That's right, boys! Time to move aside and let the competent women take care of things. The Force is female after all!
Toxic Masculinity Is the True Villain of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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Even Grace Randolf, who thinks diversity is a good thing, points out how white men are the Star Wars audience and that they made all the villains white men while the heroes are not white and male.
I think you mean WUMYIN
>be white man
>do all the work
>get shit on because you're a white male
Should've joined the first order
>a purple haired wymen got the most people on both sides killed
>Risk your life
>Get 3/4 of the remaining ships destroyed because your commanders refused to cooperate
Tell me who's the bad guy here.
>ruin the only good new character introduced in The Force Awakens by turning him into a hot-headed flyboy in order to have that stupid mansplaining subplot with admiral tumblr
Why is it so hard to make a decent Star Wars movie?
The way the purple haired woman died was, in my eyes, her payment for killing off a third of the crew by accident, but of course very media outlet acts like she was a saint and that Poe was wrong the whole time, even though that’s objectively false.
Why are all these people so stupid?
I'm the biggest Star Wars fan out there but I have no real intentions to even see this movie
The film does present Poe as wrong. Everything he did, both the mutiny and sending Finn out on that mission, lead to nothing. It's the purple-haired woman who ends up saving the say by sacrificing herself. Poe disrespecting her is a clear metaphor for how Kathleen Kennedy thinks men treat women in positions of authority.
>watching a Starwars movie made post 2010.
Please kys, all of you
Except Poe’s plan would have worked had the nigger and the chink not parked their ship on a beach.
>>be white man
Men had it their way for too long. Equality and respect are due to women and men. Males should not attempt to dominate this is toxic behavior and then they are found out like Harvey Weinstein because women always talk.
>watching a Star Wars movie made after 1984
>watching literal "pew pew pew" in space for retards in the first place
>Welcome to the Resistance. This is your admiral for tonight.
What do you do?
Both Poe and purple-haired were acting like dumb assholes. She could've just avoided the mutiny by telling him her plan, and he could just offer to send two expendable resistance members out on a mission to try to disable the shields.
>and he could just offer to send two expendable resistance members out on a mission to try to disable the shields.
b-but she was a big meany who wouldn't accept any ideas, no matter how good they are!
The whole film was fucking dumb. It makes as much sense as pic related, which is just nonsense I made up to make /x/ try to find meaning in.
It's irredeemable drivel.
Something like this
You know it's amazing, because I've always asked myself, "what if Darth Vader was right?"
Wait, is he "black Irish"? I thought he was a spic this whole time.
Vader was wrong. Sheev was right.
I've been reading up on this toxic masculinity crap.
Apparently toxic masculinity is the idea that the culture of masculinity is the cause of men not sharing their sensitivities with everyone around them like giving out free meals.
It's the idea that you should be open with absolutely everyone and lower your guard against strangers, basically teaching you that you should feel guilty for not having trust in all of Humankind and especially random women.
That you should give equal trust and care towards random women and men (but the focus is women while the men is just an addon to not look like you are being biased) that you would give to the mother and grandmother that fed and clothed you during your life, the girlfriend who loves you and shares your life with you, the daughter who is your own blood, and the female friends who have been specifically picked because they are compatible with you to talk and party with.
So there are two aims with this idea:
1. You should lower your emotional guard so you can be more easily manipulated.
2. You should treat others like you do your family, which makes you feel less guilty of being manipulated when that is happening.
3. Convincing you that selective sensitivities are not a rational and logical conclusion of a person who is experienced with how fucked up humanity can be on both sides of genders, but that it's a magical and specifically masculine mindset, basically "toxic masculinity" is a synonym for "regress your mindset to that of a child".
The purposes that can be achieved by all of the above being met, pretty much feed into the dream of a person with a Princess Complex.
Toxic femininity a thing?
Toxic masculinity is a social construct of toxic femininity
Apparently not.
Though the premise of how a person shares their sensitivity and emotions shouldn't have anything to do with femininity or masculinity but simple rationality and critical thinking.
