8話「ぺぱぷらいぶ」 PePaPu Live
9話「きょくちちほー」Relaxation (arctics)
10話「おばけやしき」Haunted House
11話「かいがん」 The shores
Kemono Friends
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to rape Shoebill
More Kemono Friends threads is always better.
Oh man, we're already almost halfway through aren't we. This is not tanoshii.
crocodile friend when?
Ep7: Penguins and Margay
Ep8: Red Fox (Northern and southern grey)
Feb issue of National Geographic Japan feature Serval as part of their wild cat special.
That's going to sell out.
Nah, fuck that thread. It may be deleted any moment.
Good OP.
Never. At least not in the anime.
Please ignore this thread and let it get archived. The sage friend may be shy nowadays but he's still alive.
pic posting scum edition
ban this thread
Serval is a smart kitty.
We're over halfway through.
Can Friends love Friends?
where's amphibian friends
Talking about different kinds of otaku?
>new friends who can't lurk are starting to show up because of those 2deep4u articles
Northern Red Fox.
え、趣味? その、ゲームが好き、かな。
I... can see you from a distance. I don't... come in contact with people too often... I don't know what to do...
Please let us get along... I'll be happy if you do.
Huh? Hobbies? Well... I like playing games, I guess.
What kind of games... ah, just normal normal ones!
I'd like to play some normal games with Kita Kitsune.
So wait, is KIta Kitsune voiced by Mimorin? すごーい!
Is the frog going to be OK?
Grey fox.
I am confident in my memory.
I like to use my head to find answers, so I am good at thinking logically.
I will invent things on the spot should emergency arise.
Don't get the wrong idea. I am only helping you because of "that person".
A confession
Since I've gotten into these threads I haven't been able to keep up with any of the other shows this season. I come home from work, lurk and post in these threads, rewatch old episodes, fap to friends, and maybe watch new episodes as they come out. I'm obsessed.
Do I need help?
>Don't get the wrong idea. I am only helping you because of "that person".
So is she tsundere?
These threads are as fast as Flip Flappers now, still not Yuri on Ice tier.
And a nerd.
Is that a Keroro Friend?
It's all right, user.
Just let it happen.
>fap to friends
I know where you need to go. It's a nice room with fluffy padded walls.
I enjoyed this so much I wanted to eternalize it
The fact Serval didn't get a dish made me a bit sad for that ep. But then again, neither her nor Bag ate any.
Given all the people who are pretending to be intellectual that are showing up all over the internet, I'm starting to get even more worried than I already was.
user, today I've spent 12 fucking hours saving pictures from pixiv and twitter. I haven't fapped for a week, I don't even have time to watch new episodes of fucking Ai Mai Mii. There is no hope.
Turns out the Emperor Penguin's still the leader of PPP.
>Croc friend will never be in the anime
She's so mature and sexy looking though
Don't think, feel, and you'll be Happy Meal.
Royal Penguin is the vocalist.
I want more AiMaiMii themed KemoFure art. The stupid artstyle is perfect.
I've fallen behind on a bunch of shows this season but I do that every season. I do spend most of my free time in these threads though, or searching for fan art.
Jakusansei sub never ever
There's a 90% chance i'm gonna nut it to those foxes, they are just too damn cute.
I think Kemono Friends is the first time I've watching something while it's still airing.
There's just something about his art that screams "this character is retarded" but in the best way.
jesus christ how terrifying
It's a chick? Get out.
Learn something new every day.
Since Bag can read
surely she must have noticed
that the original recipe contains
Nobody is gonna miss a few friends, besides, prarie dog and beaver will replenish the numbers
I've hardly seen any meat in curry from India, if ever.
Yokoso, Russian Japari Park
Those meat are from regular animals. It aint cannibal if it aint sentient
It's as common as toilets
It mentions that she's a mother in those weird segments in the first season where Mai is licking an axolotl while the narrator talks about Choboraunyopomi's life.
Indian curries can be non vegetarian too, with mutton, lamb, chicken, or fish.
It's Japanese curry tho
Ditto, wtf?!
No, it's Japariparkian curry
>Waah, Kuma-san, let's be friends!
ともだち should be a friend, not Friend in this context.
If it refers to Friends, it says "フレンズ".
"A friend" is deeper than Friend.
Sasuga Russia.
I don't think it was a mother with cubs. I imagine this video would be very different if it were.
Now a number of nips remarked as usual that anime should be appriciated according to its story, not its sakuga or CG, and they got general consent.
Meanwhile, westerners are obsessed quality.
I don't understand why the Russians have so little to live for.
Friends finds a way
How were the views, google searches and trends after the newest episode?
Yes, my Friends. Come further down the rabbit hole.
I thought it worked the same way as 君たち, where you are denoting plural.
Russians live for fun, but usually have none in their lives.
You fell for nip's title-guessing meme.
if they live another day they still have to live another day in russia
Nico ep1 view count has exceeded 2m.
MMD parody of the OP btw.
I think 友達 is an exception.
EP9 is "Arctic area"
>Vocoloid Friends
Well of course. Waiting for Touhou Friends.
Americans can't comprehend wabisabi.
>You fell for nip's title-guessing meme.
Damnit anons.
Dance remix
Professor, humans are good in bed.
Welcome to happy meal head friends.
I must not be American at heart then. Although I admit it is easy to learn to be superficial, unfortunately.
>What if the Kemono Friends OP was a Touhou boss battle theme
I like it.
They got the ちほー part right, at least.