How do we solve the Christianity problem?
How do we solve the Christianity problem?
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I swear, the Islamashills are going all out today.
Fuck your shitty semitic religion retard.
Why would you ever be worried about christians when muslims exist?
churches are the biggest importers of refugees in the west. cuckstians overwhelmingly suppoet and fund israel
>Even for all their ... cunning
Are you flirting with me Goyim?
not a real quote lmao
>falling for jewish tricks
We can solve that problem after we solve the Judaism problem. My ugly little dog fucking friend.
It's pretty pathetic that today's anti-Christian ( anti-honesty/anti-God) tactics are reduced to fedora atheists demanding people bake their cakes. Intellectual dishonesty attempting to be normalized. The solution is a really big bonfire - of the vanities of western civilization.
Without Christcuck collaboraters, the kikes would have no power dumb chink cunt. Your country legalized dog fucking.
Daily reminder
You're wrong. that quote comes from the English translation of a French translation of the original German and was done by an Anti-Christ jew. the only people who would fall for such nonsense are LARPers who are too lazy to learn german themselves
utterly pathetic
Remedial reading comprehension
Art history
World history
Also kys faggot
>claims others are falling for jewish tricks
>literally citing Wikipedia for information on Hitler
You mean protcuck?
Is It Pagan? By Joseph Goebbels
So are Jew-hating Christians ultimately self-loathing? Makes you think
>Christianity is bad
>Just ignore how Christian countries dominated the world in every field for hundreds of years and only started to really go down the drain once atheism started rising
>That's just a coincidence
>Just ignore everything the bible says about jews' practices and jews belonging to the synagogue of satan all of that is a wrong interpretation because I say so
>Don't forget goyi- I mean guys, Christians are the real enemy
>brings up trump
Trump is the biggest shabbos goy there is retard.
You're retarded. The table talks are considered genuine and authentic by virtually every Historian. Furthermore Goebbels said multiple times Hitler wasn't Christian and hated Christianity in his diaries, he merely pretended to be Christian to garner political support. He tells Goebbels not to leave the Church for this reason.
Speers memoirs also said Hitler was anti-christian, and himmlry and heydrich's personal writings said Hitler hated Christianity.
Multiple sources by high-ranking Nazis say Hitler wasn't Christian and made numerous anti-Christian remarks in private.
The kikes gain NOTHING from portraying Hitler as an anti-Christian you mongoloid brainlet fuck. If the kikes truly hated Christianity and not seeing it as a useful tool, they'd portrat Hitler as a Christian and claim Christian oppression.
It's all sourced you retard. Hitler wasn't a fucking Christnigger.
k bro doesn't change the fact you're a fraud for peddling jewish fabricated quotes that aren't real and you KNOW they aren't real
>not real
You're retarded. Again, it's considered by virtually every historian to be genuine and authentic. The table talks are not the only source of Hitlers anti-christianity.
literally 100% not real. stop relying on other people to tell you what's true and learn German so you can read it yourself
>ignores the numerous multiple sources by other high-ranking Nazis that said Hitler wasn't a Christian
None of Hitler's actions when he came to power were pro-chrietian. He jailed many Church leaders, persecuted both the Protestant and Catholic churches and started the Positive Christianity movement that threw out the bible as kike propaganda. Every denomination said it was not Christian.
Stop larping you retarded faggot. Christcucks LOVE shitskins. That's why they go to Africa and convert as many of the nogs as they can and spread the lie that abortion is evil. It's all about MUH SHITSKIN BROTHERS in Christ with you faggots.
Fuck off heeb.
>kike shitting on Christianity again
Like pottery
>stop larping
Holy shit the irony of that statement.
If you don't want to follow an Abrahamic religion. You are Muslim. Islam is also an Abrahamic religion not any better than christianity. Stop being a hypocrite.
I never said I was pagan dumbfuck. I just loathe Cuckstianity and all semitic religions.
>In 1933, prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic; while the Jewish population was less than 1%. A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era and after the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in God", often described as predominately creationist and deistic), and 1.5% as non-religious.
Truth is not what you want it to be. It is what it is and you must bend to it's power or live a lie.
