This is your second in command.
I never knew Jotaro x Koichi was THAT obvious
how did Diavolo become a boss if he's this clumsy?
What if Diavolo was toilet-trained but Doppio wasn't so Diavolo routinely had to give Doppio phone-instructions to try to avoid him shitting or pissing all over himself
post yfw davidpro skips part 5
We live in a world where Jorge Joestar is translated. Rohan is getting an ova. & Part 5 is coming soon.
Just give me a DM Qs & a PHF ova & I'll finally feel good about myself.
Jorge Joestar animated adaption when?
Hopefully never. I've spoken to Japs online about it and from what I've gathered it's fucking awful, the only redeeming factor is how it keeps managing to one up itself with the amount of bullshit it creates as it goes along, and it's incredibly poorly written and reads like a shitpost from a guy who hasn't actually read the series before. There's a reason the Japs don't talk about it, and soon we'll all be able to see exactly why for ourselves. I'm actually kind of excited purely for how bad it'll be tbqh, though I seriously hope it's never acknowledged by any other media at all ever.
When is the next JoJo event?
I know chances of part 5 being adapted are pretty good, but I'll rest easier once it's actually confirmed.
36 Kars on Mars
I like stories with a clusterfucks like that, and I am genuinely curious how bad can it go.
There aren't any on the horizon. If they decide to adapt GW in 39 episodes like DiU (most likely scenario) they'll try and get it to begin airing in April like DiU did so they might announce it at a similar time, which means October is the best bet if it airs in 2018. It's unlikely to air this year and if it does it'll only be like one cour this year and the other 2 next year. You don't really need to worry at all though, 3-4-5 is 'core' JJBA in Japland and the other two were adapted and the last adaptation did well financially so 5 getting adapted is practically guaranteed unless Warner goes bankrupt or something but that doesn't seem likely.
>Reads like a shitpost from a guy who hasn't actually read the series
You know, that is one of my major thoughts on it. Like the Passione boat scene was like someone just looked up the people on the wiki and tried to explain characters just from that.
I appreciate the "Just stick an o on an Italian word to make it a name" way of thinking though.
It's a disaster. Perhaps because English isn't my first language, I had to re-read several parts because I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
The down time chapters are all relatively okay and are comparatively sober
Same, and the Nips I spoke to agree that that's it's only draw but that if you like trainwrecks you'll get some enjoyment out of it but that's it's only good feature. I honestly hope it really is as awful as they say because that would just make the wait worthwhile. If it somehow manages to disappoint on that front then it'll be even better since it somehow managed to be even worse than the bottom of the barrel tripe we expected.
>wanting this animated
I can't believe Shueisha actually fucking published this shit and charged people money for it. I can't believe there's over 600 pages of this shit, plus illustrations.
What the fuck
Here's a link to translation if you'd like. Apparently there are spme typos so he's letting people review each chapter & fixing them once they point it out.
Also found a link to all the Illustrations made after the book.
They are quite Bizarre
Like. Seriously Bizarre.
Joji likes pointing...alot.
>What is a joke?
Reminder that even the translator, who unironically defends Jorge Joestar as good, refused to adapt this shit and changed it so it came out of her back instead
They dont even look like jojo characters.
I love clusterfucks but Jorge Joestar is precisely the kind of forced "lel so randumb" shit that I find repugnant.
There are some pretty cool things in it but it's such a poorly written mess even as a parody it just doesn't really work.
I feel like it's going to be forgotten now that everyone sees it for how fucking bad it is and there is no longer any speculation. It's just going to be something we try to forget about like Eyes Of Heaven.
What's more OP, Man in the Mirror or Hanged Man?
Man in the Mirror, in that you can do literally nothing to stop him. Hanged man can at least be predicted.
Well it's not drawn by Araki. He only did the covers I think.
The writer did all the other illustrations.
I think this is the best rendition, & that's BECAUSE Araki drew it himself.
Still reading this though, but first Im gonna finish Part 5. Then PHF. So I'll be way behind, but I blame my college work & study schedule.
Threadly reminder of jotaro's mental disablities
But ??? he has ptsd ??? not autism ???
Probably both desu
>Mental disability
>Probably in the top 5 smartest characters of the series
>top 5 smartest characters of the series
>when Pucci, DIO, Bruno,Mista, Emporio, and Kars exist
no u
Jesus Christ i cant wait to see FLat Emporio animated
Did that nigga ever get through a fight without getting hit by his own bullets?
Getting hit by your own Bullets is smart because you in theory have infinite ammo since it keeps coming back to you.
here's a summary to part 5
cut off your hand to win
5 will probably do well enough to get part 6, but how the hell would a SO anime even do? I don't think we can expect adaptations of SBR or JJL.
Is Diavolo cute?
SO is gonna end up being a big hit in the west but fall flat in Japan
Go here
Draw your favorite character in whichever processor
post results
Even if SO does well financially SBR and JJL are unlikely given that SBR sold less than SO at certain points and the magazine change killed a lot of interest initially until it was nearly finished and people got back into the series again and JJL is doing pretty well for a UJ series but still not on the levels 3-5 were. Plus trying to animate some of the shit in both of those Parts will be difficult in addition to SBR being pretty long and JoJolion likely being even longer when it's finished. SO isn't hated or anything it's just where popularity started dropping since Araki decided to just write whatever the fuck he wanted and not care about the demographic of the magazine he was publishing in, which carried over into SBR which finally found a good magazine for it and now JJL which is flourishing.
