Why is Kyoani obsessed with thick legs?
Why is Kyoani obsessed with thick legs?
Why the fuck is she so fat. Disgusting american weebshit
maybe you should watch american cartoons nerd
Kyoani is trying to turn us into pedophiles
Most of their animators are fat dykes so they dont know any better.
Because they have patrician taste.
Is she obese?
That looks horrible. Like something on a toddler. At least post the better Kanna legs.
>That looks horrible.
>Like something on a toddler
Pick one, are you gay by chance?
Who isn't obsessed with thick legs you fag?
That's pandering if i ever see one. An dvd-baiting otaku-cock-slurping lolicon-fishing aniplex-whoring level of pandering.
What're they trying so hard for? It's not like they're in the red or something. The director is gay even.
2/10 Try harder next time
>Why the fuck is she so fat.
She's a toddler.
The problem is that he tried too hard already.
I reflexively save every picture of Satania I see.
>Kyoanals will defend this
Infant/toddler silhouette. People are programmed to think babies/children are cute. When you see something that has semblance towards a child or baby, you think it is cute. Japan is obsessed with cuteness. Part of art is already manipulating how you visually interpret information with purposeful construction of the design.
It follows, then, that a company that designs characters with physical characteristics that are reminiscent of a child or toddler (proportionally small hands and feet, proportionally larger heads and eyes, soft lines, etc.) will have characters which are considered cute, and will sell well in Japan.
EVERY anime production company does this. Every mangaka does this. The only thing KyoAni does differently is they figured out how to make a body look childlike at first glance but mature under closer inspection. It immediately grabs your eye as "child therefore cute" but when you actually look at it you realize it's a teen or an adult. It's guilt free lolicon.
What're you getting so defensive for, though?
Using some advanced techniques I see
that's a fucking ham hock
All their staff is fatties.
So you're saying they have fat toddlers to use as models for Kanna?
Toddlers are naturally fat.
That makes them cute.
Fat thighs are the future
KyoAni legs are a miracle.
it's called projecting, the kyoani animators probably have legs like those.
I am KyoAni ama
I like plump KyoAni legs but that's too much. It's not sexy although I admit kinda cute in a fat puppy way, so maybe they're going for that.
>literal toddler
>it's not sexy
Pedosta OUT
She's a child. it's not supposed to be sexy.
Mio has the best thighs.
I want to rest my head on Mugi's plump thighs.
Tohru is the right amount of thick. Lord have mercy.
And yet.....
Maybe it's got to do with real life.
Japanese women have stubby midget legs.
How can anyone sexualize Kanna?
She's so cute and heartwarming, she's the perfect daughteru. When I see her I want to protect her, not fuck her.
Child bearing hips.
I just want to protect her with my penis.
Whatever, those legs are perfection.
Ritsu is best.
Those skirts are too short
Rapists can't impregnate Kanna if you impregnate her first.
If I am always inside her then there is no room for any unsavory characters to take advantage. I will make sure she is safe.
>It's not sexy
>mfw user is literally talking about a toddler
probably roll them up.
It's called babyfat and it's a sacred gift from god that needs to be protected and cherished.
Thanks for reminding me to be thankful to god that he didn't make me a pedophile.
I really appropriate some nice legs.
stop, thief!
She's a dragon, and dragons apparently have thick thighs so in their human form that means being thick.
Or Kyoani pandering to pedos
Absolutely disgusting.
And they're doing a good job about that
Go home gay person
>She's a toddler.
You're saying Kanna is between 1~3 years old? Really?
How stupid can you be.
i know you are but what am i?
I had an edit of this somewhere on my drive, where there is a leg coming out of her trombone, can't seem to find it tho.
Kanna is hongry
she could give an amazing bj
I wish they'd stop drawing tits like stone.
That's a big nom, I bet she also gives big succ.
SB/ED: Naoko Yamada
AD: Futoshi Nishiya
>SB/ED: Naoko Yamada
>AD: Futoshi Nishiya
doesn't get any better than that
Why couldn't they remove the turd from Elma's forehead?
Too little too late.
When will Kawanami appear? I expected him to do this.
But their handlets not so...
that's some really peculiar fanservice
fucking kyoani teasing this badly
They have some toddlercon on their lines.
Saikawa is sexier.
Jokes on them, I already am one.
>KyoAni legs
Those are the legs of your average nippon girl, short and stout.
I think he means the fat one
They never wanted people to sexualize Kanna, and they did everything not to sexualize her.
They just went 100% anti lolicon the last episode, since they desperately saw that people somehow perceived her sexualized still.
Anti-lolicon is strong with them.
I'm okay with lolis but Kanna is pretty much a toddler.
She needs 10 cm.
>kanna is a fucking twig in the manga
>they make her as thick as tooru's tail
yeah they're anti-lolicon all right
She isn't, not even when KyoAni does everything for her to not look humanoid or any curves.
Stop bullshitting.
>she isn't
She's barely 1m tall.
They're fucking anti-lolicon, yeah, and you should read the manga you fucking dipshit further than the first few chapters if you think Kanna is not sexualized there, unlike the anime that goes all the way out to NOT even accidentally sexualize Kanna, being pro-shotacon, anti-lolicon shit they are.
I'm sorry but this shot actually looks retarded. The Twister last episode was fine but this looks like a pair of legs on a god damn baby.
I've dabbled with toddler-con back in the day but not that much.
wew, take a chill pill nigger
KyoAni just wanted to make sure nobody can look at her as sexualized, because they never intended to, and still Kanna was sexualized by people, and popular.
That's what kids look like.
I hope they continue their loli lewd trend.
Only when KyoAni stops being pro-lolicon.
That girl with childbearing hips is supposed to be a toddler?
No, Lucoa is pretty old.
did he cum?
those legs look like midget legs wtf.
They wanted to avoid making her look sexual to any degree.
Kids below 4 you mean.
Actaully, kids below 4 has more defined legs or body than Kanna.