>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>Through the Dark Lord. Amen.
What the character said
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>I'm all ears
>What the character said
>Muri desu! Zettai ni muri desu!
>What the subtitles said
>I'd prefer not to...
Fuck off, newfag.
too scared to comment on gold post
>What the character said
>Shikata ga nai
>What the subtitles said
>Let's do better next time, okay?
Fucking kill yourself.
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>Leave it to me!
>Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!
>not ignoring crying child
>not continuing on with building large line of campfires in the middle of the city streets
Get away from me you casual.
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
dumb frogposters all of you
>What the character said
>Sugoi, aniki!
>What the subtitles said
>it's lit, senpai
>what OP did
>what I did
>What the character said
>D-Don't tell anyone this, b-but I secretly love you..!
>What the subtitles said
>dumb frogposters all of you
So this is what Sup Forums has become huh
>Faith can move a Mt.
also fuck off with the frogposting
Oh, you.
Discussing anime while manchildren throw a fit over the on-topic discussion? Sup Forums's always been like this
>not Yum yum gimme some!
>What the character said
>Panzer vor!
>What the subtitles said
>Panzer vor!
I honestly wasn't bothered by the subs until this episode, but boy did it hit hard when I read "homer"
What's your problem, huh? Not CLEVER enough to get it?
I don't know which board or site you came from but you ought to go back there
Translator should have freedom! Also Maid Dragon subs suck balls.
This is my board. Maybe it's not yours
>What the character said
>Mitette kudasai!
>What the subtitles said
>I won't let you down, master!
Yesterday while looking for the reason why the images were broken I saw a thread on /qa/ where user posts links from things going on on other boards, the Sup Forums link had this subs thing so I guess a lot of pretend shitposts came from there.
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>That was hard as Hell!
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>It's like sex in my mouth!
>What the character said
>What the subtitles said
>MC's name
It's worse because the character who said it never met MC and the subs having the MC's name makes the audience believe they did, making the audience believe that character is another one when it isn't the case.