Japari-man edition
Kemono Friends
It's ruined.
I want to rape Shoebill.
>birds poop far more often due to needing to keep their weight low for flight
>bird poop doesn't smell due to like of meat protein in diet and some birds do not have organs for fermentation in the gut
>birds have large morning poops and don't release poop while sleeping as it can alert predators
I wish Toki would do a big morning poop in my mouth.
where is my JAPARI PARK
why Kaban is bristle?
>Toki will never ask if you're a fan of her poop as she sings while pooping into your mouth
Please ignore this thread and let it get archived. The sage friend may be shy nowadays but he's still alive.
Stop being an autistic friend. I'm posting on all Kemono threads and you can't stop me.
guys we cant have 2 threads
>2 threads
>2 friends
Other shows have like one thread for every character and nobody bats an eye.
If you aren't a mod, then stop troubling yourself with a mod's job and start having fun.
I'd rather not invite any more shitposting into these threads, they've been holding out well enough for a decent amount of time.
If you think there's shitposting then you'll see shitposting everywhere. Every post you make is likely shitposting in someone's eyes.
For example, we're meta shitposting right now. You and me.
That's why you need to stop being an autistic friend, user. Stop trying to control the flow of communication.
Yes, and a thread that was made way too early by an admitted newfag which even has "edition" in the OP will do nothing for the sake of discussion other than attract haters, shitposting, and meta-posting. If you can't see that at all, then you most likely don't like this show enough to wish to keep the threads we have about it healthy to a certain degree.
What is it called when people bring the topic to actual shit as in the discussion of poop and whatnot?
Shitposting is mostly in the figurative sense, but is there a term for the literal?
I like the show enough to not act like a wannabe mod in its threads, because I know that kind of thing just ruins everyone's day.