Will Roshi ever learn how to fly on his own?
Dragon Ball Super
Reminder that Goku's name is "Gokou"
Beerus is "Beers"
Buu is "Boo"
Mr. Satan real name is "Mark"
17 and 18 names are "Lapis" and "Lazuli"
and nobody knows Turtle Hermit's name, same about his sister
Best fusion coming through.
Why does Roshi not learn flying
Roshi will learn to fly when he Krillian learns Roshi's human broli form.
>best fusion
>not Jakie Chun + Roshi
>that whole image
Fuck off back to tumblr, retard.
what's wrong with tumblr?
Fun thing: "Goku Black" is written using katakana for "Goku" (ゴクウ) rather than kanji (悟空) to represent how Zamasu doesn't know how to writte Goku's name at all (since katakana is only based on sounds, so he can know how to writte "Goku" even if doesn't know the proper kanji). So, if Goku's name is actually spelled "Gokou", Black's nickmane is supposed to be "Gokū Black" representing he doesn't know the actual spelling.
Isn't the point that the flying technique was developed by his rival, so he refused to learn it?
fuck off, newfag
there's nothing wrong with tumblr, though, but Sup Forums can stop hate everything
Goku learned how to fly from popo didn't he?
Jokes on you i've been the OP to countless db threads to the point I lost count.
No I'm pretty sure he copied Tenshinhan.
>Why does Roshi not learn flying
Turtles don't fly, Cranes do. He is the master of Turtle style and isn't willing to learn technique from a different branch.
Thats the original technique, but now everyone uses Namekian flying
Well I guess one could argue that Roshi doesnt really like those green slugs either
so if super saiyan is an anger based transformation then why can't Tien be super?
what's that one dbz related image that always gets you kek'n
relax friend, memes are good for the soul
What a great family, I don't want daddy angel to be evil :'(
Reposting this in a new thread:
Pic related made me want to go full autism mode and count all transformations every saiyan ever had, canon or not.
0). Base form. Not a transformation, just a form, that's why it's numbered zero
1). Oozaru
2). Kaio-ken
3). Kaio-kenx2 (probably the same as regular kai-ken)
4). Kaio-kenx3
5). Kaio-kenx4
6). Kaio-kenx10
7). Kaio-kenx20
8). Kaio-kenx100
9). False Super Saiyan
10). Super Saiyan
11). Super Saiyan Grade 2 / Super Vegeta
12). Super Saiyan Grade 3 / Ultra Super Saiyan
13). Super Saiyan Full Power
14). Legendary Super Saiyan
15). Spirit bomb Super Saiyan (from android 13 movie)
16). Super Saiyan 2
17). Super Kaio-ken
18). Great Saiyaman (I guess Gohan IS kinda transforming into a superhero)
19). Majin Vegeta
20). Super Saiyan 3
21). Ultimate Gohan / Mystic Gohan
22). Baby Vegeta (Strongest Form 1)
23). Baby Vegeta (Strongest Form 2)
24). Golden Oozaru
25). Super Saiyan 4
26). Baby Vegeta Golden Oozaru (I'm just not sure if I should count that, it kinda looks different from Gokus version, although it's mostly him having clothes)
27). Legendary Super Saiyan 2
28). Legendary Super Saiyan 3
29). Legendary Oozaru (yes, it exists)
30). Legendary Super Saiyan 4
31). Super Saiyan God
32). Saiyan beyond God (I guess)
33). Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan / Super Saiyan Blue
34). Super Saiyan Blue + Kaio-ken
35). Super Saiyan Blue + Kaio-ken x 10
36). Super Saiyan Rose
37). Super Saiyan Rage
38). Giygas bullshit thing
39). Villainous Mode
40). Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan)
41). Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan 2)
42). Supervillain Mode
42 transformations. Holy shit
We're more than halfway to the 72 goal. 30 more to go.
Since the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment, one can say Tien is in fact a Super Human.
>Human Krillin is stronger than Super Human Tenshinhan
Because Tien is a three eyed faggot who broke my leg.
