>the only character with Asian eyes is the american
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She also has the Hime hair.
Well done on posting best girl.
This is worth a read for any Patlabor fan
Nah, Capt. Shinobu Whatshername is the hottest girl.
Shinobu is also a cute
I liked that they turned her into a house wrecking slut in movie 2. It made her more interesting.
Tomboy always best grill
She needs bigger boobs and a mustache.
What did everyone think to the Patlabor reboot short?
I thought it was quite fun
There was a reboot?
I liked the characters in the reboot short, are they completely original?
> are they completely original?
As far as I'm aware they are. At least, I've never seen them in anything else Patlabor related.
Oh! So that's a thing.
>tfw Kanaka's seiyuu died early and her other great role Ran (Urusei Yatsura) had to be replaced
There's also a live action thing.
I will never not get sad remembering this.
She's also the best girl.
What does this mean? Are we getting more Patlabor?
>It becomes private release until February 28, 2017
No one knows.
Between her and Utena's VA, I can get sad pretty easily.
I'm not sure, user. IIRC, the short went down pretty well in Japan, so hopefully there's an audience out there waiting for more.
Athena from Aria's VA(s) gets me the saddest
>O: The United States has no vision to bind the country other than ruling the world well with its hegemony. If they stop doing so, (the country) will disintegrate.
I hate to say this, but WEW
>There's also a live action thing.
Sounds like it wasn't that good.