Anime is becoming real
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Miku was not enough and now we get non-human Youtube e-celeb?
that doesn't look real
Can someone make a webm or gif of her doing this hand thing between 0:25 - 0:27? Thanks.
Just watch Tesagure instead.
The bantz are better.
>animation is still shit
At least she sounds kinda cute.
Subs when
She is. But also kinda retarded.
More moe retard.
3:40-4-14 specifically
I always feel bad when I look at the comments and see filthy gooks in them.
What is it with dog eaters?
Fuck, I actually don't want to waifu some commercial 3D retard.
less competition for me then
Anime will never be real.
Thank you a lot!
The hell is wrong with her?
also that animation and clipping makes it cuter for me.
Were nearly there.
5 years and we'll have better VR
12 years and we'll have amaizing VR
25 years and we'll be able to live in a VR
Just hang on
There is nothing wrong with this girl.
VR is a massive meme.
Just becouse you tried oculus dev kit 1 and it wasn't impressive doesn't mean anything. VR is the future
Some user probably hacked her A.I. and she started short-circuiting.
Decipher it, scribes.
IA will be at their peak in 2050.
VR will be at their peak in 2040.
Yes anime will be real
That's no way to talk to your elders.
I always wanted a little cute little a.i like this, not to perv on, but to handle all my mundane shit, and to organize my life and write me a resume.
Did they use MMD on this?
I don't even.
she means your semen
I don't think she knows.
I can't believe for the past two hours I've been watching videos about this qt and even subscribed to the channel.
What have you done Sup Forums? Motherfuckers coaxed me into following some shit again that'll make me wonder a few months from now why the fuck I followed it in the first place.
Yes, that is made in MMD
>watching a let's play video by an animu girl I can't even understand
What am I doing with my life?
>25 years and we'll be able to live in a VR
We'll all be dead by then
she's so autistic, I love her, thanks OP.
As long as you enjoy your time there is nothing wrong with it.
OR we can shed our physical prison and uppload our minds into digital.
Did she die at the end?
Interesting fact.
We currently possess the technology for the 1st VRMMO like SAO and Overlord right now. Its currently not worth it economically.
Please don't let ironic weebs in on this.
>mfw I understand literally everything she says
All those Japanese studies are paying off.
wait wait so someone voiced her or it's full robo reading some script
There's no seiyuu listed but her voice sounds too natural, nothing like Vocaloid shit. I guess it's the uploader who's voicing her.
Someone is definitely voicing her. Her inflection and tone is too good to be a program. Too good for now, that is.
no japanese studies here and i still understood it
She speaks Kansai-ben here.
>herbivore males
damn that's a good one
It's MMD with a seiyu, nothing new.
>bathtime do not peep
What the fuck? Did this ever blow up in Japan or did it flop?
I honestly don't see Jap Otaku buying into this shit.
It's called facerig.
it;s literally MMD retard
Many youtuber hide behind an avatar.
This one is just more animated than the usual.
Nothing new here OP.
This is what weebs actually believe.
So can no one find her voice actor? She seems too good at it to be a complete nobody.
These are her body measurements.
This is what Kemono Friends should look like
They do a pretty good job on making her feel alive. Nice VA, feels very natural when she speaks.
I still prefer the bitches from the Ebola-chan channel.
what does it mean by AI?
I think they were shut down by moralfags.
It's not that shocking.
>we will never be able to fly
>we will never be able to go to the moon
>we will never be able to instantly communicate with anyone on the planet
there is nothing humanity cant do if we put our mind to it
nothing new
Sure thing catfucker
>SAO and Overlord
>not .hack series
Pls user.
It's starting
Well fuck, someone made a thread on Sup Forums. I can delete my folder now, but it was fun for a while.
I recognize that lewd artstyle
>posted just today
Wot, he msut be lurking this thred
What the hell is this exatly?
What a slut, Jesus Christ.
>"Zettai Ryoiki"
That caught me off guard
Something about her eyes scream "crazy".
humans are going to stop breeding.
There are only benefits.
wtf bruh
Just auto-translate to English from Corean. There's no English subs on most of the videos.
>Kizuna Ai
>A.I. Channel
She's like Super Sonico in that regard.They're trying to pass her off as a consciousness existing in our dimension. I wouldn't be surprised if the channel has commercial backing.
Maybe with you.
I really want more Tesagure.
Adlibbing in anime is such a fucking treasure.
We need more.
Commercial backing is a possibility, especially given all the VR shit, but I could see it working with a 2 person team.
There's no way she's doing this shit alone, at the very least. Probably a boyfriend.
>that smug video thumbnail
>i'm a genius
>this corn is chasing me
>oh, they're chicks
>i'm a genius
It's too hard to make 2D characters and environments look good unless it's on a flat screen.
What if she starts to do anime reviews, what will it mean?
She's a keeper
Interesting. I fancied her to be a midfielder.
g-guys i think ai-chan might be a bit retarded
Now she's doing LPs