which one is shittier?
Which one is shittier?
Kazuma is a pretty good MC desu
Kazuma just wants peace.
>reddit zero
no thanks
Kuzuma is scummier
REddit:zero is utter garbage
Kazuma is superior. Loads of dosh and no ones bitch.
trigger warning: this spoiler contains absolute facts
do not read if your opinions contradict the Truth
kuzuma > mitsubishi
This not even a competition.
Kazuma can at least read the mood and respond appropriately. The other one on the other hand is pretty autistic and doesn't understand social cues.
Well, let's compare both of their runs as butlers
>Girl she serves is apparently being courted by a gallant knight
>Sneaks into a meeting of the most important people in the country and shit talks them to look impressive in front of his lady, but only embarrasses makes her cry
>Proceeds to get beaten up by the knight
>After waking up, he has an autistic screeching fit in front of his lady until she just leaves without him.
>Girl she serves is getting a marriage interview with a gallant knight
>Gets ordered to assist his lady on her meeting where he trips her up, puts ice on her neck and elbows her in the ribs to stop her from embarrasing herself, but only makes her orgasm
>Proceeds to beat up and strip her lady in front of the knight
>After her lady wakes up, get the blessing of the father and the lady announces she's bearing his child
It would certainly be interesting to see them switch positions for the meltdown that would folow.
Automobile is shittier than Kazuma.
so, by consensus, kazuma is shittier.
What? almost everybody is saying that Kazuma is better.
To be fair, Kazuma is better because he is a piece of shit.
I don't even remember the name of the guy from ReZero, but I remember him being obnoxious even in situations when the author tried to make him be shown in good light.
At least Kazuma is funny.
Kazuma is the better MC, he just happens to be a shittier person.
>I don't even remember the name of the guy from ReZero
his name is [japanese car manufacturer]
I still don't know.
It's Suzuki
Trashzuma is a shittier person, and Suzuki is a shittier character
>no ones bitch.
He gets screwed over by nobles and the system all the time, just taking it and then going looking for a way to fix without pissing them off.
Lel anything i don't like is reddit XDDD
It's Honda, dumb fucks.
>Anyone liking the shittily written reddit:zero
>Anyone liking its one-dimensional MC
Don't act like Subaru being a massive sperg isn't entertaining.
What's so good abot rezero's mc anyways? At least kazuma has a brain
There's a reason why he's been bestowed the title of Kazutrash.
>lady killer
>professional retard wrangler
>ingenius inventor
>demon slayer
>rock paper scissors champion
>filthy rich
Nobody is as based as Kazuma
>>lady killer
Maybe in comparison to other Anime MCs.
Because its fanbase is absolute shit obviously anyone who has decent tate and half a brain would understand that concept who the fuck wants to watch a sperg autismo for entire seasons anyways
even their vn its based on is shittly writtn at least konosubsa is entertaining
muh suffering
This. Trashzuma is at least funny
>Comparing Kazuma, a successful NEET living the dream who then gets teleported to an alternate world surrounded by beautiful girls and gets to go on crazy and fun adventures and can never die because he just gets resurrected all the time and eventually becomes rich as fuck to Subaru, a self-insert for weebs and otakus who hate the world and want to kill themselves and love watching edgy shit with gore and have no friends or family that love them
I don't think strangling people and burning a woman alive is kind. Just saying.
the faggot with eyes too small and spaced apart for his face.
Does Mitsubishi have any combat skills, weapons, or spells?
Why the fuck did Subaru not just tell people he can respawn and run away? Is he literally retarded?
because he wants to dip his dick in his harem obviously typiccal for a shounen mc
>Has the power to reset infinitely
>Doesn't use it to rape anyone he sees
>Doesn't grind or level up to go god-tier
Yes he is retarded
his power of friendship compensates that
No that was the highschool calligrapher from that other series
But if Mitsubishi ever switch place with Kuzuma, he will pick ordinary OP weapon, die, and has no one to revive him.
That other guy whi picked a cursed sword was doing pretty well by himself.
Kazuma said it himself, every single gift was totally broken.
He can't.
He does actually, after continuing with his training, finding time to weave spells, got a contract with a Great Spirit (His adopted daughter Beatrice) and increasing his affinity with her. He has got an arsenal. He is also able to use a sword and whip combo in conjunction with Yin magic, which are absolute defense, dark crystal & negation magic. He is also set himself to be more agile by exercising with Clind and Gaaf with parkour and spelunking. His Yin magic also burns people IIRC.
No, Honda is a car manufacturer IDOIOIT !!