Rationality and critical thinking state that a person should always observe, think, evaluate, and then act as the very last step in an appropriate and relative way to any specific phenomena or "kind of person" in this topic. This is toxic masculinity apparently.
the tranny wilderbeast that wrote the article
Western media is a lost cause
Join the First Order?
Let xer fuck my boipucci
Another form of manipulation trying to weaken and pacify a huge group of men.
Feminazis have turned into a problematic entity, they do not try to get same rights for women they try to make women superior in all fronts. The fact is for example in an army those physical tests are for a reason and lowering them for women to get in is just retarded, they become a nuisance. I fucking hated the part when womyn in army acted so strong but once you had to go marching they couldn't carry even their fucking gear so you as a man had to and yes most women go with equality bollocks etc. but once there's a situation which she can't handle she'll cry for help and expect you as a man to handle it.
Oh fuck this is the RESISTANCE?
I gotta go take a bathroom break
I swear I'll be back
Turn around and join the new order
Same, I caved and saw it last night though. It was better than I expected probably cause my expectations were subterranean but wew lad those """subtle""" political messages. Hamfisted as fuck.
Go to Hutt Space. Better serve slugjews than that.
Well yeah, but no one calls it that, it's redundant. Toxic and femininity are both the same thing.
>Rationality and critical thinking
umm user you mean toxic masculinity right.
Toxic masculinity is Islam.
It's hilarious how blind they are to just what the fuck went down in that movie.
>purple-haired feminist general loses a fuckton of rebels by being imcompetent and too condescending to tell anyone what she's doing
>Luke is openly critical of what a shitshow the rebellion is and their hubris
>minority characters' subplot about the 1%, animal abuse, etc. is universally the most hated part of the movie no one gave a shit about
>no one is on board or believes asian couple's romance
>Rey has a romantic relationship with the white head of the defacto Nazis who yells at her and tells her she's nothing, spurring a fucking tidal wave of fangirls
wtf I love Rian Johnson now
Don't you have an unborn child to violently remove from your uterus?
>women competent in TLJ.
If tumblr hair bitch had just said her plan then 1/3 of the plot would've been solved right there.
She literally just had to tell them her plan.
By being some retard fuckface trying to be edgy and mysterious she ended up getting the escape ships blown up.
Is this the proof we need SJW don't know what they want and should shut the fuck up and be subjugated?
Same. This franchise died for me after I saw TFA and confirmed that these movies are not being made for me anymore (well maybe to preach at me). I spoiled this one for myself immediately and wont be giving Disney a penny.
All memes are becoming real, apparently.
I actually gone to a movie in 3 years because they've been pushing this crap and have hardly released any good movies at all. And then they have the nerve to cry when they're making less money at the box office each year. Fuck pedowood, fuck sjwwood. I can't even enjoy the movies now knowing that a lot of the actos have probably been molested.
>joining the resistance
havne't gone*
Long live the new flesh, my man.
As much as Sup Forumss greatest racist and misogynist, I do not think, that race and sex is even the main problems of current shitshow. It is the abhorrent level of writing and pitiful CG.
It is authors deeming their work so good, that they discard old and known fetishes of the show for their less than irrelevant work and then begging on the internet for SJW crowd to value it.
contact Incuisition
quick, post the milk drinking webm
Ackbar was freed from captivity during a failed attempt by Rebel forces to capture Tarkin. Afterward he joined the Rebel Alliance and helped convince his species to support the cause, playing an integral part in persuading his people to contribute their massive starships, the Mon Calamari cruisers, to the Rebel Alliance.[6] Starting with the rank of Rebel commander, Ackbar helped design the B-wing, a powerful line of starfighters, which prompted Rebel leader Mon Mothma to promote him to admiral.[8] Following events in the film Star Wars, including the destruction of the Death Star, Ackbar helped the other Rebel leaders establish new bases of operation and manage a Rebel mobile task force in starships spread across the galaxy.[9] His responsibilities kept growing until Mon Mothma promoted him to commander of the entire Rebel fleet and head of military operations, as well as one of her top two advisers
Unknown cunt takes over and slowly watches as her men are slaughtered so she kamikazes to save who?
