Bluebell's glove is the most underrated character.
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
BBC x Deluge OTP
Where's her thumb on her glove arm
can't argue with that, she's gonna get penetrated by Deluge's trident
>not her two metal fingers
Black Girl and Female Knight is the name of the side story that came with BD 3. Do we know what its about?
It's about Alice encountering LP.
I wonder when Deluge will use those in a fight to poke someone's eyes out.
huh, would there have been a moment in the Unmarked timeline where that was possible?
Yes. Alice was chosen the week Nemurin died. LP died in the third week.
What's Puk Puck's endgame here? Is she genuinely just focused on world peace?
oh I guess if we take MGRP the Anime side story into account, it could have happened some point during the end of week 2 or week 3
she wants to Puk the world using the MG in her faction as fuel for the device that'll help her do it
Yes. Her goal is genuine world peace. Her method though, is to feed a number of MG to the machine to enable her to achieve world peace.
She knows me so well.
"'I have a dream.' That one day every person in the Land of Magic would be friends. A land of true companions, dammit. A Land of Magic of friends, not enemies, ruled by me, not the committee! Where the law changes to suit me. Where power and justice are back where they belong in my hands! Where every magical girl is free to think - to act - for themselves! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats from Osk. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and political bullshit! Fuck Osk! Fuck Caspar! FUCK ALL OF IT! The Land of Magic is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Make the slate clean.MAKE EVERYONE BE FRIENDS! And from the that, a new Land of Magic will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak and the strong will thrive in peace - free to live as they see fit, they'll make the Land of Magic great again! ...In my new Land of Magic, people won't die and no longer kill EACH OTHER! They'll no longer kill for money!. Every magical girl will be no longer at war!"
I like that the image includes rock throwing, its a nice touch
Elementary schooler Puck looks so much better than the kindergarten one.
Her design looks neat and combat-ready in this pic. Hair only reaching her hips to show off the legs, and that regal veil with a metal frame is interesting. I really wanna see more of her like this.
Maybe some user can draw her like that. I also want to see PP's design on a non-toddler. Or even an adult.
adult Puk sounds like a really cool idea if a drawfag wants to do that
Can't wait for that official translation from Yen Press
I'm really excited to own the books for myself! I debated buying the JP ones just for the sake of having them before the localization was announced so that's double the excitement, can't wait 'til June.
Too bad Yen Press takes months between volumes. By the time we reach Queens the series will likely be over in Japan.
The main problem is that YP won't use their A-list translators on minor things like this.
yeah Yen Press is like 1 volume a year right?
2 a year unless it's something like index.
If La Boipucelle had lived, how devastated would he have been after learning of the LoM's corruption? He's incredibly righteous and believes in good magical girls saving the planet. How badly would he have reacted upon learning how fucked up reality was for everyone?
I've been mulling over it for a few days.
Something something La Pucelle is a boring character and mediocre powerlevel-wise and there's no way he would have ever thought of such things because his character didn't have space for development and you only care about him because he has a dick and yadda yadda
4:30 am and I haven't slept yet, what are you up to anons
I want to read it. Sounds like there'd be some role-reversal in there when La Pucelle realizes that the evil here isn't just a monster or a bad guy to beat up but an entire system and turns to Snow White because LP no longer knows what to do.
Participants in the Hell Survival Games:
Cranberry, Flame Flamey, Cutie Altair, Panasu, Dark Fang Limit, Hana, Styler Mimi, Lapis Lazuline, Uttakatta, Meyer, Mina "Mad Gardner" Acre, Barter Arashiko, Metally, Duchess, Utatae Sanae, Mol Mol Morgue, Puchidevi, Marika
Depends on if SW survives or not.
If both of them survive none would become Punished as hard as they'd still have one another to lean on. Depends on if LaPu keeps babying SW too.
If LaPu alone survives I can easily see him getting mindbroken over not being able to protect SW.
If the author ever does some what-if stories, boy, this is one I'd absolutely love to see. Lot of potential in it.
I could see him going to a darker place like Snow White did and getting somewhat disillusioned, but I think SW would be a good rock to prevent him going to too dark a place. Assuming Boi Pucelle lived, they'd both probably come out of the whole thing a bit more jaded, but I don't think either would end up anywhere near as bad as Punished Snow did.
>She used these methods and the hair she had collected to learn her colleagues’ weaknesses, memorize her superiors’ illegal activities, spy on secret conversations between her betters, spying on pretty girls as a snack
>spying on pretty girls as a snack
Why is she so great, Sup Forums?
My wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.
