Is there any point in watching the movies?
Is there any point in watching the movies?
Rebellion is the sequel; don't watch it if you're a faggot else it will be 2deep4u.
Just the last one.
Second one is pretty much a straight adaptation with more content
Watch only the third, so you can be ass blasted as everyone who didn't like it.
The first 2 films are essentially cleaned up versions of the show with slight variations. I don't think they are either significantly better or worse compared to the actual series.
Only watch Rebellion if you understood everything before and apprecaited. And as this user pointed out
if you're also not a faggot.
>tfw Mami had the worst henshin
At least she had the best fight.
>mfw listening to the digibro review
>mfw reading the pooper-peeved-posts on Sup Forums
>mfw it was literally 2deep4allofyou
The film was top tier, sadly too many people want their anime to spoon feed them and don't fully appreciate the emotional depth and impact of what's involved. It looks pretty and that's enough for most people who rave about Madoka.
>listened to everyone and their mother saying Rebellion was shit
>finally watch it a few days ago out of boredom
>it was actually really fucking great
To find out where die Käse is, silly
there were multiple movies? which one was the one with the homura mami fight so i know what i watched
>Is there any point in watching the movies?
Sure, if you want to completely ruin the series and its ending. They don't call him Urobutcher for nothing!
>death count of negative three
>totally undermines the original ending and literally kills Madoka-god
The real death toll is 12 episodes user.
>Sup Forums likes rebellion now
sure is 2017 in here
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
>muh perfect ending
Considering you that you can't comprehend the concept of an antithesis, 2deep4u.
The first and second movies are recaps that have prettier art and, imo, cut out some of the more interesting background scenes (i.e. Mami's wish). The third movie, Rebellion, is a visually astounding sequel, but it ends on a major cliffhanger, and when you point out that this isn't a satisfactory way to leave a franchise for years, Sup Forums contrarians will claim it's "2deep4u". Then once you've finished those, you can enjoy Madoka threads on Sup Forums, in which yurishitters ship everyone and everything but are only second in obnoxiousness to a mentally retarded stalker who is convinced that literally everyone who doesn't agree with him is a single samefag.
>but it ends on a major cliffhanger
No it doesn't. It's sufficient as an ending itself, it suggests a sequel, but that's part of its sufficiency, just the suggestion. An actual sequel would be terrible.
The movies skip over a lot of stuff that made me care about what happened to the characters later on. So they're a lot less dramatic, but the music and everything is nice.
The movies are pretty nice for re-watching the series.
Waifufags and plebs all. Butthurt because they tell themselves Homura did something wrong. She didn't.
I loved the Rebellion ending, its everything I didn't know I wanted from Gen Urobutcher
I wish the second half of Rebellion didn't exist
Rebellion music and visuals are great, but the thing is the anime has great music and visuals too so that's not an accomplishment. What made anime great was the conclusive ending and all characters received proper characterization (you meet them, their struggles and watch them deal with their fate), even Madoka's mom and teacher with the drinking scene; heck, even Madoka's brother with him drawing Madoka in sand. In Rebellion, all characters were made secondary, their quirks were stripped (Mami is not lonely anymore/Sayaka doesn't care about the boy/Kyouko is just there/Madoka just there). This led to a movie with nothing but a clusterfuck of events packed with fanservice and a shitty inconclusive ending.
Overall anime is a must-watch for any anime fan but Rebellion is for people who only cares about Homura or didn't like the anime that much (so you can't be disappointed).
Rebellion is for triggered fans who were upset that the show's ending left Madoka and Homura unable to rub clits.
Took a perfect ending to the original show, perfectly encapsulating show's thematic arc, and smeared faux-intellectual shit all over it.
Rebellion is a show made for fans who think Madoka is good because of muh edge and plot twists, and it ends up being a meaningless incomprehensible mess.
Very disappointing. At least you can use it to easily determine which people are lacking basic mental facilities.
>Mami is not lonely anymore
She has Bebe.
>Sayaka doesn't care about the boy
She retains her memory and you hear her discussing with Kyouko she thinks their green haired friend is making a mistake betting on him, calling it life experience.
>Kyouko is just there
Fair enough, but this was basically always the case. She barely had an arc in the show.
>Madoka just there
Which makes perfect sense in the plot and frankly is reductionist. Madoka sacrificed herself to protect everyone, her current state gives Homura a chance to fix this, to protect her from herself.
The film was totally consistent, focusing on a particular character doesn't take away from other characters, and in in fact I thought it built on the rest of the cast in small interesting ways like Sayaka finally acknowledging her friendship with Kyoko, or the movie giving us a look at what kind of awesome shit the magical girls are capable of with Madoka-god lending them some of her power. It was really well done I thought, everything from the dream like sequence of the first arc to the nightmare of Homura's realization, and then Urobuchi completely faking us out with the conclusion (I literally thought the plot was resolved, things are about to end happily ever aft--NOPE).
I liked it, it subverted expectations the same way the original series did, but in a new and very different way.
>Very disappointing. At least you can use it to easily determine which people are lacking basic mental facilities.
Very true, you can clearly see just how dumb much of the fan base is when they say they disliked Rebellion just because its willingness to be unconventional is incomprehensible to them, these people probably never even heard of Nietzsche before.
>the anime has great music and visuals
The tv anime had horrible visuals quite often, you're delusional.
>willingness to be unconventional
I don't understand why that's an inherently good thing.
You follow the book things get predictable, you go your own way things either turn up shit or turn into a masterpiece
Yes you do, that's why everyone threw a fit after Madoka's 3rd episode.
It was a good thing in Madoka TV, but half the shows that go unexpected and blow up on Sup Forums aren't actually good.
I will say that unconventional things have the potential to be better than generic and predictable shows, but its far from a guarantee.
>Rebellion, is a visually astounding sequel, but it ends on a major cliffhanger, and when you point out that this isn't a satisfactory way to leave a franchise for years
It's coming soon user, its a shame that apparently Hitomi will have a bigger role
>Hitomi will have a bigger role
>Character either disregarded or loathed.
>Bigger role.
Why would anyone watch a Madoka movie for Hitomi?
Source? I've heard nothing of the sort.
Bigger role, also we'll get to see more badass Mami like in Rebellion
>posted on 2015-12-23
let it go user
Almost the same thing but on CR this time
It's the most significant piece of info we have on the movie aside from the quality release for the concept movie, which also includes dialogue for Hitomi and an appearance, even though she only showed up in the beginning of Rebellion
Is that all you can say for those that don't really like how rebellion went?
>listening to Sup Forums
Now you know.
So? You're just projecting by putting up your personal belief of what a new movie would be about. You have to learn that when something is over, it's over
As said the other user, let it go
The recap movies are if only for the amazing new transformation scenes, holy shit that Homura one. Also an almost all new soundtrack if you like Kajiura
>a shitty inconclusive ending.
the ending is conclusive
Homura will contain Madoka in the dream as long as she can but fail eventually
Rebellion features a massive asspull with the sole purpose of pulling the rug from under the audience's feet
You're thinking of the series.
Homura actually does stuff. Madoka just wishes it all away.
The movies are very good. The first two tell the same story as the series, but they have better sound and animations. They also cut out some important scenes, which is unfortunate. You really should watch both the series and the movies.
Rebellion is the third movie and it is very good. It is a new story and introduces the best girl.
By best girl you mean Akuma Homura and pic unrelated.
No I meant Nagisa. I dare you to find a girl cuter than her.
I'm still a bit mixed about Rebellion.