It kinda doesn't feel the same knowing there's not going to be an accompanying raw thread.
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 159
Aw, shiiit.
I never fail to laugh at stupid faces. This person is a genius at making faces
also thanks for the dump, based Tarage.
I know right? You can just tell what they're thinking two panels up.
"Hey Nagisa-chan, what if we added X?"
"That is a great idea Youko-kun!"
Do not let dumbs make curry.
But then again, he also knows how to make faces like this...
m-muh heart
th-this is a comedy manga right guys, dumb dumbs doing dumb things, no drama.
I-I'm not crying
See you next week.
thanks, based Tarage!
Shit is getting too real, I don't want it to.
thanks user you rock
Thanks Tarage.
yeah, feels kinda weird
aw shit
oh damn
thanks for the dumping
And thanks.
>Jitsu wa Watashi wa is over
We didn't even learn Shimada's secret, did we?
The secret is [spoilers]he keeps hitting on ladyboys.[/spoilers]
And I fucked that up. Whatever.
he probably works with the police
>this trope
>It will be the last school event for us.
I keep forgetting this is ending.
>Tfw i dont have a friendship like the friendships in jitsu wa
Why is this manga making me feel this way
Thanks again
How long are they planning to infiltrate?
Oh fucking shit why is Youko such a cute I can't bear it ngggggggggggghaaaaah.
>tfw no qt dumpire gf
Awwww, not a funny chapter!
Thanks tarage!
Even when dumbpire is naked, she has absolutely no sex appeal
thanks Tarage
how can alium be so cute
Such good friends ;_;
Thumbnail looks super lewd.
>Expecting lewd in Jitsu Wa
Son do you know what you're reading?
Thanks Tarage
>real aizawa in a bowl
I sometimes forget she's so tiny
I always forget her real size.
>Her brother
Straight to the heart
Thanks Tarage man
>There's something warm and fleshy pressing against my lower back
Great, now I want a Richard Williams short for this series.
I hope we're not in for too much suffering damn it.
Jesus christ stop torturing the poor alien girl.
Thanks Tarage ur a real hero.