Where does Trigun rank as an all time great anime? Did it get overshadowed by Cowboy Bebop?
Where does Trigun rank as an all time great anime? Did it get overshadowed by Cowboy Bebop?
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It has its devoted fans but CB is mainstream.
tfw we'll never get a full adaption of the manga
It's probably a close second to CB. Outside of DBZ it Bebop and Outlaw Star pretty much make up the big AS/Toonami trinity
Trigun > CBB
by far
I never quite got why those two girls who chasing after him. Some shit about insurance?
I love the ending theme
Yeah he wrecked every town he visited which was causing their insurance company a fortune so they were supposed to follow him around and stop him wrecking any more shit
Trigun > bebop
Champloo > bebop
Good taste
>we'll never get an opening theme as kickass as Trigun ever again
Why even live
>sending insurance agents (women) to stop a walking human disaster
Why is this shit mentioned in the same breath as CBB?
The Anime was decent in parts but it kind'a ruined Vash's character.
The Manga did everything much better, especially giving Wolfwood a badass death, rather than a pathetic one.
Wolfwood's death is one of the most memorable in anime, what are you on about
Trigun was more interesting than Bebop. I loved the conflict between 2 insane men and their extreme worldviews, one who thinks that all humans, both good and terrible should die and one who thinks that all humans, both terrible and good, should live.
Reminder that no one will ever have a smile worth protecting as much as this man.
Champloo really wasn't better than Bebop. It was good in parts and even great at times, but it suffered from it's episodic nature and then suddenly rushing to a conclusion that concluded fucking nothing.
Everyone dies.
And we found the Sunflower Samurai, but doing so gets him killed. And finding him meant nothing, he wasn't important at all, Fu got some minor closure from it at best.
That it was far better in the manga.
In the Anime he's breaking down in tears as he dies in a church, it's melodramatic and gives him a pathetic death.
In the Anime he passes the torch to his disciple and dies while sitting on a bench with Vash tossing back some booze. It's an incredibly badass scene without any dialogue, carried into the next chapter which shows the resultant mourning for him. Solid fucking stuff.
But in the Trigun Anime, Vash is literally a coward, he's whining pathetically about having to go fight Knives (Not as an act, when he's the only one around). He's not like that at all in the Manga.
It wasn't about the destination, it was about the journey. That was the point of the show. The journey surpasses bebop by far but I only ever see people complain about it as "episodic"
Well give a reason it surpasses Bebop then.
It's certainly not the characters. Nor is it the story, because as you said, there pretty much isn't one, except what they jam into the end. The music of Bebop is better. The world of Bebop is a lot cooler and more imaginative than just "Feudal Rap Japan"
What's improved?
It's not a bad series, it's even a good series, but it's not better than Bebop.
Trigun was really good imo. I think one of its strongest points was probably the unique setting. Space future western off of crashed seed ships. I kind of wish the whole plant thing was better explained in the show, and even in the manga.
Read the manga. My fave part was Wolfwood vs the midgets in a robot. Gory as fuck.
I don't know, why don't you start a strawpoll, look on MAL or go ask on reddit.
Anywhere but here, because i'm sick of seeing faggots like you start these same threads over and over because they are worried people don't share their opinion.