This was really really sweet. I really hope Ghibli begins production again soon.
When Marnie Was There
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/u/ poster here
More like super blue balls
They actually made one or two films after this but it was all absolute disaster in terms of sales
Ghibli's dead, and the director has a new film being done by another studio.
Anna and Marnie are pure.
Just watched the trailer
It looked gay as fuck
Since when did Ghibli do degenerate shit?
Whats wrong with two young girls having fun with one another and enjoying a beautiful, blossoming friendship?
Just surprised a studio like Ghibli would do gay shit
Times are changing!
Watched this last weekend. Not a bad movie, but MC was a bitch.
Go be a delusional yurifag on /u/.
It's literally her hallucinating memories of her grandmother. It's not even a little gay.
Really? Trailer looked like it could trump Kyoani when it comes to yuribaiting
It's a hallucination of her grandmother. It's obvious that she isn't real about 10 minutes into the movie, if the title doesn't somehow give it away. Ignore yurifags.
Its definitely yuribait, but still a good movie.
>tfw you will never be a little girl and have this relationship with another little girl
>Girl lives out memories of her dead grandmother
>Omg 2 girls together, it's yuri
Why are yurifags so stupid?
>/u/ poster here
That's like saying Jew here in Nazi Germany.
/u/ sells
Nah. It DOES seem very gay at first...then its just really, really sad...
They had to make them related because Ghibli doesn't have the balls to do gay.
>I really hope Ghibli begins production again soon.
That's what Studio Ponoc is for. Yonebayashi is going to be making films there.
It's less "don't have the balls" and more "the entire point of the movie was her relationship with her grandmother, and they don't care about your shit fetish".
Marnie is really pretty...
How can a human being with a heart and soul say such filthy things? Is your life so empty and dreary that you have lost the ability to appreciate sweetness?
How could you missed the point of the movie so completely? Did your grandmother rape you?
All these dreary fags on Sup Forums should fuck off.
Dub or sub?
I cried.
Its okay to cry user.
> I really hope Ghibli begins production again soon
It's dead, user.