Christ this is pretty good. What?
Christ this is pretty good. What?
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Is the manga worth it?
The last arc is bad and lots of stuff is just asspulled and never properly explained or figured out.
Still overall a good ride if you don't mind the ridiculous erotic stuff.
hope they make more, while fixing everything wrong with the manga
All you need to know is Tae a shit.
>ridiculous erotic stuff.
What are you gay?
How gory is this
Until Osaka yes
After Osaka no
Until Tae yes
After Tae no
where did you watch it?
I can't find it anywhere if not netflix that I don't own
I was asking more about the movie than the manga
other user didn't respond, so I will - thank you
just checked nyaa to see if this was out and got nothing, and I was amazed to see your link was also subbed
cheers dude
This site is pretty good if you have adblock set and are just lazy to download stuff.
>tfw in an alternate reality we could have Blame in this CGI style
>instead we're getting ugly Polygon Blame
I get pretty mad seeing how little they use this kind of CGI for movies or short series.
Blame definitely didn't sell nearly as much as Gantz to warrant that much investiment.
Gantz and Kingsglaive look so fucking amazing but from what I hear Kingsglaive did shit in the box office so it's no wonder.
It just looks pretty like all the CGi movies Japan has been pumping out in the past 5 years.
Gantz:O takes the Osaka arc and cuts it down in 1/3, it doesn't have the same problem as Saint Seiya did by adaptating 12 volumes worth of content, Osaka was 4 volumes long.
The worst cut of all is the Katou and Kurono's brotherhood, if it wasn't for one line at the end you would be lead to believe Katou and Kurono don't even know each other in this universe.
imagine berserk with this level of CGI, rather than the complete shit we got instead
Gantz:O didn't do so good either, prompting them to do home releases mere 3 months and a half after it aired on theaters.
Now that's the real disapointment because Berserk is a constant millions seller unlike Blame!
Berserk surely could get better adaptation contracts, yet it just doesn't.
>this is pretty good
- Rated for teens in Japan.
- Toning down the violence to unseen headshots and obscured by the night when it happens on the mission.
- Vital characters cut, like Kaze and his awesome fight with Nura.
- Katou chooses to revive Anzu who he barely knew, instead of his bro Kurono which he doesn't even seem to know in the movie verse.
- Katou reviving Anzu fucks with another cut character, the Nerd whose entire growth resulted in him reviving Anzu himself.
- Kwabara appears for a second, doesn't rape any alien.
- Gantz once known for having tits and ass to spare is limited by the movie with only breast jiggling, the few times it even happens.
Gantz:O is mediocre at best, I won't say it's bad because at least the CGi is pretty damn good, but that makes all style and no substance.
>Katou chooses to revive Anzu
What's wrong with that? They didn't tell him about Kurono and he went for the pussy.
And it's not like there is going to be a continuation, so having a self-contained story is much better.
pretty pretty
>What's wrong with that?
Everything, did you even read the manga? Katou's defining trait was his trust and idolosing for Kurono.
He didn't go for the pussy either since the movie still portrays him as a kind selfless dude, he wasn't sexualy atracted by Anzu, they bonded like in the manga for they have little ones to protect.
>defining trait was
Exactly. Was. He saved her, because he wanted to. I don't see a problem with that in the context of the movie itself.
>And it's not like there is going to be a continuation,
The literally ends with a cliffhanger and packs a post-credits scene to boot, they definitely left the gates open to continue from their original direction.
Now it is the movie's performance on the box office that might destroy any plans for a sequel.
>the context of the movie itself.
That itself is the problem.
Making sense within the movie doesn't make it good, it is an adaptation, not a self-proclaimed loose inspiration, it has to make sense within the source material.
It was forced as fuck. You could tell that mangaka was just horny.
Also i don't like cowtits.
Arent you being too critical? The movie was not made solely for people who read Gantz. Adding gore and sexual content for no reason in a 1 hour (?) movie would make it look cheap for some people.
When even the best gantz gun aint working you know you are fighting some op shit.
>it is an adaptation
It's also a different medium, where you have to consider things to compromise on.
And I'm prety sure they've stated during initial interviews that it's not going to be a full-on adaptation.
Considering it could've gone AoT-movie way, I'm really grateful.
Why wont nips fucking watch movies like that seriously. No one will ever dare making good looking movies if people dont fucking watch em.
They've spent all their money on Shinkai.
>The movie was not made solely for people who read Gantz.
How so? It adaptates an arc far later in the manga and it doesn't trouble itself with character introductions besides Katou's; it definitely plays out assuming people are already into Gantz.
Also are you seriously saying that properly adaptating the erotism and violence would scare people away? Why even get into Gantz if one doesn't like these things.
Just look at the Starship Troopers CGi movie, as mediocre as it was it still had all the gore and even added tits because why not.
Not enough cute girls and bland family drama.
I'm watching this atm
part of a problem I feel is that it hasn't got the manga established character for Kato
he was a big do-gooder, but also a massive badass who won a fist-fight against a heavyweight pro boxer, and he 1v1'd the Buddha boss
it's these things that made it plausible for him to fight nuraihyon, in the movie it's kind of baffling how he is making these choices and winning these fights
Because these pretty CGi movies need good content and writing also, focusing all the efforts on the cutting edge CGi alone is a waste.
Captain Harlock
Saint Seiya
Appleseed 2014
All pack rediculously good looking visuals, none were too successful because they are little else but pretty things to look at.
To be fair, Kingsglaive was a mess of a story. It looked fucking amazing though, and the final fight was great.
Looks good
Yep, that's also another problem, the movie plays it out like it is his first mission ever yet Katou quickly gets to do the same things he did in the source material pretty fast and even more as some stuff done by the characters who were cut got transfered to him.
Even weirder is that a little line later implies it just like the manga, he is a returnee that got out of the game once, but he didn't regain his memories right away.
Yeah buy im afraid no one will dare making such cgi movies if they keep tanking in the box office.
Are the subs out?