The witch gives either gives his heart a good squeeze or kills whoever heard him say it every time he tries.
The idiot never even comes with good excuses to cover his knowledge though. Scumzuma would already have a 5 bullshit stories by day 2 and start using the knowledge to earn cash.
Even if he fell into Kazuma's trick, Mitsurugi is not that much of a retard. Among those who receive divine gift, he's a rather famous one, implied that the others might not be as successful.
Gaaf? Clind?
Kazuma because he chooses and knows who's best girl in his series unlike Subaru
The "Ordinary OP weapons" are supposed to be OP to the point where its plain unfair and as long as they aren't facing another OP weapon they're near unstoppable. Just look at the one classic hero guy with the holy sword. He was soloing boss-tier enemies but the instant he lost his sword he fell apart because it was carrying his ass so hard.
Oh boy spoiler time
Their part of Subaru's core war party after he subdued them with dirty tactics which consists of 12+ individuals. But his war party is much bigger in comparison if we are to include the army he helmed and lead against the Witch Cult.
Stay mad. They're a canon couple and there is nothing you can do about it.
He's famous because he actually does shit. The others mostly laze around the capital.
you're fucking psycho lol
Actually is Ford
Also I'll add that
Subaru also controls both Sanctuary and Arlam Village and has been officially knighted at the end of arc 4. As well has been doing dirty dealings and political stuff. Otto is his right hand man when it comes to this stuff and is also the faction's accountant.
Pick one.
>Implying its not Voruvo
Well, she kinda did. I also expect shennanigains once Subaru and her reunite.
He isn't that sturdy. Maybe Fiato
I'm not even mad, I guess I should elaborate
Subaru - Rem (how it should be)
Kazuma - Megumin
>Satella took away his little slice of happiness away from him
What a bitch
Mitsubishi is the shittier one.
He has a save-scumming cheat and manages to be boring.
At least he is going through hell and high water to try and bring her back. Let's just hope she doesn't end up like Theresia, we don't want another Wilhelm case. Especially with Subaru. I'm fine if she comes back corrupted at this point.
Kazuma is a shittier person, but at least he's smart and funny.
Impreza is just a moronic autist with a hero complet.
le necro skullfuck
>He provides for her with his own money
>Fights in her name
>Takes care of her every day
>Spends his nights talking to her till the moon is long gone
>Made her a one-of-a-kind wheelchair
>Treats her like one would treat precious porcelain
What a devoted husbando
Kirito is for old people from and old show.
This one.
Kazuma does not sugarcoat his scummery, he enjoys and even venerates it.
I don't see how tryhard whiny subarushit can even compare.
They're galaxies apart taste-wise, subaru went for completely bland generic love interest #342141 while Kazuma have a variety of nice archetypes at his fingertips.
I want hotaru to sit on my face woth her galaxy wide ass
Your parents for not aborting you.
Haha ecks dee bro wanna trade waifus afterwards
Wait people actually defend harems?
Rem isn't generic
Kazuma is pretty great
Subaru is garbage tier
I like both in their respective roles.
Neither she is MC main love interest.
>protecting harem
What the fuck are you even talking about?
The topic is Kazuma vs Subaru as isekai MC.
And Konosuba harem is a good one, there is not much blueballing going on and MC lust is balanced by his disgust in personalities of girls.
Subaru is shit. Kazuma is great.
Says you
I also have a ton more of Rem and Subaru going all lovey dovey as well.
Subaru is literally the worst mc ever and redditzero is trash.
Subaru is a selfinsert for cucked beta faggots that got bullied in school.
Kazuma is a selfinsert for alpha males that succeed in life.
not necessarily talking about these shows (or maybe i am) but i feel kinda weird watching anime after anime of blank slate MC. it's like they're genetic clones of each other (is that racist?).
anyone have that image of a bunch of MCs and they all look the same?
>Dungeon Defence
>Death March
You should think before you post.
the two MCs being compared in this thread do have some unique aspects which is why i said I wasn't necessarily talking about these shows.
but the "generic blank slate MC" is a thing, you know.
Regular Japanese High School Boy\Girl those were a thing long before Isekai became a trend.
Because it's easier to self-insert into when character does not have any outstanding qualities or peculiar quirks.
scumzuma was entertaining for a while, but it got old
honda is just ass
tfw you'll never hang out with Kazuma and Araragi
Suzuki is shittier
Kazuma is shittier but Subaru is the worst of the two.
This, we should discuss who is better between Kazuma and Araragi, Subaru is shit tier MC.