A woman lied about being raped by 2 football players because she didn't want another guy that she liked to realize how much of a whore she was. One of the football players lost his scholarship as a result of Yovino's accusations.
Woman lied about rape
She's still an innocent victim of toxic masculinity
She's still alive.
All she wanted to do was trick another man in to putting up with her bullshit. Is that so wrong?!
What's most important now is to prevent the courts from ruining the life of a rape survivor, because if she believed she was raped, even if only for a moment, then she was raped. Besides, women never lie about rape.
Get the pitch, some wood and a torch.
How exciting, I've got wood already!
A good dude would still see the rape as her now being unfit and impure so why even? Women and logic mix like oil and water.
A woman lying? About rape? I don't believe it.
>sweden's future
Woah no way? In a system where a man is guilty until proven innocent, i can't believe this happened.
and what is the bitch getting? 6months? ffs
This sweet girl has put herself through so much just for the man she has a crush on.
There was talk of 2 years. I think. But I doubt she does more than 30 days.
>you will never have a woman willing to ruin other men's lives to keep your affection
>lost scholarship to play handegg
yeah she's a lying whore, but really nothing of value was lost when another nig can't get a free pass to play some shit sport
she didn't do nothing
it's always the male's fault if sex happens and if she regrets it that makes it rape
I bet she was spit roasted by niggers.
It's great that she raised awareness for such a gruesome topic
>getting raped creates romantic interest from other man
this is what women actually believe
Ah yes, I crave seeing the return of real chivalry in all its blazing glory.
I had a woman willing to ruin her own life because she couldn't win my affection, if that counts
This is why you get everything on tape.
We were going to have a female office manager start at my firm on January 2nd. My boss decided it wouldn’t be a good idea because he just got divorced and it’s costing him a fortune and he doesn’t want to run the risk of a lawsuit.
He called her up yesterday and said we don’t need the position filled anymore. That’s good, because I don’t want to get accused of sexual harassment for saying “good morning”.
mom doesn't count
top kek
Roastie logic is some shit man
Someone tweet this to Tucker. He talked about how he was falsely accused. He's been toasting roasties all week.
She has been raped mentally so many times you can't believe. All the suffering is in her eyes, can't you see?
Females truly are the niggers of the genders.
Much as I hate Islam, this supports their views on the validity of a woman's testimony.
>Woman lied about rape
Stop the presses.
this hits it too much propaganda
can't believe liars are getting away
Yea and just wait for the moment when the bitch will do the same to you when she gets horny enough for some other guy. Bitches will be bitches
She is a female psychopath. What did she think was going to happen. Imagine having to follow through with a lie that big, I can't believe white people can do that.
is she half spic?
She's probably Italian from the north shore of Long Island
This is why if you start dating a girl and she claims to have been raped during college, you run for the hills.
^ Extremely true statement.
If at any point in the early stages of a relationship if she utters some shit about being raped or molested...RUN.
It is a attention seeking sign and will always lead to hurt or worse.
Drill the oil, experience the toil.
Dem boys learned not to stick it in crazy.