Is there literally no one else in the known Universe they could've picked that's still alive?
Dragon Ball Super
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First for Mirai Trunks
No. They're all dead and if they picked some literally who everyone would be bitching that they didn't pick an established character.
>Frieza and his forces were the strongest in the universe
>Buu, Piccolo, 17, and 18 are all stronger than Namek saga Frieza
>Krillin, Tien, and Roshi were able to fight off waves of Frieza's grunts
>all of Frieza's elite officers are dead
Not that they know of
Well, there are probably a couple namekians stronger than roshi, but what would that accomplish? Let the old man visit space
Pure fucking Autism
Guys please, whatever you prefer Manga or Anime.
Let's admit something they have in common.
How handsome Zamasu is.
I mean shit, never see a villain that hot before, it make me question my heterosexuality.
If only he was real...
I saw DBAF on ge-hentai, you should find english translation here, didn't read it though.
Is it worth reading it? As guy who enjoy both anime and manga for their quality, QUALITY and memes?
Yeah. Honestly, if the only real alternatives' power levels are in the thousands, maybe ten thousands, then it's probably not worth bitching about.
Where do you guys rank the Goku Black arc along with the Frieza, Cell, and Buu arcs? I'd say Frieza arc > Goku Black arc >= Cell Arc > Buu arc
>no fighters from any of the two other galaxies that still exist
>no fighters from any other planet besides earth
If you ignore SSJ5 shit, you should enjoy it.
What's her endgame?
>Is it worth reading it?
>Is it worth reading it? As guy who enjoy both anime and manga for their quality, QUALITY and memes?
It's definitely worth checking out, it's literally the OG fanfic doujin.
It's quite impressive too seeing Toyo grow up since his latest chapters are so much better then when he first started out as a youngling.
To fight Gohan and for him to have the ultimate job against his daughter
The arc as a whole I put on the fucking bottom without a second thought, but Zamasu and especially Black are some of my favorite anime villains now
Stay mad gokucuck
Now that I see the alternative designs of Cell, he is not really that perfect anymore. There were a ton of better ones.
>3 strongest fighters of universe 9 are from the same galaxy, same planet, same species, same bitch
The only thing I know for sure is that I unironically like it more than the Cell saga.
>SS2 Trunks in the manga
>permanent sparked aura
>less bangs
>tension face
>inflated veins on his temple or forehead most of time
>SS2 Trunks in the anime
>"who cares remove two bangs and will be fine"
GT, of course.
No. It's funny how mangacucks always meme about "pedro" but "/ourguy" is literally the mastermind behind a spics wet dream.
Maximum power
Roshi will fight female Broly and win.
Not him but, is it cringy?
I'm afraid to get brain damage if I read it.
Of course Saitama > Goku. Saitama > Everyone. But the image itself is Pure Fucking Autism.
the hell is even happening in that shit?
>>"who cares remove two bangs and will be fine"
It's much much worse than that, it's literally a bunch of bananas.
Could ONE defeat Saitama?
But what about Saitama vs Arale?
you powerlevel fags get so asspained it's hilarious.
why is it so hard to accept that gag powers can't be defeated? like jeez just look at the latest arale filler
Goku>Saitama, the image was funny tho
I'd let Torankusu win me everytime.
I still think Android 17 edges out Trunks, Zamasu, and Whis as the most fuckable character in Dragon Ball.
>Not him but, is it cringy?
No why would it be? The only thing that could be deemed unappealing is the fact that the villain is an edgy Goku Clone, which we're all accustomed to by now.
Besides that it's mostly just throwbacks to the original manga.
reminder not to reply to gokucucks
>Zamasu getting blacked
Basically his endgame;
Whoops typo *male* character in Dragonball
>evil doppleganger
>anything but trash
Saitama could not kill a fucking mosquito. I can kill a mosquito. I'm stronger than Saitama.
>are ya winning son?
Reminder, this is Brolette's green haired form. Toei is trying to sell us another Broly in the anime but she's just SS Green
yelow hair and regular musculature = Super Saiyan
green hair and oversized musculature = non canon Legendary Super Saiyan
green hair and regular musculature = Super Saiyan Green/female Super Saiyan/female Super Saiyan God/who knows
>Started reading it
>Already regret it
Who wouldn't want to fuck 17?
I mean daaaamn
Have we discussed this?
Jesus Christ that's bad. Toyofags can't even defend this.
i want this gohan back
Cant you wait 48 hours?
We don't bother. We know it's shit.
Great Saiyadad is the best Gohan
Arale is canon in the db universe.
As is dracula, and the fucking devil. Those two turned out to be pussies though.
I already warned you he's proto-Black. You gotta go in there expecting luls.
I wanna see vegeta in a gi
>it's another "toeishills try it again" episode
Leave Hit's virginity to me.
Reminder Zamasu was a shit villain
I would, but I still prefer Torankusu.
Shut up, scum
>1000 Year Old Virgin
Comedy spinoff when??
I just watched Bardock movie and got damn I never ever paid attention to the end where Vegeta is being told that an asteroid hit Planet Vegeta but Vegeta himself is actually sitting around thousands of dead Saiyan bodies eating a snack pretending as if he believes the asteroid lie. That scene was hardcore as fuck.
Vegeta crying to Goku and telling him about the past in the Frieza saga is that much more impactful now.
So when they assemble the ten for their team, is he gonna be outed or what?
Cause Goku is immediately gonna ask about this guy once they do.
Saitamafags plz go and stay go.
thats hot
To be fair, he did what most DBZ villains failed to do. Who else caused genocide that is permanent?
Goku already forgot he existed because he's just that dumb.
>chin spikes
o-our g-g-guy
Vegeta genocided Bulma purity
She was never pure
Please don't summon the Zamasufags
>doesn't know what a penis is
>not pure
This. There is only one pure girl in Dragon Ball and it's pic related.
But Roshi has already seen what's underneath way before Z.
>dead Saiyan bodies
check again those aren't saiyans surrounding Vegeta.
How many dicks has she sucked?
Wow you're a fucking fool. Xicor pre existed the doujin by Toyble.
Xicor along side SSJ5 Goku were infamous fan made characters, Toyble merely made a coherent story out of the rumored characters within the fandom.
Judging by her lips: a lot.
>one joke man fans are this autistic
Mr. Popo.
but your mother's lips doesn't look like that
at least (You) tried.
good job gohan :)
Yeah, because "Goku beating up __" isn't the most common theme of DBZ fanart.
He can't be that dumb, he just can't be.
Did I hit a nerve? Wipe Toyotaro's smegma off your lips before you post again poor little Toyocuck.
Why U10's characters are gold on Toyotaro's hands? Zamasu, Gowasu and Black are huge improvements seeing how they are in the anime, and Rumoosh was literally created by Toyotaro
Do you think she took the trunk?
Why is the gut punch so common in Dragonball?
goku but as a tomboy
Beerus will probably say something about him needing to deal with some bigger threats to participate in a "friendly" tournament.
>no argument
Classic toeishill
>that Gohan with Trunks look alike clothes
that would have been better I believe.
>forgetting Yamcha, who she dated for nearly 15 years on and off