Other urls found in this thread:
Kuroneko deserves someone who really loves her
Death to ryousuke kirino and creator of oreimo
>titled oreimo
>wanting not imouto to win
You got yourself to blame.
why did it turn into harem at the end ?
>watch incomplete story
>conclusion from watching
go find appropriate doujin for preferred ending
This I'm a Kuronekofag but even I knew Kirino was going to win.
Neighbour Chan
Any of these 3.
she was gonna win no matter what, you are delusional if you ever thought otherwise
wanted to reference ops id, whatever
It really should have followed the Destiny Notebook's lead.
Kuroneko and Kyousuke get together as a couple.
That's the cover for Kyousuke also being with Kirino.
She straight up said her dream was for all of them to be together and we know Kirino would love to have her as a "little sister". Problem solved.
You can stop posting that, it's plain retarded.
>false flagging: the post
You Kirinofags feel the need to do this so your waifu's win doesn't become irrelevant?
>Literally setup perfectly within the story
>Fucking retarded
It's okay, she can be my wife now.
>Kuroneko and Kyousuke get together as a couple.
Read the end of volume 8 again. Kyousuke loves Kirino way more.
>That's the cover for Kyousuke also being with Kirino.
Plain retarded.
>She straight up said her dream was for all of them to be together and we know Kirino would love to have her as a "little sister".
Yeah it was Kuroneko's chuuni delusion. Neither Kyousuke nor Kirino would ever consider that.
Nice victim complex idiot. That image has been posted before more than a year ago, or is this also part of the evil Kirinofags' plan?
Same. Kuroneko a cute and best girl
She's not real, dumbass
She's real in my heart
Hater Faggot
Nagisa faggot liking kirino shit taste
why would you be? Kyousuke was a fag
>mfw this thread
The butthurt is eternal.
yfw the archive lost all of its data so we'll never be able to relive the oreimo shitstorm save for a couple screenshots
With The Force.
Don't be sad! She gets to hear all the juicy details of the siblings' nightly life counseling sessions
As bad as the people who expected Toradora to end any way but TaigaxRyuji
>ore no imouto
Can these idiots not read the damn titles
I don't understand, are nekofags this fucking autistic, or Kuroneko attracts fucking autistic people?
What? That article is about someone hating Kuroneko. Fushimi got many threats but for some reason only that one got some coverage and occasionally Kuronekofags here post it to "prove" that Kirinofags are shit, even though that article doesn't even mention anything about him liking Kirino.
Truly the Evangelion of our time