>super human
>only has one more organ than a regular human
fucking pathetic
>Best fusion
Tiens past evil deeds prevent him from reaching his true power of enlightenment
>Tiens past evil deeds prevent him from reaching his true power of enlightenment
Those didn't stop Wu Kong from reaching enlightment
krillin got boosted by kami guru
maybe he already was super tien but it was weak and you never noticed
but Wukong is a based as fuck, Tien is a cunt
Yamcha plz
That's not a new form, human Krilin still human Krilin as saiyan Gohan still saiyan Gohan after the same boost. Super Human Tenshinhan is just another disappointment as every Crane school fighter
Chaozu please your boyfriend sucks
Tien isn't a monkey and Toriyama cant have humans be stronger.
Toriyama said he lost his powers cause evil.
forms don't matter, power is power
>You will lose your strength if its squeezed
Didn't Nappa and Vegeta no sell tail squeezing?
And Ten power is disappointing as fuck. It's like Bardock being weaker than base Goten as SS
Toriyama probably just didnt say they lost the weakness and just didnt need them anymore but the truth is he hated drawing them and thats the real reason
I mean gee, Goku trained himself to not be hurt by it anymore.
You just gotta get your tail squeezed a whole lot until the mind numbing pain doesn't bother you anymore.
well then he should've found someone to boost his power like krillin
I just iwsh they would bring back powerlevels for the tournament so that we would know what to expect from every fighter
didn't you hear goku in the latest episode? not knowing how strong the opponents are makes it more fun
>Toppo vs Goku
>Goku goes SSB
>Toppo disperses Gokus God Ki
>Goku is now 90% weaker and has to forfeit
1 That's not how works
2 If Toppo can "cancel" Goku's transformation the cooldown is pointless since Goku would only use his base form, not even SS
Since when is it okay to post instagram normie maymays here without getting banned?
ded thred wat happened
Yeah, but imagine if somebody tore your tail off in a fight. It just became a liability. If the sayians found a way to shoot a beam out of it they would have kept it.
frieza and beerus made good use of their tails in combat.
saiyan tails are a good bit thinner and weaker but maybe they could grab someone with it
rip everybody died
ded thread
also their tails were/are a weak point
Pretty sure Goku smacked Tenshinhan's face with his.
You guys think a tailjob would feel good
reminder Toriyama stated that Tien never got to use the full power of his third eye because of being raised by the evil Master Shen...
but Tenshihan is a loser
If you're stronger than them the tail is fine, when the saiyans started going up against people like freiza and each other they removed their tails because they needed every bit of advantage they could get. Also oozaru is another downgrade and disadvantage of the tail.
Why is every single DB youtuber so fucking terrible?
MasakoX, Geekdom, Anime Live Reactions etc...
All terrible
Are you the same dumb spic that always brags about this? You realize that shitting up Sup Forums for the one show you watch isn't something to be proud of, right? You don't belong here, fuck off.
because they usually have no idea what the fuck they're talking about
Oozaru made saiyans ten times stronger and was the only reason they were useful to the PTO. It allowed 'high class' warriors like Raditz overshadow most PTO soldiers who have a power level of just a couple thousand.
Hell, Oozaru Vegeta was stronger than Ginyu (180k vs 120k). Saiyans are trash without transformations and oozaru was the best moat saiyans could get.
"Xeno Goku is from a GT timeline" theory debunked
which one has that fucking inflection at the end of every sentence like every thing he says is a question, it bugs the shit out of me.
Also Xeno Vegetto card
But we all know which card is the best one
>It seems that tails are a recessive genetic trait"
I dont think he knows what that means or it means something sort of different in japanese because that implies chichi is part saiyan.
>Japanese knowing how genetics work
See: Kojima and Metal Gear
This one
Best bro card
And best sis
>RIA keeps taking down any video that has Limit Break x Survivor
>even MAD/AMV videos now
Holy fuck this company is cancer
But when they were going up against intelligent foes oozaru made them predictable and big targets. Look at the series, after a saiyan fought a foe that was stronger than oozaru they cut it off because they realize it wasnt a viable desperation move. Its simply a drawback for powerful saiyans.
Huh? Why?
>Saiyans are trash without transformations
See it's this i hate about super.
