4 more hours until next episode airs. As usual, let's watch live together.
Episode 7 Preview: youtube.com
4 more hours until next episode airs. As usual, let's watch live together.
Episode 7 Preview: youtube.com
Manga Vol 8 coming in March 25.
Muh red string
Will Moka wins Mugi's heart?
>rude Mokaposter ignoring my thread
I have never felt so insulted.
Hanabi's suffering continues.
What are you talking about? Today it's Moka's episode. Don't be so selfish.
Good. She causes far more suffering than she ever endures.
Does she gets the D?
Mugi is really an idiot, he keeps going after sluts and mentally ill people like Hanabi when he could just choose Moka the only person there who genuinely loves him, I fucking hate him.
You think Hanabi is mentally ill?
No and here's why
Mugi can't B.E. himself while with her. Why because he does love her. He would have to start acting like a prince to ever justify being with her to himself, and it wouldn't be true change he'd just be pretending to change for her forever.
Mugi does actually want to change into someone who isn't scum and therefore he can't be with someone who will accept his scuminess. In a way that's also why he and Akane could never be together they cannot change each other because they love each other (but not in they need
bumping my rival's thread because I like Moka
>tfw not intelligent enough for this anime
I haven't watched this, but is it just another melodrama shitshow?
That's what it looks like to me
Tfw Mugi dick got cucked because his and akane kuzu no honkai strength was too big
>Mugi dick
I am still waiting for an Akane edit with the cockona face for >Mugidick posting
>tfw to intelligent for smut cartoon
For now
Then its Mugi and Akane kuzu adventures
It's worse than that. It's just NTR the anime. Rather than developing actual relationships and characters, the entire show just revolves around adding more people to NTR each other and ride the shock value wave. It's the anime equivalent of a bad Spanish soap opera where every episode tries to top the last with outrageous shock value plot twists to the point where nothing is authentic or makes any sense.
>t. purityfag
Only "plot twist" was end of episode 2 with Ecchan raping Honeybee
4 hours has gone by
Where is the episode?
25 mins
Not but the whole Akane being a super slut is a huge plot twist. And in my opinion a very unnecessary plot twist, it's the only thing that keeps me from enjoying the series. In a series that started off as a realistic romance she just added this unrealistic element of someone who just is there to cause chaos and spark all the NTR stuff. She just feels really forced to me. It would have been much better if the series stayed realistic and focused on Mugi and Hana's struggles rather than branch off into Akane being the romance equivalent of the Joker.
25 minutes this
Prepare for the new episode's screenshots boys.
Subs in 4 hours m80
>this post
It's not a innocent Moka gets her heart broken by that bastard Mugi episode, Is it?
yfw episode 8 preview shows akane and mugi finally fucking
>not watching live
Feels good that I know Japanese
5 mins
get in here cucks
4 hours has long past sense OP made his post
Stream is down
Fucking stream doesn't work for me for some reason.
Give sauce please,
the usual stream isnt working
Most cutest angel indeed
>Moka's dad got animated
I'm laughing.
>moka ep
boring ep
Thanks good sir
Oh shit, bois.
What the fuck are you doing, Hanabi?
>Moka thighs are a miracle of the universe
>I want your dick, Mugi.
Is she gonna kill herself soon?
What chapter should i read if i want to start in the end of chapter 6 of the anime?
Hanabi got BTFO hard.
That's hot. Moka looks nice in anime.
Should be chapter 27, I think.
>Touch me, Mugi.
Meanwhile, Hanabi
>Moka's moan
>Thinking about Mugi's dick
Cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish
Flat as a board
>It feels so wrong.
Why can't Hanabee stop slutting it up
Cute! CUTE!
Is the manga over yet? I remember getting caught up about 4 months ago and haven't touched it since.