Fairy Tail 524

How will Erza fare against Acnologia?

Other urls found in this thread:



FT is ending !?



I'm more hyped by August's fight.



what is this thread...


Holy cow, what the fuck is wrong with these scans?


>the final chapter
Free me from this fukin ride.





Somethingsomething friendship and nakama *slash* uhh impossible...





user I fucking love you this is terrific and my new fantasy booking



Way better than the original manga.


And here is the final page. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

user how did you manage to get Mashima's final storyboards???? Holy shit I love Fairy Tail now!!!

Surely more than what Mashima pull out these days.

I lost it at this one.


>Holy cow
Are you from India?

This was funny. Thanks for the dump.


>tfw you thought it was real

for a moment i thought this was real
10/10 OP

>that 5th panel

>tfw it isn't

>Ichiya is actually going to show up to save them
I full on believe thats going to happen now after reading this.

This is how it ends? I read this manga for four years of my worthless life and this is how it ends. Yes Im mad and suicidal because Titty Tail was all I had in my life.

>tfw you're one of the few who unironically enjoys Fairy Tail for what it is - a fun ride

You guys take manga too seriously

>could care less

Took me a while to realize. Well done!

same here user I genuinely enjoy it but I do agree that some asspulls are too asspully and there are too many in this arc. Why have the timeskip if they still can't measure up?

it was actually better than a real FT chapter


Ichiya is the only saving grace of this manga

>this thread

Someone explain this to me.
>How about you, Erza-san
>I am alright
Oh, that's nice. Weren't all her bones broken?

Also I really, really want to fuck Wendy.

New movie and tv series? I hope it's more like the first run.

I love that some watermarks are from niggerstream and some from yonkou, thanks for this user.

>some autist spent this much time creating this

Holy fuck my sides are in orbit

This was pretty funny. Not enough Jellal though.

Brilliant, user. Hadn't laughed this hard in ages.

So overall, Erza is the character with most asspull in FT?
>some genius spent this much time creating this
Maybe a kiss scene like the KaguraxErza or KaguraxJellal

Some "autist" took the time to make a fun and original thread instead of a loli fapping one like the one you always make

This was better than anything Mashima could shit out.

This. Sure isn't funny nor amusing.

Wendy has healing magic.

I hope that make another season, so this or another user can make a video with this chapter

Will best boy get his loli, though?

He'll merge with Jellal and get a harem.

>implying she won't ditch Wendy like she did before at the DiMaria fight

fun chapter though

> suplex a meteor
