Why does a ghost have torpedo tits?
They should floating.
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
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Why should they float?
The ghost is standing on the ground. Why should different parts of the same body obey different principles?
Yuuna getting revived when?
she could be using the fake body for all you know
Torpedo tits are patrician.
Bolton tits are plebian.
When they find all dragon balls.
is this the latest chapter?
yuuna such a qt
bitter-sweet ending
Yeah they are on a date
Aw that's super cute, Is that the false body Koyuzu made for her?
I aint disabling adblock for some gook jews.
Somebody please dump the chapter.
I viewed it perfectly fine with ublock enabled
Now Yuuna can actually get the D.
>being a chisaki fan and knowing she has no chance of winning
my suffering never ends
Now I want to know what that mystic is saying to them.
So which one of these sluts want the D?
all of them
Not Hibari or that whore with the side tail.
Which one doesn't want it?
>losing to the dead
Truly unending.
Hibari's not in this chapter. Good.
I think the author of this manga is a fan of Muramasa Vita game.
God Yuuna is fucking adorable. Glad she will be winning
This is my fetish
Train rides and leg straddling is pretty hot
>make short haired perfect waifu
>let her me NTRed
How can Japan keep getting away with this?!
Sup Forums went from dumping chapters to posting a korean blog with the worst javascipt on the planet what is going on
Read the first few chapters. Feels like Love Hina.
Chapter last page.
Also, pretty sure this will be the end of Volume 6.
Is basically a mixture of Love Hina, One Punch Man, the Muramasa PSVita game.
Doubt it, Yuragi is one of the few new manga that sells over 100k.
Anime when?
That doesn't look like torpedo tits to me.
Not the end of the series, just the volume.
Weird that they delayed vol 5 to April though when it was supposed to be slated for March
Damn I'm retarded, but yeah looks like a good place to stop.
I'd say give or take at least 1 more year. There's no good place to stop it so there is probably going to be an original ending.
I this better than Yokai Shoujo Monsuga? It seems very similar.
Not similar
Youkai harem....
The other one isnt even a harem
- pg. 1
pg 8
pg 11
pg 12
pg 17
last page
Another girl?
might be a trap