What the fuck is throw a homer? I realise the subs were adding shitty angel and demon jokes and admittedly it did irk me a little but I got over it as I could infer it's meanings.
I don't know enough japanese to understand what was being said, so I was so fucking lost at what was happening at this point.
How are paid translators so fucking bad?
What the fuck is throw a homer...
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I don't think you know enough English to know what the subs are saying either so maybe you should stop being a retard.
Are you implying that these subs with added 'humour' are good translations?
the japanese line says "uwaa onee-chan, doko nageten no?" which translates to something like "jeez sis, where are you throwing it?"
you can't throw a homer but you can hit a homer(un). they probably used it to mean something like "thanks a lot lady for throwing it way too far."
"hit a homer" isn't English; it isn't even a baseball phrase according to Sup Forums.
I mean "throw a homer", not "hit a homer".
>Throw a ball so that it's perfect for a homerun hit
Are ESL peasants also mentally retarded not being able to make such a simple connection?
Why would you do that?
>Throw a homer
Inventing new words now are we?
>>Throw a ball so that it's perfect for a homerun hit
But why?
>Throw a ball so that it's perfect for a homerun hit
Wow, so that's what the kids said? Hmm.
Knock it out of the field makes more sense????
That's not even near what the original meaning was and not everyone is an americlap. Is american english actually retarded? 'Throw a homer' apparently means 'Throw a ball so that it's perfect for a homerun hit'
Let me illustrate what a thrown Homer looks like
I figured they were saying she threw a homer, like her throw was so shitty that it had the same trajectory as a home run hit.
I don't know anything about baseball.
I'd throw this at you;'re face.
Throw a homer.
25 year old oldfag here. "Throw a homer" was a very common term when I was in Little League (1998-2002). You kids are probably too young to be familiar with it.
That's what I figured it meant. But I haven't seen the anime in question
Or people don't give a fuck about baseball?
It's okay, lad. I never really liked baseball. I only played because my family loves baseball so much. I prefer tennis.
But that doesn't even make sense.
>so that it's perfect for a homerun hit
They aren't even batting. They're just throwing the fucking ball to each other. Why would they want a 'homer'?
Not everyone is a yank, and not everyone plays baseball.
Is baseball even relevant anywhere outside of the US?
Japan and America pretty much.
it's ok to localizate, but i think you should translate literally when that sounds better
Japan has a weird way of being really progressive at times and old-fashioned at others. The popularity of arcades and baseball seems very '80s to me.
in the translation, the kids are saying it sarcastically not imperatively. they're saying she threw it way too far, hence the 'homer'
the japanese line just says 'where are you throwing it?"
Its a reference to simpsons episode
>Do a homer
>Fail at something
>Throw a homer
>Throw a ball and fail spectacularly
If you fags watched something else than childrens cartoons, you might get this joke
My only relationship with baseball is through Princess Nine, but there they put a lot of emphasis on being able to throw the ball well to the batter. So to me it made sense that if your throw is so good that it's the perfect opportunity for a homerun, then you get much of the credit an it's "your homerun" that you threw.
Seems though that this was not what they meant in this anime?
Just turn off the subs, it improves the experience exponentially.
There's 611 Simpsons episodes, you buttburger
I don't know much about baseball, but isn't the point of throwing to strike the batter out? If you throw a ball that gives them a homerun, doesn't that mean you're fucking your team?
I actually can't tell if people who say this are joking are not. I'm leaning towards joking.
The pitcher and the batter are on opposite teams. A pitch that is easy to hit a homerun off is a bad thing.
Oh that's right, I completely messed up. You are right. You want to avoid the batter to hit it. Then that changes everything.
holy shit.
Then what the fuck were they trying to say. Her arm strength is so demonic, she's capable of throwing a ball as far as someone could bat it if it hit perfectly?
>tl. note: itadakimasu means hail satan
>All those helmets and gloves
What the hell is that pussy shit, damn americans
There are a lot of articles showing that protection gears just make the sport deadlier, since everyone stop holding back out of fear of hurting each other anymore.
whoever is doing the translation for this is trying too hard to be funny. the same kind of person who is extremely socially awkward and tries to cover it up with jokes but ends up making it even more awkward because no one laughs.
