Was Char the hero we deserved, the one we needed, or both?
Was Char the hero we deserved, the one we needed, or both?
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He was a faggot
Char is an asshole
I don't remember this scene. Show or movies?
>Maybe human sacrifices run in your family
Wow, Amuro's a fucking cunt.
>Not remembering one of the best episodes of the best anime ever made
Well all the panels were zeta until the final one which is from counter-attack.
*not included in the Translation movies because not important
Stop trying to make Char an Sup Forums meme. There is enough people that talk shit about him without understanding anything as it is.
Char is a great character. But the shit he gets about his decisions isn't unwarranted.
>giving the enemy your secret weapon
I watched UC in chronological order (from origin to unicorn) and for me, Char is the true main character of UC. One of the best characters Tomino ever made. The part about him doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons is very interesting,
>I will drop an asteroid, to free my people, and bring peace to the human race.
>I will drop an asteroid, to fuck with Amuro for killing my waifu.
It still works, since even if he does all the good things for selfish reasons, history would remember him for the good things, not his inner demons.
>doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons
I think you have this backwards.
>>I will drop an asteroid, to free my people, and bring peace to the human race.
>>I will drop an asteroid, to fuck with Amuro for killing my waifu.
Nope, i got it right.
Why is everyone not from Earth in the gundam series so fucking retarded?
Space dust is some next-level shit.
Except neither of these is true in any way. Do you realize what complete dumbshittery you've written?
In any case are you one of this faggots that think that killing a billion or two of people is justifiable if it's for a "greater" cause?
>In any case are you one of this faggots that think that killing a billion or two of people is justifiable if it's for a "greater" cause?
Absolutely, human lives dont matter a bit. Hell our world could use a 5-6 billion decrease in population right about now.
>our world could use a 5-6 billion decrease in population right about now.
You first, user.
Glad you're volunteering. Bring along 5-6 billion friends.
Not me, there are so many other people who are more worthy of dying. The old, the sick, the poor, the stupid and the evil. All of them are worthy of being the martyrs who bid farwell to this ever so short life, in order to save this world for the good of the few that remain behind.
Trust me, if i could arrange a 6 billion man suicide pact, then i would gladly do it. But once the world governments invent a weapon of mass destruction, that does not leave fallout behind, all i need to do is get in the bunker and wait for the brave new world.
>b-but not me
Can you really blame a guy for having a little bit of ego?
Of course no. History won't know the difference, after all. Right?
>The old, the sick, the poor, the stupid and the evil.
Define all of these terms.
>>Not me, there are so many other people who are more worthy of dying. The old, the sick, the poor, the stupid and the evil
stop talking like a gundam villain
The useless people that only use.
>The old need to be cared for.
>Same with the sick
>The poor people like the ones in africa and other poor countries, who add nothing of value to this world.
>The stupid who exist only to consume.
>The amoral and the evil people like criminals, gays, druggies etc.
All of them should take a leave, forever.
I was preaching stuff like that, way before i saw characters like Char, Light yagami and rudolf von goldenbaum.
1.Do the world a favor and end yourself
2.Don't bring Char down to your level