Suddenly untransformed saiyans are the bee's knees and can style on all sorts of beings and the transformations are only slight boosts.
We still haven't gotten a good before and after to show the extent of the SSJB transformation, like vegeta bodied that one universe 6 mook but SSJ2 easily could have done that.
And then there's shit like SSJ2 trunks kicking around SSJR Black that just throws everything to shit. What does blue even do?
I just want some fucking consistency, god dammit. This is below fanfic level.
No I'm the one that keeps the raging newfags in check that somehow go on autistic rampages. My posts are neutral and you would have no clue who I am to begin with or which threads are mine because I barely leave behind a footprint.
>Bergamo convinces everybody to turn on Goku
>Zeno announces that if anybody can beat Goku he won't blow any universes up
>Bergamo loses, Toppo steps in
>Toppo wrecks Goku's shit
>no more universe destroying, all tension lost for the remainder of the tournament
Bravo Toriyama!!
Its classic dbz, if your enemy is retard levels strong you have to go all out when you fight them as any move could be a fatal blow. From the divine saiyans perspective they can read their enemies ki and "know" how fast/strong they should be so when their weaker opponent powers up mid attack it catches them off gaurd. They want to play with their weaker opponent and get punished for it.
Goku can't lose this early.
He will probably wreck Toppo to give even more a reason for Captain Ayy to step in.
So Goku really is the villain
Goku has only won 1 tournament in his life so he will probably lose this one as well
>I brag about starting threads and pretend I'm not an off-board newfag and that I'm the thread police
So yes, you are the stupid spic shitting up the board.
No show me any evidence there's any "thread polices" in any of our threads in the last 2 years.
The one time there was drama was when A) a newfag when BUCKWILD when he didn't get to be OP even though he posted a thread a millisecond before me.
B) another poster continued to egg him on by posting on my behalf trafficking others into the thread I opened.
Not once have I encountered any kind of policing in db threads besides the occasional Toeishill trying to troll and create a divide amongst manga and anime fans when there's hype upon a new release.
I'm also Japanese not a spic and I do the translations in these threads which I never brag or take credit for. バカちゃん。
will the anime fix Frost's ear things
Toppo is going to do something apparently
>I'm also Japanese not a spic and I do the translations in these threads which I never brag or take credit for. バカちゃん。
What? You sound like you're trying to explain away why goku can be hurt by bullets and foot soldiers but i'm talking about somehting different.
Classic dragon ball always had a point of reference and a feeling of progression. Every training period was completed with a showoff of massive gains with the exception of the android saga, well other than piccolo and vegeta, holy balls piccolo got strong.
Every transformation was demonstrated after the weakness of the previous form was ruthlessly demonstrated. Frieza handling the x20 kaioken and spirit bomb before SSJ1, Cell demonstrating complete dominance over piccolo and the androids who previously dominated vegeta and trunks before USSJ, Cell effortlessly dominating USSJ and with some effort whatever the hell goku was in the cell games, then wrecking gohan too before SSJ2 completely eclipsing that Cell. I could go on.
There was just a much more rigid and believable progression of power in old dragonball which is not only no longer present but is retroactively ruining any goodwill I had for the show somehow.
Nice fanfic, where is the rest?
Of course he will lose. DBS is about sucking the dick of the new characters so they can sell new cards and toys.
so Gohan and Goku's fight are both going to be 1 episode things
ya they made Botamo look like a baller and sucked his dick
>A character stronger than Goku ?!?
>Fucking Toei sucking the new character's dicks to sell toys
>Krillin gets huge
>18 leaves him because she only loves manlets
Goku's fight seems like two episodes
Toppo will probably give up his life in his fight against Goku which will make Ayylamo the central character to get revenge on Goku
If you think your opponent can only throw a 350 fps punch and the 47th punch comes at you at 500 fps you might get taken off gaurd. It explains why trunks can make black look like a jobber, because he can get powerboosts mid fight with rage. In the manga when black takes trunks seriously he almost killed him, when before he was having a fun time beating him up and letting him run off.
Tien doesn't have hair
pubic hair
Le spoilers