ITT: characters worst than Stalin
ITT: characters worst than Stalin
Reddit called and they want you back
only reddit posters post this. faaaaaak off retard.
Literally what's wrong with that anime?
This anime was funny
eminem please
Stalin did nothing wrong
Emilia > Rem. Subaru did nothing wrong.
>another Re:Zero thread
Christ, kill yourself already and stop filling this site with this garbage.
You are the worst fanbase sinse Jojo got an anime.
I want to set Subaru's voice saying that line as my wake-up alarm.
Most posters on this board are children, and don't know who Stalin is.
>You are the worst fanbase
>implying I am part of fanbase
>don't know who Stalin is.
I believe that's impossible.
Stalin is worse than any fictional 2d character. Please be more considerate. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day.
The only bad thing Stalin did was not kill more.
reminder that stalin was 5'4
rem is shit and a cuck
>betrays the Martians to find Princess Asseylum
>betrays Asseylum to work with the assassins (because he wants to protect the princess who they are trying to assassinate)
>betrays the assassins after they do what they have said they were going to do all this time
>goes back to betraying Mars yet again
>betrays his new waifu because she was going to be replaced by the old waifu
>goes ahead and betrays the old waifu too
>after all this is done, Asseylum becomes empress and tells all Martian Knights to stand down.
>camera cuts to Slaine
>oh man what is he going to do
Fuck you Slaine and fuck you Aldnoah Zero S2.
Feel free to kill yourselves and your families.
Nice anime character.
Stalin is a winner not a loser.
stalin x hitler best otp
> stalin
> slav
u retard m8?
>not slav
kill yourself mongol shits
Seriously though Re:Zero and its fanbase are absolute fucking cancer the moment you criticize thier shit series they go MUH VN DOE only to be filled with crap writing and beyond stale characters just like the anime
I cringed to death.
4chin is 18+ please leave
^This anyone who says otherwise is from reddit
You sound angry. It's not like you really know anything about the characters, so why have you formed that opinion?
Fuck off to your general cancer
sadly it didn't last long 1939-1941
I actually like Stalin. He was a cool guy, and there are too many lies about him, too make him look worse than hitler.
Stalin is the best boy of his series.
Naming a character who's worse than him should be easy, then
Asuka from evangelion.
No, you need to meme harder to fit in.