What's his end game?
Other urls found in this thread:
based fucking deen pushing him
>comedy show has a recurring gag character
>so original
he's no name tho
You forgot a hilarious reaction image to attach to your funny greentext, dude.
Just watched the last episode, and it was hilarious.
Every episode of Konosuba is pure joy. The whole scene with Aqua and Kazuma scumming it up was GOAT.
To be the greatest artisan weaver
>yfw he is actually the Devil King
>Devil King is lazy as fuck
>doesn't do shit
>his empire just kind of runs itself
>the castle is just for show
To place hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place.
I laughed so hard at this whole scene, Kazuma monologue is perfect
Is it wrong that I only watch this anime for the doujinshi?
>challanging someone with a ridiculous Luck stat to a game of janken
Aqua, you dumb, dumb motherfucker
! ! !
I did think how this dude was relevant to the series, and I had a thought.
What if he's God doing the same thing as [Spoiler]Eris[/spoiler] and posing as some dude?
fucked it
S1: youtube.com
S2: youtube.com
favorite character song?
Relax, relax
So DEEN could animate this well but choose not to.
I love it. DEEN really finds a way
>they could've animated it better
>but chooses not to
>b-based DEEN
you konoshitters will eat anything that DEEN shits at you
Back to gaydragon threads
>b-but gaydragon
Vanir pls stop doing this
tch how did you figure it out
and i was having fun too
Relax, relax
what's the song that was playing during the trip?
>it's a hot spring episode
Holy shit it actually was.
>You look pretty evil yourself
>But you are laughing
A casual reminder that the goddess is watching over you.
He better show up every episode and do his gag
She's so dumb that I want to bully her, but for some reason protect her too.
Kazuma Kazuma
W H A T?
kazuma desu
Whoever is in charge of marketing is showing clear favoritism.
Kazuma's Chiisana.
Ceiling goddess watches you fap.
I understand completely. I want to protect her from bad guys too. No one gets to bully her except me.
Holy fuck, exposed down the middle.
How can blue-haired girls be so perfect?
I want to make Megumin a Megumum so I can drink her Megumilk
Axel women can't seem to bag a man no matter what they wear.
The entire town is full of frustrated women waiting to explode.
omw right now
don't do it user, you won't survive
I already live in Australia, I no longer wish to survive
Megumin has been teary-eyed for 2 episodes straight.
I REALLY doubt she will have a great relationship with Kazuma. She should just marry someone from Crimson Demon clan instead
Go away Yunyun.
Man, Kazuma and Aqua banter really great
I love how every time she tries to shit on him he completely wrecks her
Why would a Chuuni marry anyone that wasn't a demon blood or a dragon blood or some kind of monster race?
The men in the crimson clan are worse NEETs
Interdimensional traveler counts.
Her appearance isn't even that difference.
I'm kind of surprised he didn't figure it out after her telling him, even after the "oh she has a scar there hmmm"
isn't even that different*
Makes sense
>Demon king is a lazy fuck but lieks steady income
>She lives like Wiz while the generals are his workforce who keep spice flowing and secure.
>Human nation is just running itself to the ground due to corruption and internal strife and Demon King gets blamed
It would make sense. If they really gave a fuck about world domination, they would be kissing Demon Kings boots by now.
Everyone in Demon Kings cohort is just an hedonist with his/hers own desires and goals which directly go against the DKs alleged agenda. If DK was serious then those elements would be dealt with, but thats not the case
If she allows that behavior then it isnt far fetched that she too indulges it
I want to hug aqua
So he stole her pantsu. He stole a goddess pantsu.
Where do you live that Aqua is in any kind perfect?
I didn't realize that's the godess
A pity they already reveled who the maou is in the side novels
But then they went on a trip so all is well.
She's a silly crimson semen demon, she already got over it. She just remembers that having Kazuma die is not fun.
Mages need to be ready for mana transferat any moment and in the most confortable way possible while still wearing some clothes. this is magic 101 user
> Isn't even that different.
You a fag or something? Boys identify girls by their body, not their face.
it's called consensual sibling love they will never fuck, but their bond is on a level none of the other girls will ever come close to
>You a fag or something?
She's also I think the only person with silver hair.
Aqua already told him she wears pads though
Would you fuck a girl who is so short her head barely reaches your shoulder and whose cup size is negative?
where's the scar
That's pretty hot tbqhfam
Her breasts are tiny but they are there.
I would prefer it actually
> 4'10"
> 5'2"
well she's only 13 (or is she 14 yet I don't remember what volume her birthday was in) so she might get taller
also yes, regardless
It wasn't luck though.
In fact, Kazuma has less Luck then Aqua.
U retarded mate?
Saggy pads
Remember that Kazuma is a tiny Japanese manlet so Megumin has to be really fucking short to only reach his shoulders.
Where do you think we are?
Scumbag duo
says something about it not really showing up on her unless she's blushing
>It wasn't luck though.
>In fact, Kazuma has less Luck then Aqua.
The only person he has less luck than is the goddess of luck.
> Trusting Aqua
> A filthy scum goddess who's so salty about being booted from heaven they named the ocean after her
Why do people call the MC scum? He doesn't really do anything scum worthy. I don't see him groping, raping, etc. True scum work hard for their title, we shouldn't give it out freely to posers.
she'll grow up and develop a body that will put yunyun's to shame
Fuck off Aqua
>I don't see him groping, raping, etc.
are we watching the same anime
Yuiyui is not that big too, we only hope is Komekko
nobody believes you aqua
Yes, a classy petite body with pronounced but not overly large boobies.
> Malnourished child
> Ever growing again
I have BAD news for you user...
He doesn't actually touch them though.
He also is a firm believer in cleaning up his own messes, which is the exact opposite of scummy behavior.
>Implying his plan isn't the standard plan against everyone strong.