The series from the 1917-1941 seasons are out

The series from the 1917-1941 seasons are out.
Watch them now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Very cool...thanks

>one reply
I guess Sup Forumsnons only give a shit about cute girls and pandering to them.

neat, thanks user.
I'll check some out when im caught up on my weekly dose of cute girls

Isn't most of this shit just imperial propaganda?

Anyone ever think we needed an /ar/ board for stuff this old?


I appreciate this. Thanks!

It's a pretty reasonable idea.

Well I just watched a Wolf is a wolf.

Sure was drawn out and dumb. But I suppose that's not really the point.

Yeah, but it probably wouldn't get much traffic, I suspect, kinda like /vr/. Slooooooow as molasses.

They really do wrote backwards before the war.

But that's good.
Everyone knows that /vr/ is a top-tier board.

Nothing wrong with being slow.

Another thing about /vr/ is how it isn't Sup Forums.

Heh, indeed, my good sirs. Indeed.

So what now? Time to flood the secret board with posts about /ar/?

Great! Now I can watch all the imperial era propaganda I want.

Eh, I'm too lazy and can't be arsed to contriboot, and it's past my bedtime. If this thread's still around tomorrow, I'll pick it back up then.

What are we, Sup Forums? /mlp/? No, just make a sincere thread about it.

/his/ got made.
/qst/ got made.
So can this.

Shut the fuck up you /ar/ retards.

That board will never happen because everyone in charge knows it's fucking retarded.

I just wish Sup Forums didn't get split up so badly.
Now it's just memes and shitposting. Even moreso than 2012

You're saying it like you still go there. Cut your losses, idiot.

Well that didn't take long.

From initial idea to shitposting about it, in...
about 17 or so minutes. Not bad, Sup Forums, not bad.

HorribleSubs when?

Because it's a stupid idea that has even been explicitly disavowed by Sup Forums staff before. /vr/ was made because Sup Forums was unsalvageable. Sup Forums isn't at that point despite what some memes say.

You type like a redditor by the way.

Wew lads, and with that level of assmad to see me off, I'm headed to bed right away!

G'night, Sup Forums!

Good night.

have to agree. not to mention the endless
>this belongs on /ar/
>this belongs on Sup Forums
bullshit that would happen

this is some interesting propaganda


I can't read or understand japanese unfortunately but this seems very interesting.

Thanks OP.

>for stuff this old
Nigger, forget /vr/, a board for stuff from before 1940 would be slower than fucking /po/.

There are subtitles, illiterate.

They won't be useful if he's illiterate, sherlock.

This is an awesome resource. The ones I've seen have the option for subs which is fantastic. Thanks for link.

lol who cares about this old shit

So this is where Kubrick got the idea.

Some things never change.

When did they switch writing from right to left to left to right?