Sexy middle schoolers.
Sexy middle schoolers
That is an employed adult game developer.
That's a granny with dyed hair, make up and ponytails to appear younger.
So many JC's, so little time.
I'd say 25 to life is plenty of time.
Aoba is a very mature woman and attractive to the opposite sex, please be nice.
I wanna make this middle schooler pregnant.
Worth it.
Do you think Nene would be a good mother?
Is this the manga about the bath-house?
JCs are the best, but that is an adult woman of legal working age.
This is a JD.
Thirsty middle schooler.
I see what you did wrong.
You see, in the world of Japanese video game design, the OLs look like JCs, and the JKs look like JSs.
It's easy to make that mistake.
I wish all JKs look like that.
my good sir, that is a grown woman
I hate every single person in this thread.
I have this strong urge to touch Machi's butt
What did he mean by this
I want to fuck a JC OL.
But that's a fully grown adult with a real job!
I have a job only middle schoolers can do.
What about a JS OL?
>this is a middle schooler
I wish Office Lolis were real. Even if they didn't do anything sexual, just having cute lolis in the office would really boost morale.
Upper JS > JC > JK > Lower JS
My strike zone is JS6 - JC3
>adding random numbers to the random letters
Just great.
I prefer JS5 - JC1.
>Not knowing the super secret nip code.
1. Who are you quoting?
2. Lurk more.
3. Fuck it! I'm feeling generous!
JY - Joshi Yochien - Kindergarten Girl (5-6)
JS - Joshi Shogakusei - Elementary School Girl (6-12)
JC - Joshi Chugakusei - Junior-high School Girl (12-15)
JK - Joshi Koukousei - High School Girl (15-18)
JD - Joshi Daigakusei - College Girl (18+)
This is a middle school delinquent
Sell girl scout cookies?
Give me erections.
Fuck off Milo
On paper, but in reality they are selling their bodies. Except they don't get paid.
But she's an adult
kyouko's a middle schooler? oh god what have i done? all those drawings i made...
Did you think she was younger?
older. why would i feel bad if i thought she was younger?
She's a legal.
High school girls are better.
i like yuuko. i'm still upset about how she was killed off in the manga.
Because you might have different tastes? Dunno know why you would think they're older.
>i'm still upset about how she was killed off in the manga.
explain further
Look at this JC
Needs to be bullied.
I love "bring your daughter to work day" too!
Aoba and Nenecchi are mature grown-up ladies.
Butt sluts
Don't feel bad, yurus are made to be lewded.
Akarin and Chinatsu needs to be raped.
They're asking for it.
But she translates so quickly, please don't.
Akari doesn't even know what happens after handholding with fingers intertwined.
I don't think a highschooler would date a middle schooler.
Highschoolers are pretty fucked up in the head.
I love Chinatsu.
I know your type. You say you love her, but in fact you just love her pee.
you mean you don't?
I'll take these 2 right here and
Do the JCs look like JYs?
JC > JK > JS > JD
>Sakurako using a marker
Every time
Do you prefer JCs who could be mistaken for JS?
...or JCs who are ready for breeding?
Not alright.
>JCs who could be mistaken for JS
Why not just JS.
Worst yuru, only good for watersports
No, Chinatsu top 4 yuru
Said no one ever.
I want Chinatsu Yoshikawa to spray my face with her delicious PEE MIST.
______________PEE MIST_______________
There is literally no difference.
more like sexy grannies
oldba, old game etc.
It must be really confusing having crayons and markers with colors that don't match what they write
Each one wrote on the girl to her right.
Older ones are, but 12 and 13 year olds have a significant risk of complications, it's best to use a condom until they hit 15, or preferably, 15.
Kimochi warui
>it's best to use a condom until they hit 14, or preferably, 15.
Made a typo there.
Get that Aobaba outta here.
Why is little girl pee so sexy?
Search me. I think I might be the only lolicon with no interest in piss.
Flat grannies, now that is something I can get behind.
Sup Forums - JC impregnation discussion
I only like it when the loli is embarrassed
Would you still love your loli when she becomes a JC2?
do not want