Sure, /leftycuck/.
>still falling for kike lies
literally lol
You athecucks sure are something.
"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
-- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin
“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.”
–Martin Bormann
Many people due to misinformation, mistakenly believe that Nazi Germany was friendly to Christianity. This is not true by any stretch of the imagination.
Historians conclude that Hitler ultimately intended the destruction of Christianity in Germany or at least its distortion or subjugation to a Nazi outlook.
For those who are utterly confused, this ebook proves beyond any doubt that not only were the Nazis anti-Christian, but the Third Reich Leaders were actively working to destroy Christianity, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches.
That has nothing to do with what I said, retard.
As much as I respect Dr. Pierce, he wasn't knowledgeable about Christianity or the Bible.
In my opinion, every white nationalist needs to be a Christian because the Bible is anti-globalist and pro-nationalist.
Full stop.
> protestants are not tru christian™
> proceeds to wash the feet of negro christian invaders
I hate all christian denominations equally. Christcucks are cancer no matter what denomination they choose to follow.
I don't hate christianity because of the actions of this or that christcuck. I hate christianity for exactly what it preaches.
FYI. There is nothing such as un-cucked christianity since christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow.
He had to portray himself as a Christian to gain political support, retard.
>In his private diaries, Goebbels wrote in April 1941 that though Hitler was "a fierce opponent" of the Vatican and Christianity, "he forbids me to leave the church. For tactical reasons."[17]
Get satanist out of churches. Sick pedophiles
Send them back to Africa with their beloved niggers.
>that though Hitler was "a fierce opponent" of the Vatican
That's good, since catholicism isn't Christianity.
> christianity is anti globalist
What a joke. No wonder this is coming from a man who lives in the most cucked country of Europe.
they dont have feet in yurope, alt right brainlette
Atheism is a branch of Christianity
nice try rabbi schlomo
I'm really not gonna take advice from an atheist who has never read the Bible. Yes, everyone can get saved by believing in Jesus Christ, regardless of race.
That has nothing to do with globalism. Revelation is quite clear that when the anti-Christ comes he will unite humanity and bring peace to the earth. Jesus Christ came to divide, not to unite.
[Citation needed]
Western atheism is a type of extreme Protestantism. It is just a natural logical progression from sola fide to western humanistic atheism. That sort of atheism does not exist anywhere else, because it is a uniquely Christian type of atheism that maintains most of the values of Christianity
Reading the (((bible))) is what drove me to atheism.
Not a chance liar, you want to be a heathen edgelord who hates God.
>I'll just call them degenerates and try to alienate pro white atheists from the movement while promoting controlled opposition christianity
Nice try Shlomo. What is atheism? Rejction of god. Nothing more - nothing less. That cannot be degenerate.
Atheism is the natural order. The only reason you're a jew worshiping faggot is because you were raised that way. Not because you have a reason to believe there is actually a god, and even that god is the christian Yahweh.
>interracial marriage is not a sin
What a fucking kike HAHAHAHA
You dumbfucks apparently can't read a fucking Wikipedia article:
>The diaries also report that Hitler believed Jesus "also wanted to act against the Jewish world domination. Jewry had him crucified. But Paul falsified his doctrine and undermined ancient Rome."
Hilter was anti-Christian, he was not anti-Christ. Also anti-Christian =/= pagan. Hitler sought to create a new religion with a mix of pagan mythology and with the strict Abrahamic family structure.
>Hitler's Table Talks
Verified fakes. Don't give me "hurr durr considered genuine by every historian" copypasta bullshit. The holocaust and Hitler's plan to dominate the world is also considered genuine by every historian.
HTT came into possession after a (((collector))) with a reputation of fraud handed it over. It's fucking fake:
> edgy
LOL. No christcuck. I want to save the white race which is being destroyed by non white christians and jews, whom you call the chosen people.
Also, every heathen I met was rightwing and racialist in nature. Checkout Thulean Perspective youtube channel if you time. Your typical tricks doesn't work on me. The word "heathen" is not an insult. The word (((christian))) is.
