>hated tenchi in tokyo as a kid >rewatch it for the first time in 20 years >it's takes the piss out of the other tenchi series and correctly identifies everything that would go wrong with ova 3 >it's also fucking hilarious
Tenchi series anime most of the time become SOL than battle shounen.
William Evans
>give harem shit a chance No thanks. It had its chance, then it chose to be a harem, so it's garbage.
Ryder Foster
It's not. The only thing worthy about that series was Tenchi and Ryouko and the OP. Universe is better.
Jacob Bennett
tokyo is literally not harem tenchi tells all the harem girls to leave him alone and moves away
Cameron Martinez
Newfag, you don't even know what the image means. Unless you actually trying to imply you are gay and getting fucked in the ass.
And just because he tells the girls to fuck off doesn't mean it's not a harem, they all still want to fuck him, which is what makes it a harem.
Camden Lewis
That soonwill be a remake on pretty sammy.
Robert Davis
pretty sammy was a mistake
Brody Johnson
It may revive the franchise again
Gabriel Richardson
sabishiidesu.com/p/that-person-later-on.html It has tenchi like feel except the emotionaly weak protagonist at the start. It is light story and can feel the old school harem vibe on it.
Easton Parker
So how about them recent OVAs, huh?
Alexander Bailey
watching ova 3 was like swallowing gallons of hydrochloric acid watching ova 4 ep1 without subs was like watching scenes from some obscure sega saturn puzzle game based on the tenchi license
James Scott
You know what? Ill give Tokyo this, unlike later OVAs? SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS!
Leo Cruz
It has not subbed yet, wew.
Jace Long
Bentley Watson
Shameless bumping
Aaron Jones
Tenchi's always been better about SoL than battle shit. How can you beat living in some isolated mountain shrine with a huge modern comfy house surrounded by the best alien women? And then they bring you some floating tree onsen ship.
Brayden King
Every OVA after 1 disagrees with you. Yeah Tenchi works SOL but even in SOL you have to have the characters DO SOMETHING!
The manga gets this, Universe gets this even Tokyo TRIES to get this. All the OVA does for a long time is have the characters we actually care about sit their gob struck while the writer jacks off to the jurai family tree
Jackson Flores
I never hated Tokyo for not being a harem, I hated it for being boring.
Levi Myers
I unironically think Tokyo is the best.
Oliver Anderson
It's ironic the best Tenchi was the one that only had 3 minutes of him. Unfortunately it had furries in it.
Daniel Brooks
I hated Tokyo for Tenchi cucking Ryoko. She deserves better.
Dylan Ross
I never cared for old porcupine hair.
Isaac Fisher
I still have no idea which order to watch these. Sometimes Sup Forums tells me to skip some, some tell me to watch the dub (nostalgiafags I think. The voices always sounded like shit)
James Jones
Jason Nguyen
Watch ova1 and go from there.
Jace Watson
Start with OVA 1&2 or Tenchi Universe. The ova have better characterisation and is more SoL focused, Universe has a stronger central narrative. They're both worth watching (though OVA 1 is really starting to show its age) and if you like one you'll probably like the other.
After OVA 2 you can watch GXP or War on Geminar. GXP is an extremely goofy (and extremely Japanese) comedy. It's extremely divisive, lots of people loath it. War on Geminar is set in an alternate world and is loosely connected to the rest of the franchise. It holds up in its own right and is absolutely worth watching.
After watching GXP you can watch OVA 3. OVA 3 is shit on multiple levels but if you've made it this far you'll probably want to watch it for the sake of completeness. Even though it technically takes place before GXP it's basically mandatory to watch GXP beforehand to know what's going on (since it assumes you've been reading the creators Japan only stories).
The manga spinoffs are also good, but IIRC don't fit into a specific spot in the cannon.
Everything else is somewhere between boring and unwatchable.
Robert Sanders
Alright. I definitely want some hot Ryoko.
Ryder Adams
If you like pointy 90's tits then the OVA are probably where you should start then.
Samuel Johnson
Is there anythign better than 90s point tits?
Henry James
Watch OVA 1. Throw the rest into the garbage.
Blake Hall
Brayden Lewis
go back to your dead website, faggot
Tyler Cooper
Cooper Hall
Fuck no, I hated it then, and will most likely hate it still today. Bring in some nobody cunt taking focus away from the main girls? Fuck off with that. I expected more wacky space adventures with a televised anime.
Benjamin Powell
It is the original harem, and does it right. So you're an idiot.
Blake Hall
The Manga Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san is basically a reskinned Tenchi in Tokyo.
Christian Baker
How about the Tenchi movies?
Jonathan Hall
There is also a hentai that is loosely connected to the Tenchi series.
Aaron Baker
I liked it. Drawing in more of the GXP novels, Ryoko and Ayeka are closer than ever and there's some brickwork for a scene where Ayeka's going to make an outfit for her. Mihoshi and Tokimi are adorable together. The blonde relative doesn't sound like I imagined she would, I had a huskier voice in my head..
Jack Harris
Watch them all. They're connected to Universe, and one of them is an adaptation of one of the Hasegawa novels, I think.
Isaiah Phillips
>watching ova 4 ep1 without subs Subs when? NOW
Gavin Flores
I can't wait for the next episode, and not just for the usual reasons. Pic related.
Sebastian Gray
Tenchi movies are good. I really loved the first one about Tenchi's mother. Especially since Kajishima made her completely shit in the OVAs.