She's basically/a/ in hairfag magical girl form.
If only more people knew about the greatness of our hairfag.
How the fuck is hairfag not the ruler of the LoM when she's able to gather so much information through her hairfagging?
>colleagues’ weaknesses, memorize her superiors’ illegal activities, spy on secret conversations between her betters
All these are pretty big deals.
Duchess is totally Lethe, right?
All Pythie wants is her ideal MG to be perfect. She might be interested on doing that though if her being partners with Lazuline I were to mean something.
She just wants to perv on MGs and collect hair.
She's careful about concealing herself I guess. Leaking info to eliminate people in secret, but never directly threaten them.
Her aspiration is to train ideal MGs. Becoming a higher-up like the Head of HR would only confine her to paperworks and politics, not actual MG mentorship, and she'd hate that.
The best king you can possibly be is the king in the shadows, controlling everything, but without ever having to deal with all the annoyances that come with being the king on paper.
>I could still endure them blackening my name as an evildoer. But the fact that they actually involved Sonia as well fills me with regret.
This is twistedly sweet.
Being the power behind the throne gives you the ultimate freedom, the freedom to walk away.
>By the time Tot Pop was released from the room, it had been 30 minutes.
>Tot seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that Pukin had killed her subordinates earlier. Tot had also listened in earnest to Pukin’s endless stream of complaints. Frederica removed her ear from where it had been plastered to the door and rose. I have a great disciple.
Weird, the scene started with Tot Pop getting out of the room, and ended with Tot Pop still in the room talking with Pukin.
I think it's just a long-winded way of saying "Tot Pop spent 30 minutes in there, this is what she and Pukin said and this is what Frederica did. The JP raw seems to say the same thing too.
>"Somehow, I have the feeling that the warning didn’t work because it wasn’t in Japanese.”
>“What a tragic misunderstanding.”
>It would seem that her explanation of “I can’t use my magic if the owner is dead” had gotten through to them. That was because Pukin or Sonia could have quickly and cleanly killed him if they were not holding back.
See, Pukin didn't sadistically killed the dude for fun. She genuinely didn't account for the language barrier. I'm glad we're clear on the fact that Pukin isn't a reckless dumbass.
Man, Pukin really has a blind spot when it comes to Sonia.
I wonder if Sonia ever brought some dead dudes home to show her, and Pukin headpatted her and made delicious pork sausages out of the corpses to feed her as a treat.
The "What a tragic misunderstanding" part made me chuckle.
"Maybe you should have spoken in a language he could understand?"
They most likely went fairy hunting in the woods.
>Pukin had published a book shortly before she was arrested. It proudly boasted of her accomplishments and defended her actions, and a copy of that book still remained in the information vaults of the Land of Magic until this day.
I need this, then everyone can understand what the real justice in the world is.
>Tot Pop spent 30 minutes in there, this is what she and Pukin said
Yeah, a flashback.
>and this is what Frederica did
This is the part confusing me, since wording made it sound like Tot Pop was still in the room, instead of stopping the flashback and returned to the present moment (with Tot had gotten outside).
Smelly is for bully.
It's weird, yeah. Honestly, it would be better if it had said "It had been 30 minutes since Tot Pop had gone into the room".
Still, that's Asari for you.
>Smelly is for cucking
ftfy user.
>She ran up alongside the car, opened the door from the outside, and after she reached her hand inside, everything above the driver’s neck vanished.
Sonia is fucking scary. Anyway, so she used her power and didn't crush the driver into a bloody mess inside the car.
Reading about how meek Sonia is, makes the upcoming staring contest with Wedin that much funnier.
Can you type or take a photo of those sentences? Maybe it would make more sense to me in Jap.
Melouil iz for lauwing
First line of the new paragraph in the middle of the page.
If Snow White's still alive, they'd be too busy helping people around the world, not paying any attention to the corruption in the LoM.
If she's dead, La Pucelle would probably be really easy for Pythie to manipulate into being her ideal magical girl (boy) if he didn't kill anyone by the end of Unmarked after SW's death.
If he did, he probably gets manipulated anyway by Pythie into doing shit for her until she gets tired of him and puts him in a bus and pushes said bus off a cliff.
>Oh? I would like to read that. Is there an English or French version of it
Pukin knew French!
Yeah that's correct.
The French were a pretty cultured lot back then, it's no surprise she'd know.
This got me wondering if Pukin actually IS French, or if she just knows the language? There's never been confirmation on her actual Nationality, right? All we know is that she was stationed in Britain with Sonia, but who knows if she actually hails from there. I love the idea of a French Pukin, that accent would be so cool!
