This bitch

This bitch...
This fucking bitch...

Why the fuck does everyone give this degenerate so much love?
Who in the fucking world cooks chicken tenders in the FUCKING MICROWAVE?

Ya know who?
A twisted fucking mind, a monstrous soul.
Fuck. This. Bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:

The chicken tendies deserved better.

Im just creeped out how tiny her limbs were in the anime.
Even morbidly anorexic people dont have that thin legs. It ruined the entire character for me, those uncanny valley legs.

> chicken tendies
> reeeeeee

We got a /r9k/ escapee here.


>Fuck. This. Bitch.

You need Steins gate 0.

> The chicken tendies deserved better.

>2 PM
> been working on time machine since 6 AM
> really want chicken tendies
> saved up 7060 yen and 10,000 GBP this week
> "Mayuri! I'm hungry! Take this money and get me some tendies from KFC!"
> she comes back a few minutes later with a plate and some tendies on it
> it's microwaved shit
> "What the fuck is this shit?!"
> says the local KFC got shut down and that she needs to go to the maid cafe
> "Rintaro! Why are you screaming?!"
> "I've been a good friend for you! WHY WON'T YOU GET ME PROPER TENDIES?!"
> blinks for a second, before the ditz finds out there was Popeyes nearby her place the entire time
> snacking away on fresh crispy tendies

Will we get more Steindo;gate OPs for 0 when the adaptation starts?

Aren't she and Okabe related?

> We have robots in Sup Forums now

What has this world come to?


>He think's Sup Forums wasn't already at least 50% robit for the last few years

No, that was a mistranslation.

> sunday morning 1 AM
> SERN kills Mayuri for the gazillionth time
> play CPR on her corpse's huge tits
> SERN bitch comes to my face
> says I need to become beta again
> don't wanna undo my d-mails because Kurisu will die and I can't compete with Chad for any other girl
> Kurisu tells me she loves me
> forces me to delete the last d-mail
> Mayuri's finally alive
> I accidentally kill Kurisu
> Mayuri's STILL microwaving my tendies
> feelsbadman.jpg

Nice story m8.

Better not mess with the tuturu

>anons hate Mayuri
I dont get it.

Because she's very emotionally supportive for everyone

By the way, if anyone's still reading this I just finished part 2 of animating an audio drama with sprites. Thanks to the ppl here who linked me higher res sprites.

IN theory Okabe considers her to be like a sister to him, buuuut the moment her kid gets brought up he starts sperging out over the idea he might not be the baby daddy.


Nice work, user!




Oh user...

>not sperging out when your sisters baby isn't yours

Don't you love her?

She nearly made me cry with her ending in S;G 0 though; so there's that.

Not like that man, not like that.

But user it's not just any chicken tenders it's JUSHII CHICKEN NUMBAH WAAHN

These are funny stories. Why did you spoiler the greentext though?

Don't bully Mayuri.

you doing more stuff like this?




If people seem to like them I'll make more. So far it's just the first two.

*murders a entire squad of soldiers*

Keep going user.


How is such an autistic girl so lewd?

Tight hotpants, pantyhose and long legs among other things.



Is this reverse rape?

Depends on the doujn.

Mayushii doesn't fuck around.

worst character ever created

ayyyy a less autistic s;g thread!


>less autistic
the irony



Did you really not follow that that was her way of helping them develop the phonewave? Maybe they don't directly spell it out or explain it, but it's very, very clearly implied that she's secretly working her entire life to help and guide Okarin to Steins Gate.

She's a small girl.

faris is even smaller

Poor Kurisu, to be the average sized girl in a cast of tittymonsters.

i'd fuck her pits

Her modest chest perfectly complements her slender frame, making it extremely lewd.


This slut gets the most fanservice despite having the most boring body (compared to everyone else in the cast anyway)


My dick.

She has the most erotic body of the cast.

Nowhere in the original is that stated.



Why is there a calendar for a patent attorney in the background?

Apparently it's New + Nippon

New Japan, the planet on the calendar.

I hope you are all excited for Gehenna's Stigma to be adapted.