R8 my taste feggits
He's like a kid in a beefy body. I want to hug him
In what year will a SO anime be announced?
Late 2019 most likely.
At this rate, 2019 most likely to be aired 2020.
Or never.
Fuck that
When are we getting Steel Ball Run animated?
Has wall eyes gone too far this time?
I hope to God that WB sees it's good enough to keep funding it after SO then.
On one hand, SBR is my absolute favorite part by a notable margin but on the other it's the one I don't want to see animated, because even though I think DP have done a pretty solid job so far, there's just no way to animate SBR with their budget. It and JJL are the two most artistically beautiful and detailed parts, which is a big part of their appeal, but SBR particularly has a huge sense of speed and movement, which DP haven't been that good at due to the artstyles. I think they'd have to resort to shitty CGI for the horses, and since those are such a massive part of SBR it'll just look fucking awful. Especially since it's so long anyway.
I could see them stopping after Stone Ocean since it is pretty much the end of the storyline. I'd kill to see a proper adaptation of SBR and JJL though.
Probably 2021 or 2022. It's a ways off. I imagine VA will be 2018, SO will be late 2019 or early 2020, and SBR late 2021 or early 2022. JJL would probably be 2024 or 2025.
june 2017
> Emporio
Alpha as fuck but not particularly smart, just mature for his age.
He never really did anything that smart, except for the way he did in white album which even then wasn't top tier clever or anything.
I'd probably replace them with Jolyne and Gappy, they're both creative as hell with their stands and the way they beat their enemies. Valentine's maybe a 6th place, nigga knew what to do with D4C.
Also you fags asking for a part 9 mexican JoJo luchador?
One problem
Its live action
I almost think SBRs lack of popularity is why they'll animate it - sell a story that more appeals to westerners in a form that the west is more used to than manga. I'm a bit concerned though since the part 1 opening only shows part 6 and back.
>since the part 1 opening only shows part 6 and back.
It makes sense considering it's the OG Joestar bloodline, not the series as a whole. Even then, it's not like that's a confirmation that the parts will or won't be adapted.
Doppio is so pure he doesn't even know he has a dick.
There's a lot more difficulty in adapting SBR than anything prior though. And the series has almost zero actual official presence in English, not anywhere near enough to get them to animate something specifically for the Western fans that don't actually buy anything. And the story doesn't really appeal more to Westerners, plenty of Nips love it it was just read by less people for being in a less popular magazine. A lot of the overly 'American' stuff in it is parody or satire or done in a way that people of any cultre can understand, like Valentine's villainy and stuff.
Fucking estrella platina
It doesn't necessarily have to be about wrestling
He knows he had one near his mouth and ass
Why would it be so hard to animate? Is it all the horses or something, cause I can't really see how. I am retarded though so bear that in mind. I see your point on its lack of popularity but wouldn't that encourage them to animate it then? The audience would have liked it they just didn't have the best delivery method, an anime would fix that.
Even arakis cover has them looking like generic anime characters. They shouldve imitated the late part 2 artstyle if its about josephs father. Or part 8 if its alt universe bullshit. God the whole thing looks and sounds like a retarded mess.
Shit Id enjoy something like that. Or how about a james bond jojo?
I thought he was bullshitting about that image
I would love to see a James Bond jojo
But op shizuka invisibility isnt a thing anymore so there needs to be a new ability for it
The horses is a big one, but also because it's the one part ENTIRELY focused on movement. Every scene is pretty much a movement, it's just a whole lot of work to actually animate and they'd either have to cut some major corners with the art style to make it simple enough to animate in a sane amount of time, or use shitty CGI for much of it to save a little on the budget where possible. The other parts all have a whole lot of movement, too, but SBR is all about an actual race so nearly every moment has significant amounts of movement, especially with the horses. Can't just hold a frame for 3-5 seconds or keep everyone standing still.
Is it really Araki's style? It doesn't look like it at all to be honest
I see your point but surely by the time it comes to animate it then animation quality will have improved enough to do it. If not it could be like the 90s berzerk anime, not really got the necessary resources but it's animated in such a way to make it work.
Actually could they do SBR as movies? Not live action but with a movie's budget it would probably be doable, at least if it's a series.
Son of a bitch is posing every step
Mexico read the manga before most people here who shit post
It would be like 10-12 movies, it's a very very long part.
>by the time it comes to animate it then animation quality will have improved enough to do it
what did he mean by this?
I don't even know what it's supposed to be
but it looks like it has a bowtie
Arigato, Gyro
>Actually could they do SBR as movies? Not live action but with a movie's budget it would probably be doable, at least if it's a series.
A movie would have more budget, but less run time
and SBR is really, REALLY long
CGI quality. There's a world of difference between CGI of 2007 and of 2017.
We need to take the meme deeper user
I want to BE Jolyne Cujoh!
you vs the girl he tells you not worry about
There goes Dio, fusing animals again
but can we go even deeper?
I want jolyne to make me cry. Whether she beats me or says something mean.
>not wanting to be the cutest cutie in the world
wow are you gay or something?
I want to hold hands with jolyne
Arigato, Gyro
I want to be Jolyne's wife (male)!
i want to hug jolyne
Metallica vs King Crimson
best fight in jojo part 5
I want jolyne to cuck me
Fuck off
Alright taste but those least liked make you a big old faggot
why do people like king crimson vs metallica? literally diavolo jobbing
Which JoJo would be the hottest if they were all grills?