This is my wife. Say something nice about her.
This is my wife. Say something nice about her
Well... she's got nice panties.
Your wife is fantastic in my bed.
she's cuter than Paul.
Remember that night.
Nice tiddies.
She's not as cute as my wife, but I appreciate her hanging around with my wife whenever I'm not around.
literally me
Wrong, she's my wife.
Same feelings apply towards Mugi from me
Mio this isn't a very nice place. Just warning you, dear.
There was no mistake. She is indeed my wife.
Her cunny is delicious.
Should I watch her show?
watch this
Your wife pleases delinquent rockers for compliments.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Shitty doujins don't count
Shy girls are huge sluts, statistics prove that.
She's very cute, user!
But my wife Tsumugi is cuter.
You're generalizing again, user. You shouldn't do that, especially when you don't know it to be true (it isn't btw).
Thank you, user. Mugi is cute as well.
These proofs prove nothing.
>my wife Tsumugi
Literal nigger detected
I enjoy her mind break doujins
Well her mind is perfectly fine with me
Maybe I am
More pics like these of the Keions pls. Preferably Azusa if there are any
She's a pretty good bassist.
>talking shit about shy girls
I didn't know Ritsu was on Sup Forums
She has the same voice as my wife. So I guess that makes her okay.