'Hits' a homer. The kid hit a home run.
Are you suggesting that people can catch the ball, then throw it out of the park and then people will go 'wow that kid threw a homer(un)'?
Don't think too hard on it. The translator wanted to spice the dialogue up the same way he's been doing this whole time, but fucked it up like he's been doing this whole time.
lolno. The reason a lot of sports recently got protection gear is because of serious injuries, including fatalities. The sport was always potentially deadly, the gear just helps less people get injured.
We didnt hold back even without that gear user. If there is no blood, theres no pain.
Baseball should involve protective gear at all levels. It's a tiny flying ball that goes at speeds of up to one hundred miles an hour, baseball is a sport that's just asking for serious injuries to happen.
Man. And I thought Stella no Mahou's subs were fucking horrendous.
Congrats CR. You one-upped Daisuki.
this is not a translation
this was never a translation
This is the translator, a tranny.
Of course it does, if you get hit by it then just put some cold ice over it. Its the nature of the sport
Even better, pay attention and grab the fucking ball if it comes at you. Those who got hit to the head usually didnt pay attention
Why is the translator so shit? He ruins every episode.
I keep seeing people mention that but how bad was it really?
I thought that was just an “expert” people were citing to call the subs good?
>First it was Amanchu
>Then it was Stella
>Now it's Gabriel Dropout
What series will Crunchyroll ruin next?
because if its easy for a homerun its easy to catch too
and they are fucking kids
It was so bad that it caused Sup Forums to sub the show themselves but I believe Gabriel's are even worse.
You're a fucking idiot who needs to go back to 1990 when everyone in the US was a dumb baseball-loving redneck. People have died in this sport or received injuries that don't heal at all, certainly not with a simple pack of ice. You can't just take for granted that people will unfailingly catch the ball and avoid injury with just a little bit of effort. All the effort and concentration in the world won't prevent the occasional broken knee, knocked out teeth, or permanent brain damage because people don't have superhuman reflexes and can't be expected to catch tiny objects flying at high speeds 100 percent of the time. The only thing that will prevent that stuff is protective gear, and there's no argument against it besides "fuckin' liberal hippie faggots"
You don't throw a homerun. That doesn't make any sense. Stop trying to defend the shitty subs.
I can't believe f/a/ggots are complaining about throw a homer. Its far from a new term
>25 year old oldfag here.
Gabby subs were tolerable until this episode. the itadakimasu thing broke camel's back
Sup Forums's average age is 18-20, senpai. Someone born in December 1991 like me is positively ancient by Sup Forums standards.
Stella no Mahou's subs were worse. GabDropout at least seems to be translated by someone who understands what is being said, even if they make all sorts of dumb changes. SnM's translator was just making outright mistakes constantly and the whole thing was borderline incoherent.
I refuse to acknowledge that and I'm barely 24 myself. I'm not old. I still have a whole life ahead of me. Right?
But user, we still play professional baseball here without any protection and no one has died due to baseball related causes.
I dont know whats wrong with you americans but we aint getting maimed over baseball and we never used protective gear.
>people saying this is worse than Stella's subs
It definitely isn't you fags. Here it's clear that they have an understanding of what's being said it's just that they choose to present it in a way in the most retarded unnecessarily liberal way possible to stroke their own ego.
Stella's translators were just plain braindead and blatantly made mistakes.
I am ESL and I find it stupid, but I think it was pretty easy to get the idea that they were basically criticizing her ability to throw a ball I especially sympathized with Vigne here, if you know what I mean, not as offensive as "through the dork lord. Amen", they are trolling with these crap Gabriel Dropout subs at this point.
so was i right then? translator needs to quit their job and find one that preferably doesn't ruin a distinctly unique form of cultural entertainment with crappy jokes and general shittiness. in any other company you'd get fired for being this bad at your job.
Look on the bright side at least it'll never be as bad as funi's Nourin or Hadena's RANCOR INC.
It was easy to get the idea from context, sure, but it doesn't mean anyone should be accepting the terrible translation. It's been a topic of debate since episode 1, Dark Lord and homer only made people finally snap.
If you weren't retarded you would know it should be "Jeez Lady! At least try to throw a strike!"
