I'm sensing a trend
Other urls found in this thread:
Constant scene jumping
Heading for a crash.
shit chapter
Bow down to your new god
See you tomorrow
That's parent and child handholding user, not the lewd shit you're thinking of.
>Carol is wearing the Demon Mask
What does it mean?
>Carol is the one wearing the devil mask
Ruh roh
shit arc so far
>Carol is wearing the Demon mask
not if you like carol
But all of this is leading up to the biggest shit strom of our time.
Somebody needs to stop this Cotton Demon
She's teasing Misuzu.
Doesn't that look a little phallic shaped?
If I pull that off, will you die?
It would be extremely painful
Tomboys are for
Getting in fights with her
Playing sports with her
Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself
Walking home with her at sunset after a long day of running around and getting into trouble
Cheering her on and always supporting her, win or lose
Throwing her a victory barbeque where you make all her favorite foods
Massaging her legs, shoulders, and back
Holding her close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world when she gets jealous of the more feminine girls
Accepting all of her girlish sensibilities, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Patting her head
Getting caught in the rain during a cross country run and having to huddle together with her under an abandoned bus stop waiting for it to pass
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear spats over them
Tracing your finger over the tanlines she got during the summer and feeling how warm her skin is
Having her jump into your arms and kiss you after spending time apart over vacation
Introducing her to your parents
Carrying her over the threshold of your new home to start a life together while she punches you in the shoulder and pouts that she can walk just fine herself
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Raising a new generation of tomboys with
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that tomboys are for
What's Carol bankai?
better question, what is her stand?
[W R E C K I N G B A L L]
>implying Carol can Spin
>implying it wasn't named after Neil Young youtube.com
I meant more that Carol is a homewrecker you fucking Jojofag
Wait a sec you fuk, it's going through QC
In panel two Misuzu asks dude why he's holding Carol's hand so casually, and he says something about how she's like family so it doesn't matter. That's why she's gone in panel three, and in panel four dude has found her and Misuzu says something about how ridiculous they are.
I'm just basing this on the images and recognizing the kanji for hand.
carol is lost easily
Here, homogay.
Got some sort of filter going on?
She's the true devil.
>not Sup Forums
Remember anons.
24/7 hand holding, while taking care of Carol.
So if you let go of carol's hand will she die?
it's cute
>And why take ye thought for raiment?
>Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
>they toil not, neither do they spin:
Can you keep up anons?
Why did she disappear to grab a dick?
Carol confirmed for demon status.
But they seem to eat a great deal.
what did she mean by this
Ok I admit, despite I want more Jun and tomo shenanigans, this was adorable and funny.
Chapter well spent.
You'd have a better shot at stopping the tide.
>Here, homogay.
Thank you, I was just kidding.
so from last chap, she got a misu mask?
Why does he not make a Carol spinoff manga for her and just be done with it? It would simplify things a lot.
>Just zooming in
>she see's your dick
>carol needs constant handholding or she'll get a dick in her mouth.
What a slut
Indeed handholding is the slutiest and dirtiest thing a girl can do.
>carol lets go of senpai's hand
>puts on mask
>disappears into crowd and sabotages jun and tomo
Guys what if
>Everyone expects Tomo to confess during the fireworks and for Jun to not hear it/ignore it
>Instead everything with Tomo and Jun goes perfectly and it's Carol who confesses and is rejected by Senpai
>Fumita even said this volume is going to be mostly Carol
Yeah, even I can see the lily now. Goddamn it Misuzu
user that's literally no different from normal.
Misuzu "Third Wheel" Gundou
Obviously, Tomo's love confession to Jun will be drowned out by Misuzu's love confession to Tomo
Or by Misuzu puking into the goldfish tank.
Dude, they're already holding hands. I think it's already pretty much official at this point.
Is Mizusu gonna pull a Nice Boat?
That's how it should pan out, Tomo and Jun should have a mid-story relationship start.
Misuzu is obviously jealous. She wants her girl back.
>Misuzu getting in the way of /ss/
Fucking bitch.
Hand Shakers reference
I fucking wish. All the best romance stories are the ones where you actually get a healthy chunk of the OTP being together. The standard finale confession is weak as shit.
It would be a waste to just end it with that. Their relationship is already fun as is, it should continue with the hijinks.
Something bad is about to happen.
Fumita confirmed for bro
Especially since his xxx couple dynamics are kind of amusing. He could do this and keep things entertaining.
I can't wait to the relation not work. For some reason I enjoy watching romantic relationships getting destroyed in manga.
Fuck off
There's so much he can do post Tomo/Jun hook up. Misuzu feeling left out, Carol & Senpai gaining focus. Tanabe's hopeless crusade. The families coming togheter. but specially Tomo not knowing how to be a Tomboy GF and Jun getting embarrased about them acting lovey dovey. Stuff like that.
College exam ronin tales.
Senpai is even more dense than jun
I'm pretty certain he still doesn't understand why Jun was going to bite his head off, literally.
It would be extremely painful
>time to dig in
I want to hold Misuzu's hands!
It's not being dense. He just doesn't like her like that.
>she wears the Misuzu mask
Carol is a massive flirt.
Sorry Tanabe, Senpai took Misuzu's handholding virginity. You'll only get sloppy seconds, if at all.
Carol is sorta smart in this page. She gets Kou to hold her hand by running off constantly. Unfortunately that results in him treating her like a younger sister even more.
>not wanting to marry your imouto
Maybe she wants that. Now figure out how to get him on board.