All you need to worry about is that Snake is best girl, thanks for posting her.
Justin Powell
It definitely adds something, but I don't believe it's critical for enjoying the show.
I haven't looked at the LNs so I can't say
Daniel Perry
Anytime user. It only really seems to be an issue with Senjougahara anyways What should I watch after the original 13 episodes?
Joseph Peterson
Watch everything in release order. If Kizu were finished I'd tell you to slot it in immediately before Second Season, but since part 3 still isn't out it doesn't matter much.
Evan Kelly
You lose almost all the wordplay, it's definitely a better series when you know moon. this user has it down, watch things in release order, you can find the order easily.
Oh also, OP, read the split second text things. They're worth playing the pause game for.
Levi Williams
I started pausing around the 7th episode of the original series. May go back to read it all.
I'm surprised they just speed through them, they have pretty vital exposition
Jace Torres
Is most of the word play with Hanekawa and Senjougahara though? The stuff with Hachikuji is pretty straight forward (wordplay wise), and I didn't notice much with Kanbaru or Nadeko.
Asher Hall
Personally I can get a decent impression of what they say without pausing if I have my eyes in the right place. I think it was kind of intentional, since they're usually a character's thought process, and you generally don't think in complete sentences.
Josiah Morales
Just did the reading to put together that snake calls Araragi Koyomi-Onii chan because Koyomi is Japanese for calendar, and the way a Japanese person would say Calendar sounds like his younger sister Karen's name. So he's "Calendar's Big Brother"
How much stuff like this is just sailing past me every minute.
Brandon Cruz
>watching monogatari for anything but waifu bait
Camden Anderson
I remember it being neigh constant, with little things. However it has been quite a long time since I've seen it so I don't remember the jokes themselves all too well.
Ayden Thompson
How fluent are you/were you when you watched it? How many Kanji did you know by then?
Jackson Nguyen
Uh, no. Calendar would be "karendaa," not just "karen."
She just calls him that because his first name is Koyomi.
Bentley Rogers
Wow, I'm dumber than I thought They say his first name very sparingly
Grayson Sanchez
Karen-chan kinda sounds like calendar (if you are retarded like me)
>She just calls him that because his first name is Koyomi. This is true
Adam Peterson
Just realized that Araragi is canonically 5'4" and 120lbs
I'm not a /fit/izen but man, that is a small guy
Every girl in the show must be like 5' flat
Andrew Cook
No idea whatsoever to be honest. I don't measure my progress in the things I learn.
Jack Johnson
But you did learn Japanese. Was it through college or self-teaching? When did you start?
Asher Williams
Started in middle school, self taught beyond that, why?
Alexander Rivera
Impressed is all, that shit isn't easy. English and Japanese are both tough, achieving fluency in both is a feat
Aaron Reyes
I guess so.
Jeremiah Cooper
おめでとうございます is about as good as it gets for me. Trying to learn in my spare time, but college, work, clubs, are all in the way
Jace Barnes
What? There's now way he can possibly be that small.
>mfw i just realised theyre called fire sisters because they both have the kanji for fire in their name was this ever mentioned in the series?
Ryder Green
You're missing the time, and I was missing the will, funny.
Ayden Moore
Hachikuji is that tall?
Jeremiah Bailey
I've resolved to teaching English abroad in Japan for a year (yeah I know, of all the places to hear that, here is probably the worst), after 5 years in corporate finance in NYC. I'll burn myself out otherwise. I'm a compulsive student and have a great memory, but you're right, it's a time issue
Justin Bell
They're all short. 5'4" is short for a japanese male isnt it? The average is 5'7" and 1/2". So he's a manlet surrounded by average women That vampire "charm" must go a long way
Jackson Butler
Just hearing corporate makes me shiver, but does that mean you live in Japan? I'm jealous if so, America is boring and everyone only wants to talk politics, it's rather depressing.
Ian Williams
There is a big problem with Shinobu. If you don't know moon you won't understand how strange her speech is. Even things like waga aruji-sama and omae-sama. Also Bake has 15 episodes not 13.