The movie was just disappointing because it had so much interesting stuff set up that it didn't pursue.
Luke training Rey? Nope, you get dick cow milk and like three seconds of meditation, lol
Po's a total hothead, wouldn't it have been good character development for him to suddenly be in charge, instead of Mistress Hair Dye?
Snoke, the only potentially threatening villain got killed in the stupidest way.
Could've been such an exciting film.
You grew old, but you are still flat, Kagamin.
I’m so happy this was shit, and a bad enough movie to where even the normals are being vocal about it. All those involved in the movie industry at this point need to rot.
Lmao, what a surprise.
Given how much big purple was an incompetent leader. I think disrespecting her is justified
The last truly good movie was Memento in 1999.
The 2000s were the testing grounds for gender nihilism, white self-loathing, and casting niglets in 40 percent of generals, police, authority figures, but 0 percent of criminals.
The 2010s have reached peak degeneracy. Why even give them one god damn dollar? They deserve to burn.
>Mad Max Fury Road(2015)
best action movie in film history
>Blader Runner 2049(2017)
one of the best sci fi movies in film history
>He cant find a good movie in 18 years
Edgy much huh?
those films are shit
stop using the term film history if you haven't a clue
t. shut the fuck up
You know, I'm really glad I didn't see these things when I watched the movie. I just enjoyed it for what it is, an action-adventure movie.
I'm the biggest Star Wars fan out there and TLJ was not as bad as I thought it would be. Based Rian made some good decisions, like pairing Finn with the fat chink instead of Rey, having the purple-haired woman commit suicide, the casino red-pill about selling weapons to both sides and the Force-sensitive kid at the end of the movie was a white boy (who will hopefully grow up to become a virtuous white man).
What you only get a hard on with Kieślowski, Kurosawa and Pasolini?
>everything was better back when we wuz kingz an shiet
The eternal Anglo strickes again
The original Star Wars was also an action adventure,
except the main character started out as an incompetent inexperienced kid who fucked up at every stop, proceeded to become experienced and start doing some things right in the 2nd movie, and became a veteran badass in the 3rd one with a clear progression of character;
while the movies here are about a Mary Sue who needs to be the best at everything for the female power fantasy.
I have seen both of those. Mad Max was a mediocre story with decent action.
Blade Runner 2049 was competent, yet sluggish and long. After 2 hours I was just waiting for it to end.
Perhaps if you had said The Dark Knight I would have taken you a little serious.
Movies are mostly shit in the last 2 decades. There are no unapologetically masculine movies anymore. You cannot make a movie directed to only serve the interests of men or especially not exclusively whites anymore.
They are all movies by committee, built to serve politically correct narratives, not the audience.
They can all fuck off.
Admiral Holdo really let herself go after miraculously surviving her light-speed kamikaze attack against Snoke's ship.
>Blader Runner 2049(2017)
just watched this last night in the theater. it was an overlong mess that should have left at least 30 minutes on the cutting room floor. And even with the extra length they failed to develop any of the characters at all.
Ridley Scott has apparently rented space up his own ass and now lives there full time.
>As much as Sup Forumss greatest racist and misogynist, I do not think, that race and sex is even the main problems of current shitshow. It is the abhorrent level of writing and pitiful CG.
The thing is they went with the marketing of movies and games and such to a new paradigm.
instead of making good stuff and persuading people to buy it they make shit and shame people for not liking it.
Luckily the profits are dropping like rock.
hurr durr I watch le old films which make them good indefinitely.
Bongtard hows the internet there?
man-ipulation is an offensive term , apologize now
Admiral Tumblr was responsible for Poe because she intentionally left out information which caused him to seek desperate solutions because he thought there was no hope (which was a logical conclusion). Blindly following leadership is fucking dumb.
so is this thing supposed to be human or alien?
