
This series is overrated.

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Your mom's dick is overrated.

No, it's rating is perfectly acceptable.

The music to Bebop is one of the reasons people claim to love it so much but the music isn't even that great if you take the time to actually think about it. Most of you all just think you like the music because it's different from most anime but I guarantee not even 3% of you all listen to jazz so you literally have no clue what good jazz actually is. You just like the music because it's different and makes you feel edgy.


Nah dude prove it from first principles got you

I remember watching Bebop as a kid and not liking it at all so I've watched it again and I can appreciate the style of the series but other than that its pretty average.

Probably one of the few try iconic anime out there.

So is Evangelion but that doesn't mean it's good. Bebop isn't as bad as Eva I'll admit but it's in no way one of the best anime out there. Not even close.

It really is desu.

>4 episodes of plot
>22 episodes of filler


*busts through basement door*
Care to elaborate pleb? Let me guess you think sword art is a masterpiece?
*licks palm of left hand*

I love live how you go straight to SAO just because you know it's bad so in comparison this anime looks good. I hate to break it to you but it's outdated and has been surpassed by tons of anime.

I was agreeing with you until here.

>I troll therefore I am.

The delightful flavor of sage in this thread.

it was good for its time anyone that thinks its the best anime of all time is retarded, but you could use this argument about the current anime now in another decade.

It's not a troll. You're so delusional you can't even believe anybody would talk bad about your favorite overrated anime series.

I don't think it's the best anime ever but I think it's a pretty fantastic one with a lot to really appreciate and dig into. It deserves the amount of praise it's gotten, though there are still better anime out there.

Honestly imagine if this series came out today? It would receive little to no attention.

It deserves the amount of praise it's gotten. No it honestly doesn't.

>Picks iconic anime everyone has heard of
>Posts 4 word OP consisting of a negative adjective.
>Not a troll

Looks like a little more sage needs to be sprinkled on here.

So what? If I worded the op in multiple paragraphs it's alright but getting straight to the point is a troll? No, I think you just can't accept the fact that people don't enjoy this series as much as you thought.

Is this the thread where we pretend that good anime are actually bad?

Why is Giant Robo so shit?

Good jazz is only experienced live. People don't actually listen to jazz CDs often for a reason. Even the most well known, Miles Davis, Coltrain, etc. Aren't worth listening to.

So shush.

There want even a point there....... Just"it's overrated". No actual argument or content otherwise

>4 episodes of plot

Confirmed to either be a dumbass or a speed watcher.

Completely wrong, space dandy exists, there's every reason to watch this just from that connection.

>John Wu Space Bounty Hunters with good music

What the fuck isnt there to like.

Also the world building is pretty damn good

i enjoy jazz and i can still say the bebop soundtrack is great. you're trying too hard

Fat is pouring from my screen.

Where the fuck do you think you are

Give a reason why or fuck off.

It doesnt matter because i will never be able to watch it without coke-bottle tier nostalgia glasses

Being 10 years old and watching Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Big O on tv after midnight are fond memories.

Really, where am I??

Cowboy Funk is the only great episode.

Bebop in 3min


You're such a fucking idiot user.

>bait posted with ten words

I think Bebop was good, but felt inconclusive and unsatisfying at times.
>evil ass killer blob is killing everyone on the ship
>all hope is lost
>ed literally just eats it
>all hope is regained
>evil bulletproof tophat man won't fucking die
>Spike literally pulls a knife out of his ass
>he's bulletproof but not knifeproof
>he just fucking dies
These specifically stood out to me, along with the ending of the show.

>great characters
>great atmosphere/setting
>great animation
>great soundtrack
>shit plot
I liked it a lot overall

it's not bad or anything, but it's not great either. way overrated in my opinion.

it had it's moments, and killing off spike was kind of refreshing in a "hey, they actually *probably* killed him" kind of way.

but i mean, maybe because i'd seen so much shonen anime at that time and was sick of the whole "dead, but not really dead" thing in anime.

overall, it's pretty good.

but doraemon is better.

He's fucking right doe. What's the plot? An edgy ex mafia guy goes rambo to get revenge for his girlfriend.