What level of racemixing do you think is ok? If any at all.
Where do you draw the line?
What level of racemixing do you think is ok? If any at all.
Where do you draw the line?
racemixing is degeneracy
Yes but where do you draw the line? Like. Would a german/French couple be rm? Would a german/russian or maybe a german/italian?
I'm fine with any couple. I'm not such an insecure virgin with autism who actually cares so much about what women random dudes marry. Seriously, get a life.
Good answers
Personally I don't have a problem with Asian/white.
Most Slavs and Italians I would consider white. Italian is the cut off imo
I'm no longer rustled over the state of a minority of Europeans interbreeding with other races. We'll just know who to go after when SIEGE comes around. Plenty of lamp posts and miles of rope.
No fucking mixing in Europe of any kind outside of sub racial group. Euromongrels- USA. Mongrels- Brazil
No one would have cared if those subhumans left. We don’t want non-racist “Whites” around us to begin with
Anything that is OK with someone of your own race is also OK with someone of a different race.
I may be an insecure virgin with autism but at least I'm not a racist pig.
there is only one race
the human race
it's a non-issue
jews are the ones who focus on genetics and their i'm so special seed of abraham bullshit
I draw the line at my countries boundary. Outside everyone can racemix and I don't care.
Whites with whites only. Irish wiggers don't count.
Anyone else can mix.
I only recognize three races.
Eurasians are only about 20,000 years removed from one another.
Australoids are 72,000 years from us.
Sub-saharans are 130,000 years from us.
I'm think Jeffersonian relationships that do not produce offspring are fine.
white male/any race woman is ok.
any race male/ any race woman is not ok
Over 10 IQ distance between parents.
its like you canadians are trying so fucking hard to live up to your LEAF reputation, its not even funny anymore
i'd say anything white-ish is ok, if you care about skin tone of your future children. If you dont, then anything is ok. I, personally, wouldnt want too dark children, but wouldnt mind gorgeous levantine arab
Purer = better
Mixed outside of subracial group = should be exiled to US
No need to go against long ago accepted and agreed upon ethnonationalist principles
white hispanics and white arabs are ok
>(((Irish not white)))
Americunt edjumacation strikes again. Shower all you like you filthy subhuman mutt, you’ll never get that shitskin off
>Irish literally the whitest people in Europe.
The main issue is the (((propaganda))) constantly encouraging and pushing for it. Left to their own devices, people will normally date within their circle, and the occasional cases where two people of different races have a family aren't a big deal.
So would the couple in pic be ok?
I don't man I like a Finnish girl but im a Spaniard by blood I feel terrible but at same the same I would go with it but I don't ruin her blood line but i like her alot...can you give me some advice,should I go for it or should I leave it?
Are you dumb?
In what way are the irish not white? Half germanic half irish, i'm probably "whiter" than you, whatever that means.
Yeah, it's dumb, bro
As a kraut bro in Japan, that goes from girl to girl, and having to hang out with each girls circle of friends and having to listen to each and every comment about how "our kids are going to be so cute.." no level of race mixing is acceptable.
I've realized that if I got a girl pregnant, my bloodline is finished, but theirs would be infinitely improved...
im a caucasian racemixing with a wh*te no one can stop me
Ameribro, don't ruin your med bloodline .
Anything implying white women with non-white men. White men should masturbate to anime pillows
Mexicans are pretty much genetically half white. The rest is Amerindian and possibly some African from the slave trade.
Why do you care? When was the last time you had sex?
Sex is only for procreation. All other instances of sex are degenerate.
Except 90% of them are not semitic. They are euros in a cult.
If any reason for selective breeding, I'd choose this.
Kravitz and his wife? Who cares?
And the last time you had sex, for whatever reason, was when? Never?
Why is sex such a big issue on this board? It's not difficult to get laid. What gives?
Aren't Slavs white?? I always thought they was European..
As long as the couple are happy I don't have a problem with it at all.
Im white m my girl is arab
Subservient women dont come in white anymore
IMO race mixing is only really bad when it is with a nigger because niggers in first world countries still have IQs in the 80s while indians and the like when they're born and raised in first world countries have IQs of around 100.
It's bad when a nigger breeds with a non nigger because it is like pissing in the rest of humanity's gene pool and dragging us down to their level with their low IQ genes.
I get angry when I see a nigger with any non-nigger but I don't really care if I see an asian with an indian or a hispanic with a white or any other combination.
I like sex
They are, some people like to say they aren't though, same with Italians.
Nope, slavs are light version of asians.
I think the whole point of the OP was to start a debate about Italians not being European.
Muds can muddy each other up all they want. I don't think whites should punish their offspring with low IQ mud DNA, though.
>Im white m my girl is arab
Show me the secret of your power.
Always wanted a qt Arab gf.
Slavs and Meds are all white.
White people is a broad spectrum that doesn't just consist of WASPs.
Italians have done more for European history than anyone.
White males and East Asians males are the only ones who should've allowed to decide who gets to fuck who
Oh but they do, my young friend.
Meds and whites is the only acceptable answer. Maybe some types of light middle easterners and Euro Latinas.
Another manlet virgin. It's ok, more for us.
You know this book is satire from the time right? I’m not even Irish.
What you should go is for a fucking rope
I dated an Italian/Black/Indian mixed girl... How far over the line have I crossed?
i couldn't care less
English/white and Armenian/white are gross
I'm a straight white guy and I'd have Lenny Kravitz's second degree mischling quadroon babies.
Why do you give a shit? Make babies, pussy.
Agreed, niggers and Abbos are a cancer upon the earth. Better to cut off the infected limb to preserve the rest of the body.
beats being a potato jew
NEET virgin loser detected.
>lighten up, have a beer, and take home a fat girl for the night.
Seriously bruh, it will do wonders for your stress level and social confidence.
>but fat girls are gross!
Gotta start somewhere kid. Fat girls are good practice for the developement of game.
White + Caucasian
I'm fine with it in general on an individual level, but outside of White/Caucasian mix it produces hybrid races if done on a mass level.
The only level I respect is Italian-White race mixing
why would you want to be white anyway?
I certainly appreciate not being included in a group with americans and anglos.
i'm italian so it doesn't matter what I do
Le 0% face would have been better imo
Race mixing in general doesn't bother me personally, so I can't really give much of an answer.
There's no such thing as a hispanic race you ignorant prick; people from Spain are mostly gracile mediterranid, they're all caucasoid, in Latin America the vast majority is indianid, they are mongoloid, and some countries have this mongoloid/caucasoid admixture, but most hispanics are maybe even whiter than you.
slavs/italians are white so I'm fine with that, and asians are known for high intelligence and low degeneracy so I would have no problem with white/asian race mixing
>would have no problem with white/asian race mixing
Thank you. Let's breed more fucking mongoloid insects. There only over Billion of them.
Really outdated classification. And if it’s between Asians and everyone else, there’s never enough Asians, so I’m good with more.
Race mixing is fine as long as its not with a black or mixed black.