From the distant lands of South America I come, pillaging and destroying villages as I please. Yourself?
I come from Sup Forums. UY gets mentioned around here occasionally, but threads solely about it don't exist.
I'm not surprised that your weeb friends in real life don't know about it. Anyone who doesn't know enough to hide their powerlevel doesn't know much about these matters.
Is it looked on as a good piece of media here? I think it's pretty top-tier myself but I reckon the gods of Sup Forums have a better verdict
>I reckon the gods of Sup Forums have a better verdict
Stop sucking our dicks. And most people that mention it seem to like it a lot, I very rarely see people talking shit about it (And I've been here for quite some time.)
Yo, sorry. Never really been on Sup Forums before or any other Sup Forums board. All I really know is people get called fag a lot? Just wanted to know if people lurking here knew about this, didn't mean to suck no dicks. That's gay.
I only watched 1 episode of it.Looks fine but nothing too special to be honest
Eyyyy, another person who's heard of it. Good to know! If you aren't working on anything else I'd definitely recommend it.
Ranma did soo much better.
Urusei characters weren't just as likable as Ranma's.
I've heard lots of the UY characters got funneled into Ranma characters, like Ryuunosuke being turned into Ryouga or some shit. Never seen Ranma though
It was a pretty interesting read for what it is.
The one movie I saw was entertaining, can't find much else of it outside of Japan
Real fuckin shame about that honestly. I don't think it got a chance to really break through in western media
The main character in Urusei is a pervert and Lum is a annoying crazy naked girl.
Shit was almost canned.
I dunno, from what I've seen Shampoo is kinda like Lum
>amazonian crazy girl
Shampoo seems like best girl material honestly, but I haven't seen enough to really gauge
You should read the Ranma manga its really good also Viz released a complete Bluray set with English dub and Japanese a few months ago, a rip is up on nyaa now.
It just seems like genderbending hijinks, is it worth the watch? I mean I'm all for tits but not for genderbending.
Its really good also Ranma best girl and male Ranma is a gentleman but no the fedora gentleman kind.
I guess I could give it a watch. Does it have a similar feel to UY? I don't know if Takahashi's a consistent author or not since one series is about genderbending, the other is about a kemonomimi demon, one is about a guy with a hyphen in his name and the last is about a bikini oni girl
Each of her work improves upon the older in every regard.
Romance is done much better in Ranma and the characters are a lot more likable.
Well, I guess it's worth a shot then. I'm always a slut for likable characters
UY is one of the most important anime of all time along with Ranma and was a cultural phenomenon that had a huge influence on otaku culture and pretty most famous anime animators/directors/mangaka growing up during the time it aired.
Anybody who is anybody has heard of and watched it. Honestly, If anyone who claims to watch anime is unfamiliar with it, their opinion is pretty much worthless.
Just because it is not too famous outside of Japan doesn't mean anything.
>and pretty much influenced most famous anime animators/directors/mangaka growing up during the time it aired.
I think i watch this once an week or so now
Imagine the exact same beginning, except that the invaders don't look remotely human.
So I have watch 4 episodes of UY and it is pretty good but it isn't as good as I thought it was going to be when does it hit it's stride?
I'm 50 episodes in. It hasn't changed really at all once they finish introducing all the characters.
One of my favorites actually.
Stop pretending to be a newfag
This is every Takahashi. At least her long-running comedies. She keeps ending up with 50 characters because her writing style is to introduce new ones with their own joke when she gets tired, then they hang out forever, then she thinks of something she wants to do with them but can't because there's already a protagonist and maybe it doesn't suit them exactly, and that turns into a new series. If Ryuunosuke could cheat and Ataru didn't exist to bomb into the plot and take it over she would be Ranma.
People make Urusei threads on here fairly often. Not that I have any problem with it, it's definitely a fun series
It's been a lot longer since I watched Ranma 1/2, but I feel like Ryuunosuke and her father were more like Ranma and Genma. Then there's always the comparison of Shampoo being a discount Lum.
>Anyone remember
This is such a shit attempt at bait it's positively infuriating.
Watch another episode-
Discard everything this moron says.
Urusei Yatsura is similar to Ranma, but better in every conceivable way, mainly because it had a far more talented staff working on it lead by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, Angels Egg). Ranma has a lot of popularity here among mexicans, which is why you see it get a lot of mindless praise.
With that said, Rumiko Takahashi's best work by far is Maison Ikkoku, which was also one of her earlier works. Again, discard any idiot who spouts idiocy like
>Each of her work improves upon the older in every regard.
Because Inuyasha was literal garbage.
She doesn't know how to write endings. Most of her endings can't even be called endings. She just randomly decides "Ok, this is a good spot to make the ending!" and writes END at the bottom of the page and that's fucking it.
Well at least Inuyasha was wrapped up properly, even though I wasn't very pleased by the ending, it can at least be called a proper ending. Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2 were a fucking joke with their endings.
>he hasn't read/watched maison ikkoku
Try educating yourself before making a retard of yourself.
Eh, it was OK, but it was too slice of life for me. I only really read stuff with additional elements like sci-fi or fantasy; Ranma 1/2 at least had martial arts. IIRC Maison Ikkoku was just romance/comedy and all the characters were normal people. But since it was shorter, it wasn't too bad. And yeah, that one had a decent ending too. But like I said, Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura both had shitty endings. Nothing was resolved and the story simply ends. I had hopes for Kyoukai no Rinne, but after reading over 100 chapters with next to no plot development, I stopped reading. Shit was even slower than Inuyasha, and that's saying a lot.
yes, Ryuunosuke and father are definetly proto- Ranma and Genma.