What would Pukin think about modern France?
I think she'd start slashing and never stop.
was this the car driver?
Nah, the guy in the house when they first came to B-City.
Pukin is based on Mathew Hopkins, who was British. She is also said to hail from the British Isles. If she were French, I don't think she'd constantly speak English and asked it first either, as Frenchies are very proud of their language and hate the British guts.
Continue with her pursuit on "justice".
I think I was so excited by the prospect of Pukin with a French accent I completely blocked out her being based on Matthew Hopkins, oops. Alright, that makes sense. It's still pretty awesome she knows French.
She's a fairytale prince and carries herself like a noble. The French had some of the biggest peerage systems on the European continent way back when, it makes sense she'd be able to talk to people of her social class.
>Be it ‘sushi’ or ‘fried tempura’, you may eat whatever you wish, but I must ask you to endure for a while longer.
>Sonia sat despondently in the back seat. Pukin tried to cheer her up by telling her about delicious “sukiyaki”
>During this time, Pukin made small talk, while Sonia played with the original owner’s smartphone.
>More to the point, Pukin had just subtly requested that they have sushi, tempura and sukiyaki in the name of soothing Sonia.
>“Ohhh, so this is sushi! Amazing. To think it would be delivered to us. Although I have heard this was an industrialized country, I had not expected them to use their technology upon sushi. What an admirable people. Calm down, Sonia, the sushi will not run away… no, it really is running away. All right, let us begin.”
>Sonia gobbled the sushi like she was trying to stop a rushing river, while Pukin cleaned off the places Sonia had dirtied
Why is Pukin so fucking cute? No wonder Sonia sticked with her.
She always took care and tried to please the girl as much as possible, even though Sonia is not demanding at all.
Pukin is not just noble and has class, but she's super sweet (to Sonia). Literally my perfect prince.
So they called hairfag as Frederica in the raw?
>The prisoners treated the sushi restaurant workers and other customers in a friendly and polite manner, even posing for the camera
We'll never know how this was twisted into them insulting the waiter and intimidating other customers.
Could Lazuline II have learned about Lazuline I hating MGs and about her plans? She seemed to be pretty willing to do some seriously shady shit for her.
If Pukin loves Sonia so much, which she clearly does, and deeply so, why the fuck did she fool around with Wedin in front of her? Is it like Sonia is the only one she really loves whereas when she fools around with other girls, it's strictly sexual? Geez.
I couldn't believe it when I read that whole Sushi scene, it was so different from what TL-kun gave us. Pukin didn't insult the Japanese people for having no respect for labor, and instead praised them for being resourceful and inventive. She didn't dislike or spit the Sushi out, either, which always struck me as weird given she scolded Sonia to "show some class" seconds after she apparently spat out her food like a heathen. It just didn't make sense.
She loves her as a daughter?
>The TL-kun version of the whole scene is literally the opposite of what actually happened
And just like this for all we know the personalities of all the girls could be the complete opposite of what we think they are.
We really got taken on a ruse cruise.
Poor Tot Pop.
Tot Pop had proudly patted her chest and said that her long periods of living alone were not for show, but there had been some loneliness in her expression. As her master, Frederica hoped that Tot Pop would be able to find a partner whom she would hit it off with right away.
It's kinda weird to lose the will of living just because your "daughter" died.
>Losing your daughter
>Even a not-blood daughter
>Not something that can completely break you
It's like old couples, when one dies the other soon follows.
To be fair, they were life partners for a long ass time.
During the throaty purr scene, Pythie said that Wedin was assimilated into Pukin's "harem." So at the very least, Pythie didn't think Sonia and Pukin acted familial, but Sonia was part of Pukin's harem.
Uh, no. What Pukin felt towards Sonia was definitely not anything motherly and she wasn't a daughter to her. The fanbook says they are in mutual love with one another.
More to the point then. It's not weird at all for her to lose her will to live if so.
Did he ever tell us why he did that?
I wonder how Pukin and Sonia's first meeting went after knowing Sonia was a mountain bandit, did she just give delicious food to Sonia and the rest was history?
"Convey the same thing"
Who cares about the actual reason? Can you guys please stop it? No matter what he did he's doing his best to fix it all now so go and praise his efforts instead.
>recruiting a savage Magical Girl by feeding her
This is like a gag manga.
Oh yeah, I completely agree that it's not weird, especially if they were in love. Just that she lost her will to live because they were in love, and not because she lost a "daughter."
I just imagine Pukin throwing food at Sonia's cave from after and after each throw she slowly comes closer.