>Thinking degeneracy in Sweden have anything to do with christianity
Christians are the chosen people and Jews are under God's wrath for murdering Christ. Again you've never read the Bible so you have no clue what you're talking about lmao.
"Paganism" is fucking gay filthy sodomite crap. Varg is a communist dumbfuck and paganism was so incredibly weak and idiotic that it fell to God's word easily.
it's funny how "pagans" have built this image of paganism being strong and racialist, when in reality it wasn't even a coherent religious belief, let alone even remotely racist. there are literally royal graves in Uppsala in Sweden with persian women with royal adornement, married from the east. Paganism has never been racist or racialist, and it's superstitious satanic garbage.
that being said i actually love my cultural heritage, and the bible praises the practice national holidays and traditions. but to pretend that paganism was more than it was is simply dishonest. :)
Degeneracy in Sweden has everything to do with (((christianity))). Return to your roots or keep sucking kike cock.
You mad bro?
>Hilter was anti-Christian, he was not anti-Christ.
Exactly, he knew Jesus was just some dude and not the son of God and he knew that almost everything written about him is wrong
>posting New Age Christian heresy
stay mad heathen
Sweden even gives migrants bible tests
Swedish churches used drones to throw bible in isis occupied territory. LOL.
It cannot get more christian than this. Christian countries continue to suffer Jewish problem, race mixing and other christian degeneracy while rightwing atheist and Pagan nations like Japan remain homogenous.
Western degeneracy started with christianity infecting the roman empire, dumbass. European civilazation has been struggling with degeneracy and weakness ever since.
>Europe abandons Christianity
>Embraces Atheism,"science" and pagan faggotry
>God turns them over to Muslims
Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
>this is what Christkeks actually believe
>Countries with atheist majority bring refuges and do degenerate shit
>oy vey its all christianity's fault goyim believe me
Start with the children. Teach them the truth in history class. The truth is Jesus is a myth. This should be taught in all public schools. Man created God(s).
You sage and report off topic and troll threads like this one.
>using table talk as a source.
Neck yourself
God didn't do that. Christians did. Christians are the biggest facilitators of immigration into Europe.
Most countries taking immigrants are heavily christian. Contrary to the weird belief here on Sup Forums that Germany is atheist, it is in fact heavily Christian and has one of the biggest Christian populations on earth. Greece, Italy, and Balkans are all Christian too, and they are getting fucked in the ass by immigration. Meanwhile, based Czech Republic is 100% atheist and tells immigrants to fuck themselves.
Christians are more happy, have more kids, are more conservative, create the least degenerate societies, commit less suicides, have stronger morals and stronger family values.
Out of all the nations on the planet, the ones that were heavily Christian turned into the most flourishing ones.
>70% atheist
Can you fags stop lying? Christians are the most anti-imigration demographic in the world and atheists are 90% left wing.
>Out of all the nations on the planet, the ones that were heavily Christian turned into the most flourishing ones.
I know you Christians love Nigger, but do you really believe that Sub-Saharan Africa is better than Japan?
% atheist
Germany is 27% atheist and almost 60 % Christian
Merkel is the head of the christian party and daughter of a pastor.
Those 27% come mostly from the former communist east, which is the part of the country that gives the AfD (our version of Trump) the most votes.
>he cites varg, a convicted murderer
>ignoring Nobunaga welcome Christians and introduced christian morals and technology in Japan.
>ignoring Fumie
Was Pierce an "Islamashill"? My guess is you are a fucking Christian that cannot defend his religion and its role in destroying the west. Pierce was totally right about Christianity.
Merkel is definition of Christcuckoldress
>ignoring Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the cities with the highest catholic population until ZOG Nuked it.
Implying that Japan was relevant before the import of Christian morals, culture, technology and science by the Dutch.
>ignoring that todays christian population of Japan is 1 (one) %
>Out of all the nations on the planet, the ones that were heavily Christian turned into the most flourishing ones.
>heavily Christian
>T-They imported goods so they must accept a foreign culture and are therefore heavily christian
Where have I heard this before?
Christianity was illegal until 1871 in Japan. Are you telling me that those christianized Negroes at that time were based and the Japanese were just some monkeys?