Tbh, I am surprised no one started posting autistic rants on youtube after "kitchen sink" debacle.
it really hasn't been a topic of debate, it's just undeniable fact that these subs add no positive value in terms of facilitating understanding of the original work. At best they attempt (and always fail) at adding localized humor.
whoever is doing the trans probably heard the criticism and is just butthurt over it, not enough emotionally stable people in the workforce to rely on I suppose.
I don't know, maybe it's an american thing again, all I ever heard about was "everything but the kitchen sink". I'm actually more familiar with "are bananas considered a snack", so the translation and localization in question is even more alien to me than the original.
This whole situation is quite hilarious and sad at the same time.
>Sup Forums's average age is 18-20
No and stop lying about your age. Just use classic rock to get the onii-chans like the rest of us.
>in any other company you'd get fired for being this bad at your job.
That's the damn point. For shit tier translators, working for CR is all they've got.
Not really. Every now and then, a poll gets made, be it on strawpoll, google etc and the average is at around mid 20s. You can argue about proxy/ shitty statistical methods etc but it's still more valid than yours.
>CR hired a tranny to put in memes and SJW propagande into anime
>the kids are saying it sarcastically
Oh wow, the kids know a (wrong) term from 30 years and are sarcastic now.
God bless our translators to figure their character from a 12 seconds segment.
Those mental gymnastics only to defend wrong and shitty subs are just amazing.
>Someone born in December 1991
are you me?
oldfag isn't an anagraphic thing
TLTwitter: Editor fault!
Being an oldfag is about how long you've been on this site, not your actual age newfriend.
Pulling a homer is to suceed at something in a spectacularly idiotic coincidence. Not fail at it.
>CR shits up subs
>Funi shits up dubs
Seriously, if you're an EOP, you really are better off learning moon. Chink fansubbing is still alive and are still consistently decent, I heard that the spanish subs for this one is also decent etc while english fansub is pretty much just barely held on by a few people here and there.
There are times when I genuinely do miss fansubbing and delayed episodes in favor of batch releases weeks into a season.
But then I also remember stupid shit like the entire Eoten controversy and how Commie had their heads shoved so deep into their asses. Good times.
>"Throw a homer" was a very common term when I was in Little League (1998-2002)
No it's not. Unless you played Little League in no speak English areas.
change industries or git gud then. if they can't manage even the most basic of translation jobs without fucking that shit up then they aren't translators; they're translation hobbyists.
Don't take advantage of the fact that the majority of your consumers don't understand the language to try and make your own fucking content because it's not you're job and your clearly not qualified to do it.
>tfw remembering the good old days of watching Hokuto No Ken on Heart of Madness with the fansubs
Better times.
I miss duwang and hadena
Again, that's exactly the damn point. CR translators are bottom rung, the absolute bottom of the barrel. Good translators would be off working in corporate dealing with business doc and shit while getting better pay and benefits.
>your clearly not qualified to do it
Yes, that's, once again, the point. With a shit tier job like CR, no shit you're only going to get shit tier employees.
>Don't take advantage of the fact that the majority of your consumers don't understand the language to try and make your own fucking content
They probably have the audacity to do shit because sadly, it's not new. TokyoPop did the very same shit ages ago and they managed to stay in the business for a good number of years. Basically, CR's been pushing their luck for years, but this time they certainly went too far, if those screenshot showing even CR members are complaining are anything to go by.
>>so that it's perfect for a homerun hit
He's saying it's a terrible throw you fucking idiot. Not defending these subs but why don't you get it?
>be the pitcher
>throw a shit ball
>batter easily knocks it out of the park
>hence "throw a homer"
The actual Japanese said "Where are you throwing the ball?". They didn't say "Why do you suck at throwing balls holy shit onee-san you fucking suck!".
You are so fucking retarded.
This is a dull, boring anime and japanese is a shit language. Translate it literally and you get nothing. Translate it like this and at least you people have something to fill entire threads about. Not defending the translation here but GabDrop would not be such a popular meme otherwise (and whether that's good or bad is another story).
Yeah, thats totally why it had multiple threads up all the time since the first episode before subbing discussion took over right?