Levi Lee
tfw when adult shinobu is taller that you Shes big for a elementary schooler
Liam Sanchez
I'd be working in New York City at an investment bank (one of the larger bulge bracket ones) for a few years. Imagine if all the jerks you knew growing up had ivy-league degrees and even bigger egos, put them in a $1500 suit and in charge of billions of dollars and you have my coworkers. The sense of self importance is insane, it's all politics, ass-kissing and ladder-climbing.
Not sure how I ended up with them all, being a closet-weeb and loser back in highschool I never thought I'd aspire to anything.
I'm hoping to leverage my time there to work in Japan, but the constant language barrier is why I'm so concerned about not learning now.
Nathaniel Smith
How do you mean by strange? I just finished episode 15. It seems lethargic, but do you mean foreign or slow or what?
Joshua Foster
She speaks in a very old manner. She uses old words and unusual words order.
Ethan Miller
I'll never understand that kind of environment since I play around freelancing for a living, it sounds horrible.
Charles Garcia
It's the worst hell I could imagine for myself. The complete opposite of what I envisioned for my life. I am an enormous success on paper, and a horrendous failure in my own mind. I had the willpower to keep straight A's, interview, kiss ass, network, remake myself and get a job people in my field fight over But I didn't have the strength of will to divine my own destiny.
I need to work on that. If I don't the 120 hours a week mandated for new hires for the first few years will kill me. Or my spirit
Christopher Campbell
120 hours? Is that even possible? I don't know if I should admire or pity you.
Austin Cox
During big M&A deals you work 18 hours a day 7 days a week, like when a company buys out another big company, or when two big brands merge. You sleep maybe 4 hours a day. My apartment is 88sqft, no AC, no private bathroom, and is $1600 a month, in the Bronx, an hour from work by 3 seperate subway lines. Animu and the chans are some of the only things that keeps me sane.
Like I said, 5 years, then I have to make a change. Although I said that when I graduated high school. I changed a lot, but not how I thought.
To keep it Sup Forums related, how does the next series with Araragi's sisters compare to the first?
Landon Rogers
Ugh stop, 88ft? I couldn't even fit my tech in that small of a space. Though I don't have much privacy either, I rent with friends, ~500/mo for a room in a big ass house. >how does the next series with Araragi's sisters compare to the first? Which season would that be I don't know how much you've watched.
James Price
And yeah, my room is big enough for a suit rack, a bed and a small desk. It's smaller than my smallest college dorm room. I share a shower with 8 other people on my floor.
This is the glamorous life of a NYC banker. At least until my loans are paid off.
Caleb Price
Just got to Snake's first appearance in nisemonogatari
Nise is great, the sisters have proper arks in that one too.
Elijah Martin
How gay is Kanbaru anyways? She flirts with Koyomi a lot, but it seems to be mainly fucking around. Is it mainly to poke fun at him or to project some of her desires towards Senjougahara onto him?
Ryan Brooks
No idea
Lincoln Reyes
>I share a shower with 8 other people on my floor.
Holy smokes, are you still in school? What kind of living condition are you forced to live in when you're an investment banker?
I can never get into the corporate life since I struggle to dress decently, hence why I am in engineering.
>To keep it Sup Forums related, how does the next series with Araragi's sisters compare to the first?
Nisemonogatari, your next target series, focuses a lot around them. I will also say that the fanservice is turned up 1000 notches. I nearly dropped the show because of it. Only episodes 1,2, and 7, and maybe the last episode were relevant in the grand scheme of things. But power through it so you can watch Neko Black. That arc was INCREDIBLE.
Joshua Myers
Housing is mainly because it's the cheapest I can live in order to pay off my loans as fast as possible. I could and will move up to a better, closer apartment, but renting in NYC is nuts. Living conditions are poor for the first few years, two of my cousins who took the same route shared 90sqft with two blow up mattresses.
You fight to get the job, keep the job and exit gracefully to your next oppurtunity. Your ass could be on the street in a week, easily, so expensive leases, car payments, etc. are a no go.
As for nise, I'm loving it so far, fan service and all. I like the casual stuff with Kanbaru.