Best In Series

ITT: Best girls in their respective series

Literally a bag of bones. Disgusting.




Close but not quite. Every girl (except Lilith who is a shit) is great though.

Benio is love

Levi is god tier, but Sora is elder god tier. And every other girl are between high tier and god tier.


Why is best girl in the back?




I disagree


Aki a shit.

grating shit
blonde with orb best

a shits can't be best girl.



generally skinny people like skinny people and fat people like fat people. shh fatty

Neko will win someone else.
Masamune-kun no Revenge

We need a picture of a jealous Rem murdering Emelia.

But that's not true



I recall reading a study to that effect actually. I'm too lazy to look it up but feel free.

No one even remembers her

I do. And I agree.

Is this that show that was terrible?

Worst fucking show ever
But she was great and somehow made me finish the show



That's not a very flattering image of Liese, OP



Kirino is so perfect it hurt me.


Saving this thread.


Will we get more doujins when the movie is out?




She saved the Nanoha franchise.




Satania looks a bit off here.

No, silly bastard.


Not so fast.

>being this fucking retarded

not him but she has zero ass so im not touching that fucking skeletor

liking traps is one thing, but he is by far thesecond worst love interest

>Kurisu > Suzuha > Nae > Faris > Kiryu > Tennouji >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luka > Mayuushi

came here to post this
anyone who thinks otherwise is a drooling retard

>Tsundere cancer and literal autist
You guys were doing it on purpose weren't you? Here's the serious answer though.

Tomboys are always 1st or 2nd best whenever they appear

I wish you didn't exist in this world.


Why Shit People always post Shit Girls in this thread

Hated incest-fag whit a horrible shit taste


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You need better bait.




You don't touch anything anyway

Right clothes wrong girl

For once OP is not a faggot

It was obvious they have shit taste

I want to be dominated by Mirajane in mode demon

And you don't even remember her series


Too bad it was wasted on battle harem garbage.




So best she got her own spinoff.


So best she's the only female in the entire series no one has ever seen naked

No contest


Liese also gets her own spinoff. Levi is still best girl though.
More T7 doujins when?


You mean more than the ONE?


Tell me of this world where T7 actually get stuff, it sounds like a lovely place.

>Sup Forums meme hat
ruined it

Easiest answer ever



More than one doujin and the one CG set would be great ;_;.

Mai waifu

And the best part is I don't have to share her with any other anons because she got so little screen time