I completely agree with you, man. That shit really pisses me off, considering that Poe is more of a hero in the sequel trilogy than MaREY Sue. Poe helped to destroy Starkiller Base, he appeared with other Resistance pilots on Takodana to help out his friends and he also fought against the First Order fleet at the start of The Last Jedi. Poe literally did nothing wrong. Dude's a hero and should be treated as such. Also, Holdo comes from Gatalenta, which is literally what Tumblr would be if it was a planet. Gatalenta is known for its meditative retreats and its tea (not even making this shit up). Pic related.
>Gran Torino doesn't exist
It teaches the greatest lesson of all - racism is a great precautionary measure. Keep your guard up around people that don't look like you, but once you've had time to determine that someone isn't a threat you can get along with them.
Chewie is a useless side kick and Ackbar got killed off-screen. Who are the aliens in Nu Wars?
I think the problem with people, or specifically white people, or even white men is that we don't ask often enough if the "moral" idea a person pushes is overlapping with their self-interest or not. We assume as basis that ideas+ideologies are attempts to make the world better, in a humanitarian universalist way.
Why isn't the first thought of people when hearing about "toxic masculinity": "who benefits from pushing this"?
Join the Sith Empire.
>After 2 hours I was just waiting for it to end.
the slowest moment was when Wallace was monologueing to Deckard for like 5 minutes of screentime, near the 2h mark.
I went to cinema 2 times and felt tired both times at this point.
Honestly, Rey isn't really the main character. Ren is. It's his journey that decides the trilogy.
I work in a large movie theater complex. I took a stack of SW tickets and carefully coated them with a thin layer of my jizz. Maximum lulz handing them to all these assholes going to see it.
>implying Star Wars fans didn't prefer the Empire anyway
The only thing this is going to do is solidify a good chunk of the Star Wars fanbase into an anti-feminist and anti-regressive leftist mold. They will resent them and actively speak out against them. Just look at wookieepedia, look at how much passion and autism has gone into this franchise from a fan perspective.
They're antagonizing some of the most autistic people on the planet who aren't contained to Sup Forums. They're quite literally everywhere. And they're going to say 'you're evil, you're the bad guy'. Well you're gonna make enemies everywhere, Disney. You're taking something they love dearly and attempting to sacrifice it on the altar of progress. And they're gonna look at what they love the most and emulate it. If you say they're the Empire, they're gonna become the Empire.
>writes fictional toxic male
>we have a toxic male problem
I always chew on my ticket stub when watching movies (used to smoke). MY STUB TASTED SALTY
>I always chew on my ticket stub when watching movies
Get yourself a cup of popcorn, you degenerate.
>toxic femininity
>bad leadership
>bad communications skills
>bad humor
>bad charisma
>bad military tactics
>no sense of personal responsibility, always blaming others
The Force/Future is female.
Why do you care about what a bunch of shitty blog sites write about?
This deserves at least one (You).
It's like they learned nothing from Gamergate.
SJWs never see their own hypocrisy. It’s Elysium all over again.
Take one guess
Can’t have an ugly brown alien who looks like the poster child of generations of incest, and named “Ackbar” to Allahu Ackbar into a ship.
Bet you like Sicario and Arrival too soyboy.
I was frustrated that the only charachter that seemed to have a developed and consistent background was Deckard and that was because it carried over from the last film. The 'birth' scene that was supposed to convey the character of Wallace and the affect of love was so poorly conveyed that I was left confused about their motivations. The police woman's scripting had some interesting inroads into the relationship between skins and humans but the acting/blocking was so fucked these insights were lost.
>what happens if i finish this drink
holy shit this was a big thing and opened an avenue to explore replicant/human interaction but it just fell flat Scott didn't allow time to let the implication of that statement settle.
>AI hologram waifu
acting/scripting so poor I felt nothing when she was 'killed'. sex/romance scenes were cringy
the more I think about this film the less I like it. I actually told my wife afterward that I'm no longer going to see any films not first presented on the stage. If the narrative can't stand without the AI and visuals then the story isn't worth the time.
Geez they're just digging their own Babi Yar deeper and deeper..
>director throws entire movie under the bus to appease SJWs
>they still get butthurt about it